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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. I live in the San Diego area and know a breeder that sells Grey's for 875.00. Any less...and I would worry about how the bird came to be less than that. If you want the contact info for the breeder I got Isaac from, I can get you that. She is a great and caring breeder who raises really nice birds.
  2. Isaac turned 2 years old on Novermber 22nd.
  3. YES! Isaac loves the smaller stainless steel bowls. He will bang on it with his beak...chatter his beak against the bottom of it....and try to fly with it the way he does this blue cup, but with a little less success. He was doing that more until I got him the blue cup....now he gets his jungle on.
  4. So...I have recently discovered a super cheap toy that Isaac loves to spend a LOT of time playing with. A blue Solo cup. What's even better is when he has totally thrashed one....I can get another out and the fun continues. Being sure not to wear this one out so I can give him one when he is bored. He is playing with one right now...I am crackin' up.
  5. How disturbing. The fact that there are any questions as to what needs to be done is precisely how I can look at humanity in total disgust! The law is just about as dumb as a bag of rocks when it comes to this. No one should have to show anyone why this is wrong...it's plainly obvious that heartless morons have the power there and I hope that this person can forever be banned from keeping birds as prisoners.
  6. Isaac sneezes, burps, toots, coughs, and laughs like someone else in my house. Not sure who though. It's true...the more you laugh...the more they like to do it. They love a reaction.
  7. Ohh my goodness...you should have seen my face. I LOOOVEE blue and golds and that picture is sweet! Is he hugging your son with his wing? Ohhh my...just heart warming. I got a chance to hold a baby a few weeks back and it was so wonderful...I must have been smiling just ear to ear. The little baby was flapping his wings all excited and just supper sweet. Amazing birds.
  8. The TWBR recipe looks nice. I am definitely going to have to try some of the wild rice...I have a feeling that Isaac might like it...even though I have never given it to him. Might mix it in with the 13 beans and try that first along with some random veggies. We'll see how my baby like it. Thanks for more suggestions.
  9. Something Isaac like that I really can't let him get too much of...but he loves like birdie-crack is Coca-Cola. I give him a couple of conservative sips and he loves the way it fizzles on his tongue I think. He gets a little...tilts his head back and you can hear it fizzle in his little beak. I have to hide my cup when I have that stuff. You should see how long a birds neck can get. LOL.
  10. Thanks a lot birdhouse. I think I can try something like that. Hoping to find something my little guy will like that I can create in batches for him.
  11. I have hesitated making mash too because i can never figure out a good balance and every recipe I find is cryptic and leaves out all kinds of information. Wish I could find something that made sense and involved ingredients that I could get in the USA. I can't seem to get the concept of chop down.
  12. Thanks for the wonderful comments. Yeah, I turn into a different person with my little guy. It's a good thing.
  13. I just laugh at how calm and unsuprised Isaac is while I am doing all this. So it's nothing out of the ordinary to him. LOL. Sometimes he purrs when I do that too. Rolls his toungue and it's the cutest thing.
  14. So, Isaac likes to let me know what he thinks when I kiss his back. Watch his cute little self.
  15. Okay, first of all...that picture is my avatar because it is as amazing as it looks. I think I only got Isaac to fall asleep on me like that maybe three times. Ohhh how I loved it beyond anything. I have had him walk on my chest a little and allow a bit of cuddling, and he loves a good head, back, or lower beak-cheek rub. However, they are only feel that vulnerable for a very small period of time. This is when i first brought Isaac home and he was between 9-10 weeks old. I picked this guy because when I came to visit him, he found some sort of comfort in cuddling next to me. I would stroke his little head, smile at him like a kid at Disneyland, and just totally love him up in expressions and words. I brought him home and he just wanted to be close to me. I would put him on one end of the couch, then sit on the other end, and he would clumsily march right over to me on his over-sized talons and crawl up onto my chest. The image of my avatar touches me and takes me back to those days every time, and it puts into perspective just how much I love this lil guy and what we share together. These days, he is still rather clingy. My shoulder is the prime destination the majority of the time. But he won't be crashing out on my chest anymore. Once cuddly, and if they are kept in low stress environment, they will retain some cuddle-factor, but you will realize that it is on their terms. You can't make em cuddle. I cherish the moments that Isaac gets into one of those moods which is thankfully still quite often.
  16. LOL...yeah...I am simply not the same person when it comes to my baby. I become soft as putty, silly as a child, and as in love as a school boy. He makes me smile all the time...my little ray of sunshine no matter what happens. Thank you for your kind comments. I am happy people like to hear about my life with Isaac.
  17. Ohh man...got reintroduced to my own thread...this is one of those threads that just makes you feel good.
  18. LMAO....double LMAO....somehow..that link scrolls right to me on loving birds. Thank you birdhouse...that is really cool. I forgot that I had typed that. But it is exactly how I feel. Thank you for bringing that back.
  19. I do beleive that you would be a good parront of an African Grey. You love birds...this is an excellent start.
  20. Isaac is going to be two years in December..and he just started saying words over the last couple months. Be prepared for the possibility that your Grey may or may not talk. Whatever you do...don;t stress over it...it will only make it worse. Just relax and talk to your bird. One day..you may be suprised. I also leave tv shows on for Isaac when I am gone. I always spend time talking to him and giving him love. People tend to think that all Greys are alike and get pulled in by fantastic videos of Greys saying phrases and such. But it's all about the time you put into communicating with your bird and how you encourage them.
  21. I love the peek-a-boo game too. It is sweet to hear him say that.
  22. Holy moly no. One flying parrot is quite enough for me. He is super sweet, but a lot of work too. Double the poop....ohh my. I just so wish that he would poop in one place. My everlasting wish. LOL. All else is perfect.
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