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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Ladies and Gentlemenn....I GOT HIM!!!!!!!! I bawled my eyes out when he flew to my hand.
  2. Okay...to address all these at once. I have been out all day with a few breaks trying to get my baby to come to me. My balcony is high, and while he was flying around overhead, I was yelling out to him, his cage right next to me. "C'mere boy, wanna eat?" whistleing, drawing his attention. I just got back again from climbing the hill with the trees he is perching on, driving down to the houses where I hear him. Last time I was close to him, he is just doing his noises and occasionally answering my call. The trees are kind of dense. I lost his position again when I moved to try to get sight of him, he is very hard to spot. He's on craigslist, he's on the parrot 911 site, all the people in the houses up where he is hanging out at know I am looking for him. I am doing my very best. About to walk the hill line again to look for him. I am so sad for him, I really don't care what happens, I just want him to be okay. The grill didn't spook him, I think simply passing through the doorway and seeing that he was outside set him off somehow. I keep posting to see if there is something that I am not doing, but I am doing all that you all say.
  3. For some reason, he is flying so high and large circles, covering distance I have never seen him cover...doing his contact call. I could not believe I heard his call from my apartment, ran outside and saw him circling. I was calling back, and he was calling. I walked up to the trees where he looked like he went, no dice yet...so I am going to patrol the neighborhood again calling out to him. I wish he would see his cage, or slow down and jump from rooftops. He's flying wild when he gets going.
  4. Damnit...I just saw him flying around my apartments. Going to see where he went. I was sitting here at the computer when I heard his contact call.
  5. I tried both near and far...and when he was soaring through the air...I got to a point where he was flying straight in front of me from a distance...I thought for sure he would come to me in the middle of the road with my hand up high. It is hard to say what his thoughts must be. When he was in the tree, he was making his sounds at me...wolf whistles....kisses. Like not a care in the world was with him. He was fed last at 5:30 last night, I imagine he should be pretty hungry soon.
  6. I was with my daughter at home and I was about to put burgers on the grill. I hadn't noticed that he had landed on my shoulder because he is so welcome there and I am used to it. So I ended up passing through the door with him there. He jumped off and flew further and faster than I had ever seen him fly. I can't forgive myself for doing that. But thanks for the kind words. I am off again to see if I can relocate him. It is hard to be home, it's like the life has been sucked out of my home. It makes me cry. I am trying so hard to find him.
  7. I am offering $1000 to anyone who can find him and catch him. I had to stop and eat because I was going to pass out. But I am about to head out again.
  8. I had him located in a tree this morning, sitting there as if nothing was wrong. None of my treats or calls would bring him down. I sat and waited and tried for a couple hours, then he finally tried to fly, but he was so high that I don't think he knew how to get down so vertically. He eventually flew and I tried to track him with my eyes as he flew circles over the neighborhood. But he flew out of sight, the last area I saw him, I tried to call for him, and no contact call back. Taking the whole day off work to track him...but I have to return to work tomorrow, so hope that I locate him again. If I do write again, it will be because I found him...otherwise, I am just going to be to sad to visit this forum. I already have everything around me to let me know of my loss and how I have let my baby down. I will need some time. Thank you all for your support and kind words.
  9. As a matter of fact...if I get him back...i am going to love him and kiss him many times and give him all kinds of treats and let him know that I love him soooo much.
  10. Flyers are up and I am oing all I can physically do. At first light..I start again. Calling for my baby. He is all I have in my home to make it bright. I need him back soon. My heart breaks for him. I want him to come back and poop all over the place and crap on my shoulder. I just want my best friend back. Please baby..stay close to home...I am coming for you.
  11. I have done 5 hours of searching and we heard his contact call from the trees close to my apartment. I am so tired right now and i can no longer whistle. He stopped returning the calls so he either flew somewhere else or was just cowering in the trees. I don't know...but he can't see me now so he isn't flying to me. His cage is out under light on the patio. Pray fro my baby. Posters are up around town and I am taking the day off to do the search tomorow.
  12. I suck...I guess I am not responsable enough to own a parrot. I really let my baby down. Nightime is coming. I hope he is alright. I love you Issac.
  13. I am doing all of this...getting tired from running all over town...I have been whistling so muc that my lips are chapped.
  14. I haven't the slightest idea where to go looking for him. I am walking around town whistling for him hoping to hear his contact call. THis is my baby I fed and raised and love so much. I feel helpless and the worst I have ever felt. He is my company I look forward to coming home to. I would be so happy to be crapped on right now. Please help my baby find me.
  15. My baby Issac just flew away. If anyone lives in the san diego rancho bernardo area...please look out for him. I am walking around the town doing contact calls. I am super sad and crying.
  16. Awe super cute, this reminds of when my brother brought his umbrella cockatoo home and we were hand feeding her together. Per my experience, these guys start cuddly and if treated kindly, remain little cuddlers forever. My brothers has never bitten anyone and loves the attention. On the flip side, they are the loudest birds on the planet...lol. Majestic and beautiful though, they were why I fell in love with Parrots. Ultimately I settled on a Grey because they are more my personality and a cockatoo would not go over too well in my apartment building. Love those pictures! Baby toos are so cute!
  17. Not traveling is something I can handle for the first two years of Issac's life. I don't typically travel anyway. I imagine that before I die I will though and Issac could very well out live me, so I will figure something out for him at those times. Thanks for the additional info it's helpful.
  18. This was a good read JayD. It does give some ideas as to how I can prepare for this I suppose. Although contingent on a lot of things.
  19. Yep, we are a special breed of human who like large flying birds and are not frigtened of dive bombs and such. So you really need to find a unique person to take that on. There really are some great aviaries here that board birds, but I cannot imagine how he would feel around many other birds and without me there and in a new location. I think that would be the worst unless i took the time to introduce him to the place in the weeks prior to leaving him there. Uhhg...it all is so tough. So it looks like I will have to condition someone to be up for the task and get him used to them. Ohh well...it'll be a while till I go on vacation to anywhere far enough where i would not just consider taking him with me.
  20. So, there are always a lot of things I concern myself with regarding my little grey friend. One of the things that breaks my heart a little each day is the way I have to go off to work and leave him, a flock bird by nature, by himself. When he is contact calling me while I walk to my car and I whistle back until I cannot any more, there is always a little guilt. One thing that really concerns me is that I may not be able to go on a vacation....like....ever....without worrying that I will jeapordize the realtionship I have taken so much care to build with Issac. It will be some challenge to find someone to give him the kind of out time and care I give when I am home as it is. There are many bird boarding places in my area, but it's all very concerning. I have no plans to take a vacation at the current time or in the near future, but I would like to know how others have faired with leaving their flock mate without them for a few days.
  21. I have had a couple of conures in my life, a cockatiel, and have been around my brothers cockatoo enough to know her demeanor. I am not so sure that owning any other type of bird would do the experience of owning a Grey any justice. I think the closest match might be having a 2 year old child in the house. You will need patience for sure. What you think is asked of you for owning a Grey, will be shattered and you will be required to give more. It's almost certain. That said, it is also a very magical experience. I thought the whole idea of a bird bonding with you for life was very special, but I didn't realize how much I could love an African Grey Parrot. I think my bond with him, blows away the bond he has with me. My heart is in that bird.
  22. LOL....be very careful jumping in so deep with these birds. I had a conure before my grey, and its not even like that same animal. They are extremely rewarding birds to own and conversely high on attention requirements and prime dedication. You will learn many things from owning a Grey. I was pretty well prepared for a Grey when i brought Issac home, but he amazes me both in his ability to entertain, and keep me on my toes. I would also read Dave007's "Ten Resons Not To Get A Parrot" and make sure you can deal with all of those frequently. If you get through that list and still say, 'Yes I can do this' then I say go for it. As far as getting two, LOL, I can bearly handle one...I am not sure if having two reduces the attention they require from you, or doubles it. Others can comment. But I can honestly tell you that it is a major commitment to raise a Grey correctly and give them a good life. "Good life" is the key term there and that is what this community wants for all Parrots and birds alike. So final thoughts, incredible birds to own...probably the most connected you may feel to a pet, but they require a commitment that you won't be able to fathom until you own one. Good luck. Ohh, and money does help to keep them on a good diet and provide lots of entertainment.
  23. That is a great story. Fortunately, I got Issac away from the breeder before she had a chance to clip him. Breeders are so clip-happy. I do remember the day when he stopped floating down and began going up-up-up. It is really a wonderful and magical thing. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story.
  24. Thanks JayD for the link..that is a great post.
  25. You seem to follow a very similar pattern with your grey as I do mine. I always have faith that a simple non invasive negative response..they can learn from...just so long as it separates them from what they want will have a desired effect. Sometimes he will bite my hand if I am not being so attentive or not bringing him to where he wants to go or taking him away from something he shouldn't chew...I just kind of fling him up a bit and make him fly away. If he is getting nippy, I will just duck or shoo. It can be kinda fun if yer in a good mood. Let me not forget, this is the same bird that loves to let me scratch him all the time, kiss him lots..even on his soft chest...makes the sweetest sounds and just always wants to be where I am, and for some reason is horny for my toes. I think I can take some of the bad with the good. So long as you can get an indicator on their mood and have your wits about you, you can give the proper response...I always seem to know when Issac is going to be in one of those moods. I love him undefinably.
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