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Everything posted by jessdecutie18

  1. Yoshi usually has warm feet and beak, either from flapping and being silly or from just relaxing on my shoulder. Of course she likes to relax on one foot a lot too and then her drawn in foot gets heated up the most
  2. Well, Yoshi is being very talkative and loud this morning lol, and I had no problem catching 'Peekaboo' on camera. Thats all she wants to say apparently Hope you guys enjoy!
  3. I think this was a wake up call to him that she can get hurt and he saw how upset I was about it so hopefully things go better now. Normally they interact very well together my husband just gets frustrated fast when she is yelling... I'm taking your advice though and putting her back most of the time myself now as I can be more calm with her and while she grumbles at going in her cage for a short timeout she never flips out or bites me. If you just take it easy with Yoshi than she is fine, but soon as you show any aggression or frustration she gets upset and then it's just much worse for everyone. Also guys, Yoshi is doing great. She pulled out the two broken feathers during the night and it seems the third was just bent and it's neatly tucked in again. So that's a relief!
  4. I'm sorry Jill! They sure can be confusing with that harness... but I expect he will change his mind soon Good luck!
  5. Lol, I very rarely get bitten... I actually can't remember the last time as it has been over a month. Yoshi will whine and lean away but I'm a pretty patient person and will wait until she accepts comming with me or if it's something simple that I'm doing that she doesn't like I'll stop or give her a treat to allow me Yoshi seems to have more of a temper with my husband though, and he has less patience. He gets many more bites than I do. Sorry about the bites Pepper gave you! At least he proved to you that he does love you lots really, just wants you to see when he is irritated
  6. Lol I'm not Yoshi, I'm Jessica... I'm not like a crazy person that lets their bird take over the computer when they aren't using it... *cough Spock cough* Or perhaps Yoshi just isn't that smart yet I'm glad Yoshi seems to be wearing it correctly then... I'm excited to try again
  7. Thanks guys for the replies have had another busy week but will try the harness on Yoshi again this weekend
  8. Lol good idea I wish you luck... It will be interesting to hear how they all take to the harness differently
  9. So things were going well tonight, like usual, until I left Yoshi a moment to go to the bathroom saying 'i will be back' ... I took longer than expected and Yoshi started her yelling. Well my husband, obviously frustrated, came in to take her back to her cage until I could get to her. Yoshi knows when he is frustrated at her and usually freaks out not wanting back in her cage... I get out of the bathroom five minutes later and go talk to my husband, who says she bit him and is bleeding on his finger... Then let Yoshi out to find in horror that she has some broken tail feathers I'm really sad for her! My husband didn't seem too concerned and I demanded to know what happened. He says she flapped off her perch onto the bed, he caught her and she bit him... He put her into the cage and she dove in hard... And that's when the feathers probably got messed up... I'm just upset... Juggling corcern for Yoshi and my husband not feeling attacked or whatever because I don't feel he is calm enough with her sometimes. He gets frustrated and doesn't understand that doesn't help with Yoshi. Mostly Im worried right now about her tail... 3 broken feathers and she is obviously irritated by them as she keeps preening them. I've attached a picture of my poor baby...
  10. It's so unfair... I lived in England until I was 10 too... oh well lol.
  11. So Yoshi picked up 'Peek-A-Boo' about a month ago... and while that still sounds odd she is getting more clear at it. Last weekend I took Yoshi out on her first harness walk, about a 5 minute walk to the mailbox... and it seems she picked something up while we were out. This week she has been making a loud seagull call... it sounds funny because you don't expect a pitchy seagull sound to come out of her lol. She doesn't do it often, probably because its no fun lol because we can't make that sound back to her We say 'Peek-A-Boo' back to her whenever she says it and she loves it. Besides these... it's just a lot of weird noises, nothing recognizable I'll try to get a video up... getting her to say 'Peekaboo' is easy but I'll have to be lucky to capture the seagull sounds lol.
  12. Nice pics Yoshi falls backward while clutching your finger and hangs upside down
  13. It was my Birthday last Friday, on the 14th. Yoshi, as usual, acted like it was her birthday... she got just as many treats and toys as I did last weekend So I'm now no longer a 'teen'... 20... one year away from drinking age
  14. Oh please don't... things get the best of everyone at times, especially with something that's important to them. I love the greater portion of posts on this forum... and love almost everything about this forum, or I wouldn't spend so much time here
  15. I doubt the cage is too big... our Yoshi has a huge cage that she loves... she goes everywhere in it and I think it's nice to leave her in a big area when we are gone since we can't do an actual 'bird room' just for her. I've attached a picture of when we first got the cage... it's got a bunch of different stuff on and in it now but at least you can see the size It's got plenty of toys and she still has plenty of room to spread her wings. We just removed the divider and have never used it.
  16. I guess by negativity I mainly mean the negative answers given to people asking for help, and an increase in upsetting posts that spark all these negative responses... Perhaps I should have said there has been a lot of attention given to arguing about something someone said and everyone getting upset, rather than trying hard to help the person and focusing on the topic. But it happens... everyone has their own views and their own level of tolerance. Anyway... I love reading why people are here, so thanks for the posts
  17. Well I hope Spock will be okay! Keep us updated! Good idea about taking Spock somewhere else for a different opinion and different ideas.
  18. Welcome to the forum... and the stand looks impressive!
  19. I live on Patrick AFB, not too far from you
  20. Good job with all the progress you and your Grey are making together! Mojo won't hate you, as other said it'll probably just slow down the bonding process... but in the end you will have a happy healthy birdie
  21. Believe me I understand your pain... Yoshi calls for me over and over and over and it's sooo loud... yet I've been saying "I'll be back" and it works about half the time. It takes a lot of patience and my husband gets frustrated and upset about Yoshi being so loud, but it is getting better these days and I know it's not a quick process. Just to let you know though, there are others out there with birds constantly demanding their attention. You will get through it, and if you follow the helpful advice of this forum, it will eventually get a lot better I posted about this about 2 months ago, lol.
  22. Lol am I the only one with a not very picky Grey? Yoshi will sample anything she sees you eat, and will do tricks for sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, fruits, other nuts, cheerios... absolutly anything she sees you eating she wants part of, even if she doesn't like it much and wastes a lot of it, lol. That's a tough one then... but perhaps as you suggested the problem is more being comfortable. Now that Yoshi doesn't get sunflower seeds in her main diet, she will do anything she can for one... and cheese drives her crazy. I can't think of any other specific suggestions than what was already given lol... But you know, Yoshi likes all these foods yet wouldn't accept anything when harness training as she was too busy being worried about the harness. Perhaps she needs time... she is still a baby
  23. Very pretty pictures... I love how the sun shows the feathers off so pretty
  24. I agree Eckobird... Jasper looks like the size of a cat. It's just the angle of the picture right? Very nice pictures though
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