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Everything posted by Greywings

  1. So very true, excellent advice for any species of Parrot not just Zons.
  2. Unsprayed Roses and Violets are both nontoxic and make a colorful addition to your salad or or your birds.
  3. Ummm Yummy ants and moths. My crew just watches them. They should be safe to eat unless it has been exposed to insecticide or something venomous like a Bee or Wasp.
  4. Fun discovering your predictions are true ones. The names seem to fit just fine.
  5. Spock have you consider writing your own story book? You have a flair for using that keyboard to your advantage and as you are able to "borrow"computer time from the humans it just might work. than you could choose and purchase your own treats and such on line. What do you think you admir;) er Pookie.
  6. Good visual there with Beau.
  7. Thank you for the reference link. Great idea. Karma to you.
  8. So Grey that the food is more important than the scenery. lol Thank you for sharing your lovely trip with us, beautiful photos.
  9. So Grey that the food is more important than the scenery. lol
  10. I agree with danmcq variety and mixing them together as they will also require a bit more calcium at this time so the dark leafy greens are needed. Try chopping the veggies and fruit very fine and mixing in with the seed blend. The moisture in the veggie/fruit mix will help them adhere to the seeds so he cannot help but ingest some improving his nutrient intake and helping to develop a taste for them. This is also a good way to introduce new foods and perhaps begin sprouting for him. Post edited by: Greywings, at: 2010/03/23 17:47<br><br>Post edited by: Greywings, at: 2010/03/23 17:57
  11. What an adventure! I am helping transport some new members of the Sanctuary for their first Vet work ups this after noon and one of them is a Grey a very pale silver big girl Grey. Hope they all get the thumbs up.
  12. Tragic loss and I know they must be devastated.
  13. You can also run those cords through some PVC piping and they do make a more attractive cover for them to look more like the baseboards at the base of your walls.
  14. That is just wrong on so very many levels-health, sanitation and her ability to care for an interact with her own child.
  15. Sounds like fun and look forward to hearing how the resulting effort was received.
  16. His little devil side popped out for a visit, sorry he broke that little trust barricade down kind of innocence lost time. Grey's are so sneaky when they decide to bite you and it hurts more than the area affected it wounds your feeling even more. He is stating his independence and you have no protective feathers to save you. Empathy and sympathy for your progress through the demonic times ahead. He will learn that bites are not appreciated if you cage the little devil and ignore him for a few minutes. Then give him another chance to be good and step up nicely. (You may want to wrap your arm with an ace bandage and a heavy sweater over that when he is in brat mode to avoid injury and not react with drama.) Some of them love the drama of OW and reaction.
  17. Now you have one more thing to check for before leaving the house-lol Parrot love is a messy affair, you might want to try a distraction move when you hear him sounding loving next time to avoid his sharing that warm glop of food.
  18. I am sure you will always love Yoshi even if she never says a word but my guess is that she is practicing in private so she can surprise you one day.:woohoo:
  19. Greywings

    Broken back?

    What wonderful progress so happy to hear both how well he is doing and how closly you are bonding with him.
  20. You have some clean up to do for sure, make certain that generator is outside and well ventilated.
  21. She may have had a litte return to early childhood for a moment, sounds good today then.
  22. Keep a blanket over the top of the cage to keep his body heat down at his level and just avoid the drafts. I am certain he is most likely to be more comfortable than the people are.
  23. My Grey can clean her plate faster than your Grey!
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