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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Ahhh....made my morning again! Just look at that sweet little grey looking pretty relaxed. Ha....cute!
  2. I gotta tell you that I keep clicking on this thread just to see that one picture at the top of these three guys....man they are so beeeeeeeeeeeautiful!! Just incredible beauty! I want more pictures to put at my desk at work. Great stress relief.
  3. Ohhh my.... This kind of thing just hits me so hard and I feel your loss...for sure. I weep. The mere imagination of what you are going through is clear to me. I am just thankful that it wasn't too long before you were able to see her be released from suffering. We are all only temporary phenomena that inhabit the Earth and I hope that smiles will return each time you think of your companion. Nothing in time or place can ever change the magic they have brought. My sincerest and most heart-felt love goes out to you.
  4. Ohhh my....so easy to fall in love. Precious and so beautiful.
  5. Yeah....I went ahead and placed them in a slightly vented container in the fridge after drying them out from the final rinse. I am going to make sure I have another wave coming for sure. He clears em out....he loves them more than I would have imagined. I am really getting lucky with new food trials!
  6. Let me correct that. He freakin' LOVES sprouts. I was in my room and he was on his play stand....he sat there for about 30 mins munching sprouts continuously. More orders to come for sure. His little beak smells so fresh and healthy of sprouts!
  7. Ohh my word......sprouts are also a hit....now...he might be picking and choosing....but I do see him eating multiple kinds and he stayed by the pile I poured out of the sprouter for about 10 mins.....this was after we had already sat and had chicken together. I think he will like em!
  8. The Volkmans is a hit! He has gradually taken to it over the last few days. I have only mix in a tiny bit of his original seed with the rest of it and he goes for the soft stuff.
  9. No need to worry...all this is well understood. Isaac isn't going anywhere. The only front to take with this kind of issue is to do as much good as you can. Yep...could have hormones...so doing my best not to make him excited in any way with inappropriate cuddling. Yes...he may be in the middle of a molt...it has been a few since I have seen any pin feathers...but I am starting to see evidence around his neck area again. I am totally under the impression that it will take a lot of time. I don't expect to see much this year even. I really don't know what to expect....and I think that is the best way to proceed. You can bet one thing. Isaac is a really happy bird. He tells me all the time in his own ways. We'll get him fit as a fiddle and hold him that way once we find the foods he can cycle through. Cheers!
  10. Ohh it's not hitting him too fast and I do fully expect to be rejected a lot. No worries. Well get creative and boil noodles and mix em in cold with his veggies....so much to try an no reason to give up. He is doing great! Poop looks good so I think we are okay.
  11. Yeah....I have kind of let him hang on to his formula for a long time now. It is hard to resist a bird that actually does aerial acrobatics over my head when he sees his formula.....but he does have times where is not that excited about it too. At any rate...I am going to shelf this little treat for as long as I can for now to get him interested in trying other things. I also believe that it sort of has him in its grip. LOL. I am going to try the butternut squash from a spoon or syringe...see if he likes that. One doesn't nccessarily have to use the syringe to "feed him" I could squeeze it out and let him lap it up in his beak. Ohhh how I love the little guy. With all my heart I do.
  12. So make sure my sweet potatoes are organic and try some butternut squash....got it! I do agree with the internet thing....there are definitely proven bad foods for our greys....but I think there is an article pinning badness on every last thing out there as well. I do try to get everything for Isaac Organic. I will keep trying sweet potatoes...I think he just needs some time with those. This morning, I gave him some whole grain noodles boiled up and glazed with red palm.....this is a pretty good go-to food for him. Then when he finishes that...I leave him with a wide array of veggies in his dish when I am off to work. Carrots, broccoli, kale, apple, pear, and snow peas today. Whew. I'll have to see how he does when I check on him at lunch. Raw veggies are all over the place...sometimes...out of the blue he will start trying something...or appear to....it is almost impossible to tell if he ever actually swallows veggies...but I do get some proof when he eats carrots....lol. He like to put pieces in his water dish....and I understand that they do this purposely...so I try to leave it in for a little while....but replace his water often enough to not make it a mess for him. I got my birdie cookbook and am going to pick a recipe for him today...a good one that will build up a stock of food that can be warmed up in the morn.....have to find one of these that works for him. Wish me luck.
  13. Yeah...I hit the choices hard today. I did the steamed veggies late this afternoon....those went mostly to the wayside...he played a bit...maybe got some bites....then I left him with raw veggies....carrots, kale, okra, pear slices. Came home after 2 hours.....a bit moved around...again...hard to tell what really happened. Now....eggs.....I know he luuhhhhhves eggs. So I put some broccoli in a chopper and ground it up fine...then blended in with his eggs and hit it with the micro. Fluffed up the eggs...he is eating those. HA!....got your broccoli! I just got the Nurish to Flourish Cookbook today...time to start getting one of those together. I think I will try their chop they have in here....looks manageable and all the steps are drawn out good for the cooking impaired like me. I'll keep ya posted. He keeps returning to his eggs right now...getting a decent share of broccoli in with those is good. It is good to know that I can use eggs to get him into other things.
  14. Ohhh gawsh....I'll have to pull out a 7 wk picture of Isaac. Grey babies are so amazingly adorable. Get ready for a really great companion.
  15. I am going to hit the store after work and get a wide assortment of veggies and fruits for my boy. (The choice are usually fairly regular with apple, broccoli, carrots, and sugar snap\snow peas.) Any suggestions on how to make this most successful, please let me know. I will grow my list or alter my strategy. I am just not sure how to handle it if Isaac takes to none of this upon first try. How do I switch it up. Should I keep trying one thing many times? How many things to mix together? I just tried a veggie mix that I steamed with bits of carrot, corn, bell pepper, an okra, broccoli, and green beans. I think he tossed a few things out...and started asking to get out. I left the bowl in his cage for about an hour before I came back and let him out to play. I mean...I can try this again...but how to proceed if he just ignores. The list of stuff I am sure he likes is small...and I get told he shouldn't have many of the things on his like list. Cheddar Cheese Mashed Potatoes Chicken he really likes He'll eat carrots Exact Baby Formula (about the only thing that gets him flying around my head for it) Spaghetti (with maranera when I eat it, or with palm oil when I give it to him) He enjoys lapping my milk in my cereal...but not good so I stop him He seems to enjoy some kinds of rice....Spanish rice...pilaf.....maybe wild sometimes ...knowing this...what would you do? I am guessing maybe he thinks he gets his formula so he just waits out for that. Maybe cut him off of that? Help!
  16. Nice....I got the variety pack on order so we can begin trying some of these choices with Isaac. Man...I have sooo many things coming for my baby this week...something has gotta work. After work today...I am going to peruse the isles at the store for other ideas. I would like to mix some stuff up for him, but I don't want to put so much stuff in that it is overwhelming for him. Gotta find a balance for my little boy and enough stuff to keep it interesting for him. I have been giving him pretty much the same kind of veggies each day which can include carrots, broccoli, apple, corn slice, sometimes yellow squash or a pepper. He gets the occasional scrambled egg, whole grain pasta with red palm oil.
  17. Yep...I am trying that with Isaac now. He started off slow, but ate some the other evening. If I leave them with him for a bit...he begins to nibble more and more. He also digs whole grain pasta with red palm oil. I figure that is a great way to get his grains. As always..a host of veggies.
  18. Yeah....I think certain things are okay. You raise a good point. That will also help with giving him ample time to warm up to the food. Cause I think if he sees me seeing him not eat it...maybe he thinks there is a chance I will cave...but if I leave...he is committed. LOL.
  19. That is awesome...rice cookers are pretty reasonable....do you think I could use any kind of rice cooker to do this? I definitely want to get something going for him like that where I can bag servings up and warm it up for him in the morning.
  20. If you are referring to the Nurish to Flourish Parrot Cookbook...I just got it through the seller on Amazon (Phoenix Landing Foundation and the makers of the book)....don't know why the others are charging more...but I am used to seeing people ask outrageous prices for items that can be found for reasonable prices. 60-100 seems a bit strange to me.
  21. Are Red Plam Nuts still impossible to get in the states....just checking after a couple years.
  22. Very cool...I printed out these Overnight recipe and bookmarked the 15 min soak and serve. I'll probably end up getting it before the day is up. I may have some questions for ya regarding the recipe for the overnight stuff...but I will get around to trying a lot of things until Isaac takes to a few I can rotate. Gonna get those sweet potatoes tonight too! We are gonna make him a healthy boyeeeee.
  23. Yep...I got your suggestions for the cage and the birdie bread on order. Love the mixed frozen veggie idea too. Will get some stuff at the store tonight! I absolutely love that little pic of your birdies head. LOL.
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