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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. I have the Resolve solution down. Works good...but sometimes the stains just spiral out of control and I want a way to just spray all the spots down and go over them with a wet vac of sorts. Like right now the area by my birds cage has some darker spots that I have no idea how they got there. What I want i suppose is a two pronged solution, something to vacuum the house with that is practical. Right now...my bag upright will suck up most of the stuff that hits the floor from the cage. It is just really weak in suction at times and the bag is a pain in the ass to manage so I might go for a bagless solution or a shop vac. For steam or wet cleaning...I am not so sure yet.
  2. Are you telling me that the answer to my misery might only cost 40 dollars? Wow...very nice. What would you recommend for spot cleaning bird poop stains on carpet?
  3. Hello all. I was using my old vacuum cleaner today and was getting totally PO'd when it does what it always does, gets clogged up with broken bird toy parts and seeds and such. Then I have to jam something down the tubes to clear it out. Uhhhg. So what I am looking for is recommendations for a best solution for both vacuuming up seeds and random bird fallout, and maybe a handy wet vac for carpet cleaning of sorts. The other day I saw a smaller wet vac carpet cleaner and i cannot locate it again. Anyway....let the suggestions fly. Thanks.
  4. I can't imagine that you could ever spend too much time with your Grey. I spend every possible moment with my baby. And I like to have him free as often as possible.I am totally crazy for my baby though. No plans or anything ever matter more than making sure my parrot is very well taken care of and happy. Most people would say I am not normal...well living with a grey is not normal. Its really...really cool The best advice I can give for having a free willed parrot living in your house who is fully flighted...and completely capible of making you really crazy at certain times...is to always know that the flight to your shoulder is a way of ssaying...."Hey there my friend....what are you doing now..I want to be with you while you do this..and help you in any way I can...I am your friend"....you remember this tuth..and your parrot can never make you crazy too much. They are the most wonderful creatures.
  5. Now here is an observation that I think maybe others might share. My Grey, Issac, is the only Grey that I have ever seen fly! I ahve seen many Greys...all clipped! It gives me an additional appreciation for what I see when issac is flying from perch to perch. It really is amazing to see a parrot fly! I love it! (Right now...LOL)
  6. How did you get into my house? LOL
  7. I can't tell you how excited I was to get my CAG. I went to visit him lots at the breeder while I was waiting to take him home. Taking pictures of him so I could fawn over him at home. Then at 9 weeks, I just couldn't wait anymore. I learned how to hand feed him and brought him home to love him forever more. We have been attached ever since. So if you mean giddy with excitement, I get that. I just read up on this site and kept asking questions. You can't go wrong if you really want to do good by your Grey.
  8. If you are genuinely afraid when approaching your grey, they will pick that up in a hot second. And it builds fear in them. So know that you also have to absolutely calm and comfortable as well before approaching. The other side of the coin is that depnding on the age...it may take a lot longer for trust to build. Even if you have total confidence, it may take a grey longer to trust. How old is your lil friend? EDIT: Ahh I see...5 years. Well yes...if you ahve only been around each other a few months...I would allow a bit more time for adjustment. I would just continue to be kind and talk to your grey. Offer trats and just allow tons of time where comfort for the bird is not an issue. They start to trust their environment more and then they begin to open up. I personally have never dealt with an older grey and always had the intention of getting one as a baby. But I have heard and understood why they can take a bit more time to adjust to change as they get older.
  9. LOL...I so feel those moments you refer to of getting your patience tried by a flighted grey. They can get going and test your patience quite well. Sometimes I will be on my computer and I get the fly-by ear twaeks to come and play or just to pay attention to him. Or like you say...they just bounce from location to location like a pinball sometimes. But the most wonderful thing is how much they really want to be with you...all the time. I guess any blessing can be a curse at the right moment. All thing considered, I'd rather see Issac being the playful child of a bird he is. He deserves the choice to fly.
  10. I think the worst poop I ever got was the morning poop right in the front pocket of my flannel pajama sweater. It was the perfect storm. Feeling the gravity of the crap fall into the pocket, then feeling the warmth overcome my chest...mmm...made for a sweet finish! I tell ya. An accident waiting to happen for sure...
  11. Okay...the only thing about this video...is that it's sideways. Sorry bout that. But it is still funny to see. Enjoy [video=youtube;CmebrI-Mlfc]
  12. If you get them as babies and let them properly fledge, you are only going to have a few navigational errors. In addition, they will have more mishaps being clipped due to the fact that they do not have thier wings to depend on for stabilization. Issac does things I have never imagined and acrobatics that I thought would get him hurt. Properly fledged, they are aerobatic beauties.
  13. I always like to chime in on this one. Because I can further define my experiences having chose to leave my baby flighted. The thing I love most about this is you don't have to guess as to where they want to be. They just go there. And it is nearly always just where I am. Even if he is busy cleaning himself, he will come do it close to me. I love knowing that he will never be sitting on his perch wanting to be near me. It is also the primary locomotion for a bird so to take that away from my beloved Grey...I could just never. We all have views on this and this is just mine. I am quite sure that if Issac was not flying all over the place, that I would not have such a problem with poop all over the place. He would fly and scare some of my guests. But when I got him, I wasn't going for easy. I was going for being the best father to a bird that I could be and give him a life as close to one he would have in the wild or better. When I see him fly and frollic about and doing silly things, I am super happy that he can fly. I won't state my opinion on clipping, but I think it can be derived from my positive comments on leaving birds flighted. It is a constant fear that they will get loose, but it is possible to reduce these chances significantly. There are tons of ideas on the boards here and many who will help you bird proof your house. I say let them fly.
  14. I have a video of him doing it too. I will upload to youtube later. It is funny how agile he is.
  15. I was open to this when I got Issac. But I also hoped he was a male. Cause he chose me before I had a chance to know his gender, I was ready for whatever..but I knew somehow he was a boy. I would sit on the couch at the breeders house and he would run to me..I knew he was thoe one. I would suggest putting yourself in a situation where you can do this. Short of that..and if it is totally not possible....then i would get a bird and just be the best parronts that you can. Nothing short of magic can come from that.
  16. He let my daughter scratch his neck today. It was so cute...i rubbed his bottom beak area and let him know that it would be alright...and my daughter was brave enough to scruff his neck feathers and was gentle about it. She loved how soft he was.
  17. What truly wonderful things to say. Thank you for such heartfelt comments. And that avatar photo....hits me where it counts every time I look at it. I do not think I will ever change it. Because in the moment he was sleeping on me like that....I was just the happiest guy in the world. I felt very trusted. It's a magnificent feeling. I just have a real love for birds. I always notice them when others would never. Issac is my number one bird, and I sure want to make him know it. Thanks for reading about my baby.
  18. It now is a new favorite thing to do. He was doing it again this morning.
  19. So Issac took to a new activity tonight...and me and my daughter were laughing at it quite a bit. I keep bird feed for my conure in a big old pretzel container. And I left the lid open tonight and Issac went foraging for it. It was super funny because he would only have like an inch of his tail sticking out at some points..and he also fell in once and was suprised to find himself trapped in a container. Would appear to be the perfect trap. Here are some pictures of what I am talking about... I thought he would be forever scared after he fell into that container. But he continued this ritual for at least an hour after that. I even put some of the mix in his own dish and he saw me do it for him...but he still chose to 'go fishing'. Funny bird.
  20. Yeah...after six months he stopped the rapid changing so monthly updates were more appropriate. Today...he is saying "Oooooowwwww...oooowwww" Like 'ouch'. As in when his nails scratch me when he wants to do acrobatics from my arm. It's what I say to try to dramatize the event and he picked it up. It's super cute. His attempts at talking are really picking up...it makes me hopeful that he will be saying things soon. Love him.
  21. Thanks everyone for wishing my baby a happy birdday. Happy Thanksgiving!
  22. Well, it's my babys first hatchday and he is now one year old. It certainly has been an adventure since I got him. He fills me with tons of joy with all his cuddling, noises and funny behaviors. I could have never guessed how much a aprt of my life Issac would become. He is a gigantinc part now. When he flew away a few months ago, I got a taste of what it would be like to come home to a house without him, and it was not a good feeling at all. I missed him in every moment. His latest noises are the "bomb-dropping and splat" sound, the sound of me swallowing, coughing, barking like the neighbors dog, and attempts at saying 'hello'. He actually said it understandably twice this morning. I, of course, am his biggest cheerleader and give him loads of praise at every attempt. I can no longer make phone calls in his presence most of the time because he gets jealous and tries to take the phone away. He will sometimes start panting like a horny bird. Too funny. Sometimes people call and as soon as I pick up my cell phone, Issac gives chase. So they hear me running loops around the kitchen and then ducking into the bathroom asking me, "What is going on over there?" These birds definitely have moods. Issac can be the ultimate cuddly and sweet little thing. Offering up kisses, scratches and lower beak rubs. I simply love it when he rubs his head up against my cheek. Othertimes he wants me to pay attnetion to him and he lets me know by doing a fly-by ear tweak. Land for one split second, tweak my ear with his beak and fly off. Sometimes, I try to catch him and give him a quick time out. But the chase alone must be fun for him. There's me chasing him from perch to perch. I just have to give up after a few minutes. Smart Alec. Here are some pictures of my baby: He is a friend like no other and I wouldn't trade him for the world. I love him forever. Sometimes I cup my hands around his body gently and kiss his back. I mean...look at that picture...you have to kiss him! Anyway, I just wanted to let all know that Issac was having a nice hatchday and celebrating by munching on some palm nuts. Happy Birthday, Issac!!
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