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My husband reads this and is confused. He says he is the one who is always around the most and I'm at work not ever the other way round. He also says he often tries to give her a treat and she refuses them and wont do anything else with him. She is a lot more tame to Mike when I'm around, like if she is stepping up to him and then coming into a room with both of us. Weekends with us both there seem to be easier. Thank you for your replies so far. I am glad that she isn't flying after and attacking him! It's like you said, she doesn't seem to want anything to do with him most of the time. I think the saddest thing for Mike is that she used to be just fine with him. Usually also if we are out with her or something new she is fine with him again.
Cute Yoshi eats Roudybush.... tried Harrissons but Yoshi flung them all out of her dish lol.
Lol nice Halloween pic
So it's been months. Sorry guys, just a lot going on and it's not as often I can come on here. But I'm still lurking around, reading posts and commenting a bit Lots of stuff to tell about Yoshi really. About a month ago we moved her cage downstairs and rearranged parts of our house a bit. She seems to have taken to that change just fine. She is a great flyer now, and flies around a bunch. She still has about 3 clipped feathers on each wing that haven't fallen yet but they don't seem to hinder her at all. A couple days after moving her cage, she got spooked and had her worst accident to date. She still was a little irractically flying and when she got spooked she flew off her cage, in a circle, and flew back, missed her cage, and hit the wall. I was at work at the time and my husband called. Poor Yoshi was a bit out of it for a couple days. Worst part was her eye on one side and arround it got all puffy and was bruised. She was still eating the next day but was quiet and did nothing but stand in one spot most of the day. She slowely came around. It was scary! I felt so bad for her! Since the accident, her flying has definatly improved. Remember I had volunteered to take care of a sun conure and lovebird? The Sun Conure was absolutely too loud. A friendly lady is taking care of it now thank goodness. I'd never be able to keep a Sun Conure lol. I still have the lovebird, will be taking care of it for my deployed friend until sometime next year. The lovebird really is no trouble. I can't manage to get him to step up or anything, he seems scared to death of everyone. Its name is Bongo, came to me without toys but I've been putting small toys together for it and Bongo loves to rip them apart Back to Yoshi, she seemed nervous when we had the sun conure, nervous and jumpy. I think that was part of what caused her to freak and have her accident and it was the last straw with the Sun Conure, then we knew we couldn't look after him for months still to come. The flying is great but I'm lying if I say it's all great. She is strong willed and is a little annoying with flying off her cage-top or perch or whatever constantly to get to me but I just say 'go back' over and over and over. She knows what 'come-on' and 'go-back' mean by now, I'm sure of it. We make sure if we don't tell her to 'come' and she flies over we now always send her back. But of course she still wants to be with us. Now the BIGGEST issue: Over the last while, Yoshi seems to have gotten more and more to where she likes me and always wants to be with me but has become really odd with my husband. Sometimes we just don't understand her. It has gotten worse though, not better. I'll try and explain well so you guys can get an idea. Lately, it's like she just seems really scared of my husband. He thinks she hates him, and I'll think no she doesn't hate you, but I'm not so sure what's going on. Usually in the morning, she will call to be let out when she hears us moving around upstairs. If I go get her she is happy and fine. If Mike (husband) goes to get her she seems afraid. She scuttles around in her cage and then he will open the cage and calm as can be say 'Come on Yoshi' but she will try to jump out and fly away from him yelling and squawking. If he goes over to her she makes the quiet 'discomfort sounds' which usually either turns into her flying away yelling or stepping up onto his hand but seeing totally tense and leaning away like he is about to attack her or something. Often she will try to fly to me. I don't want to interfere so usually I just stand there with a sinking feeling getting sad as I see my husband get all frustrated and my bird, out of breath from running away, finally step up and be put back in her cage. He says she is a jerk, trying to get away all the time. I know it is very frustrating. At first I was telling him he needs to stay calm and stuff, and got really upset about it. But lately I have been watching him and he really has been trying with her. He has been calm and trying to get her trust. He even has tried being the main one to give her treats and stuff because he wants her to like him. He doesn't want it to be like this and it stresses everyone out. But lately she will either do tricks and stuff for treats from him, but seem completely edgy and nervous the whole time, or she won't even accept anything from him, even her favorites. She is always a second from flight whenever he comes up to her, ready to get away. Mike actually used to get several bites but now it's more fleeing than biting. I don't know what else he can do... I know that when something is happining like Yoshi running away and they both get all stressed out and then Yoshi gets put away that is a bad experience for Yoshi. But what should we do? I don't want to take over and then have her feel that I'll rescue her from 'Big Evil Mike' because we don't want it to be like that. It's an awkward situation really. Lately, although Mike is home all day, we have been having Yoshi in her cage more, sometimes until I'm home, because we don't want problems and then have Mike unable to get her and put her away if he needs to. He has had to catch her in mid-air a couple times squawking away because he needed to put her away. So... when Yoshi is with me she is usually totally fine, but when with Mike she is often flighty and out of control. What's going on here? *One extra note in case you already read all the rest. Sometimes at night when I get all cuddly with Yoshi and am usually alternating between scratching her and playing video games with my husband, I'll put her beside me on her big stand and she will actually fly over to Mike and get scratches and be (usually) totally fine with him all of a sudden. ONLY at night sometimes. It totally confuses Mike and I that she is suddenly fine with him. But just as sudden she might then freak out again. It's really hard to know.
Good luck Smokey!
That is neat Bet my newly flighted Yoshi would like that!
Honestly diet is extremely debatable and it's really up to you Pellets are very good, as are a variety of other foods. Just make sure you don't give your bird anything notably bad for them like chocolate. Yoshi does well on a mix of roudybush pellets and a dehydrated fruit and veggie mix with seeds. She gets half and half, and knows that as soon as she finishes her pellets she gets more of the good stuff. She has always been a very good eater though. She also enjoys tidbits of almost every meal, anything from mac & cheese with chicken and cooked veggies to pizza crust and lasagna. She LOVES pasta and cheese She also loves peanuts and cashews for a treat. She will try anything we give her then just fling it away if she doesn't like it Sometimes she even changes her mind after throwing it away and goes after it for another nibble You do what you feel is best. I get ideas from the forum and apply it to what I have Rambo sounds like he is doing well and I'm glad to hear it
My husband is home all day too and he always tells me Yoshi relaxes most of the day. She eats a bunch in the morning when I wake her up, then sits on her highest perch and gently nibbles at one of her favorite toys that I put up there as it is her favorite spot. When I come home at lunch, she shares part of lunch and livens up then, and is more active in her cage and on top of her cage the rest of the day. I come home from work and she is ready to play. But about 7 she calms down again and gets scratches and cuddles. Beside eating if she is still hungry, or being with us, she is relaxing on that perch again. She also likes looking out the window Getting a perch for downstairs is a great idea. We also have one, it's like her messy eating perch in the dining room that she always shares lunch and dinner on. Honestly your birdie is still a baby I'm sure she is still getting used to her new life and working out her own schedule by learning what yours is. I wouldn't worry about the toys or the cage being too big and as long as she eats and drinks at some points, everything is fine. Yoshi has a huge double macaw cage, and has been in it since 5 months old. It took her a full month to fully use her cage, climbing all around it and inspecting every corner and toy. Hope this helps reassure you
Awesome Azzie Yoshi started talking at about 1 year old, but hasn't said anything new in about 2 months. Hopefully she starts up again lol. Sometimes these last two weeks she goes a whole day without using any words, even if I talk and talk to her. I feel the same, like she knows how but just isn't that interested. Yoshi is now 1 year and 5 months.
Yoshi has always gone back to the breeder's place when we go away, as she knows that lady and accepts the transition pretty easily. But in light of recent problems, I will no longer be taking her there. Last time I took Yoshi there, she told me that I was being irresponsible leaving Yoshi's wings unclipped and that she would take care of Yoshi while I was away but if I wanted to leave the wings unclipped she would not be let out at all. That's it, I've had it with her pushy opinion and am not going back. She sits her bigger birds out on the porch sometimes because they are clipped and 'can't fly away'. That's more irresponsible than what I do because clipped birds can still fly outside. I've had several talks with her about Yoshi's wings as the new feathers were growing in. She even went so far as to find a bunch of stories of lost greys with flights and say 'those birds are probably lost forever because owners like you think your birds need to fly.' She said that's why she clips all her babies (Yoshi was one of them) and then they don't know what they are missing. Well, Yoshi's got flights now and they are here to stay. She LOVES flying! So before I get more into a rant, Yoshi no longer goes there and over Labor Day weekend she tried another place This is a little locally run bird store called Paws and Feathers. It's funny because she used to be cats, dogs, and birds, but has since changed to just birds. I've brought Yoshi in there with me several times over the last 6 months anyway, so the two girls working there already know her. They charged me $5 a day, and I think Yoshi was even happier there. The manager there has several birds of her own, and breeds macaws and small birds, and totally doesn't believe in wing clipping. Yoshi was put on a stand in the store near the front every day, from open to close, and was only caged at night, much like she is used to at home. Apparently she continued practicing her flying skills, as the other lady in the store told me Yoshi kept flying to her and riding on her shoulder rather than staying on the stand. Yoshi did great there, and I have now switched to buying all my toys and food from her. Apparently Yoshi wanted to make friends with a big cockatoo and flew over to his stand a couple times but was driven away by the unfriendly cockatoo Poor Yoshi just wanted a friend haha. Yoshi came back yesterday afternoon happy as can be, with pasta still stuck to her feet from their afternoon snack She flew right to me when she saw me in the store, made me feel like she missed me too I'm so lucky Yoshi is such a great bird I brought her straight upstairs to her open cage, and she settled in so quickly. I talked to her and then went to have a shower, which she insisted on joining me in She seems to like showers most if it's her idea lol. She will fly in the bathroom and try to get my attention. She is a great little flyer After our showers we all had fried rice for dinner, and Yoshi picked the egg out of mine Then I played video games while Yoshi napped on her cage. She flew over a little while later for some attention and I ended up giving her neck stratches for 30 minutes straight! She was being so lovable! She climbed into her cage for bedtime early, and put herself to bed, so I guess she was pretty tired! Usually she climbs into her cage about 10PM if my husband and I are in her room playing video games, but last night she was asleep by 9. Also, if you have seen my post about the two new birds I'm taking care of, Yoshi doesn't seem to care about their noises downstairs. She listens a bit, but then goes about her business as usual Nothing could replace the joy I have taking care of my grey
So last night my husband and I returned from our weekend vacation, and a friend who deployed today dropped off his two birds for me to take care of for the next 6 months. I really hope this isn't going to be too much for us! Cosmo is a sun conure, rehomed, will step up just fine, pretty friendly little dude. Pretty feathers but obviously not touched much, as he is scared of being touched besides simply stepping up and is full of prickly pin feathers. But WOW is he LOUD! I haven't had a sun conure before, but I've known they are loud, and have heard them in stores. I don't know what I can do with that noise! Bongo is the peach-faced lovebird. Cute as can be Also a rehome, and never really held. He doesn't step up or anything. Also, NO TOYS in his cage. Apparently he just destroys his toys, so he doesn't have any. Please don't get rude about this, as I don't want to hurt any feelings. Obviously he needs some new toys, so what do lovebirds enjoy? I've put a small assortment of Yoshi's old pieces in there, a chewing wheel and some beads and some leather on a little chain. Don't want to overwhelm him. Bongo is fully flighted. Cosmo is getting his flights in and does alright with flying. Cosmo eats roudybush and that's it, except for eating dried druit as treats. Apparently his favorite is mango. Bongo eats all little seeds and apparently is very picky. Won't eat anything else. Both have decent sized cages. Now, Cosmo and Bongo aren't used to being together. They have been kept separate in an attempt to get them to only bond with the owner. When they were first brought to our house last night they were in the same room, and they set each other off. The lovebird makes a noise and the conure yells, and over and over and over. Wow that conure is loud. The owner says to separate them, so I tried that, but they still yell back and forth. Luckily last night when they came over it was late anyway, and as soon as the lovebird is covered the conure stops calling to it. Both birds are covered at night and when I covered Cosmo later he too fell silent. This morning I uncovered the lovebird and soon as he made a noise Cosmo started up. I decided to put them both out on the porch for now so I can figure out what to do, but they are very loud out there. I'm worried our neighbor (connecting house) is going to be upset. Apparently they both enjoy being outside and Bongo goes outside every day. It's hard to know what to do... Is it too hot for them to be outside all day? It's a screened in porch. But this is Florida, and it gets pretty hot during the day. All this going on and I haven't even gotten Yoshi back yet! I pick her up today. No idea what she is going to think or do. Her cage is separate from theirs upstairs and I'll probably keep it that way. Also, I can't really contact the birds' owner well with questions, I just have an email address I can write and he should get back to me within a couple days. So... any advice would be great. Especially on cage placement and if they should be kept in separate rooms or not. Our house is small, so no matter where they are they are going to hear each other.
A friend of mine, also in the Air Force, is deploying very soon, sort of a last minute thing. Anyway, he was panicking about his birds and I quickly said I'd take care of them. It's a six month deployment and I get these birds next Thursday and I want some advice on what I should do. They are a lovebird, I believe it's a peach-faced lovebird, and a conure, sun conure I think. We haven't had a chance to discuss any details at all yet so I don't know ages, temperment, if they are in separate cages (I'm assuming yes) or really anything yet. My Yoshi has always ruled our house She goes out and we see other birds and she always seems interested in the big birds at the pet store that she socializes with and stuff. I really don't expect Yoshi to be a problem, but I've never seen her with little birds, and we have never had other birds in our house. Should these new birds be kept in the same room as Yoshi? Or should I leave them separate? I don't know if the other birds are handleable or not yet... but I'm guessing I shouldn't let them get close to Yoshi anyway? I don't want any broken toes or anything because of Yoshi's strong beak. What about the conure? Perhaps they will be friendly... I personally have never had a conure or lovebird, I usually deal with bigger birds With the exception of one parrakeet I had for a couple years
For those who don't know, Yoshi was clipped as a baby and only ever had one short flight before being clipped. She never truely learnt to fly. Over the last year and a half, her clipped feathers have slowely fallen out and her beautiful new flights have been growing in. She still has about 3 clipped on each wing, but she has gone a long way from where she was 6 months ago! Yoshi now has almost all her flights, and is doing amazing with her flying! She is still a little clumsy, but she loves it She started slow, with only short downward flights exhausting her, then slowely learnt to fly up and then to turn while in flight. Now she flys all over the place, gets worn out, hangs out with us a little while, then is at it again. Her favorite seems to be flying over to us when we are eating something, waiting for us to hand her part of it, and then flying back to her cage-top to eat it. You should see... sometimes she flies back to her cage, misjudges and drops what is in her beak so that she can use it to climb her cage. If what was in her beak falls beyond reach, she stares at it for a moment, then flies back and demands a replacement lol. Then back she goes... She has so much fun flying, and has made enormous improvements in a short time. Now I can say firsthand the changes flight has made in our life and in hers. I honestly can't think of one bad thing! She doesn't yell unhappily when she has to wait for us to pick her up, because she can just fly to us herself. She now prefers to fly to us herself! She is definatly more happy being able to fly, and much more confident. I was worried she wouldn't want to bother with flying since she was used to living without it, but no she works her butt off going absolutely everywhere she wants. There has been a couple times she has been flying trying to land on something and missed, then she comes back around for another try, and my husband or I will hold our hand out for her to land on us so we can help her and she yells and dodges us. She wants to fly, and she wants to be able to get where she wants herself, no matter how much panting she has to do afterwards I can tell she is much stronger in the wings, and has lost some weight even though she is also eating more. So she is eating and drinking more, and pooping more, and looks stronger and more confident. Where she used to hesitate, she now goes as she knows she can fly out of their quick if she needs to. She looks beautiful when she is flying, I love it. Last weekend she managed to fly over the railing upstairs and for the first time tried to fly all the way downstairs. The way our house is set up, we have two floors, Yoshi usually upstairs with us, and a big square in the middle upstairs where the stairs are that is open so you can look downstairs at the whole living room. Hopefully that makes sense? Anyway, she flies over the railing upstairs, and I race downstairs worried that she isn't going to be able to fly down so far. Well she wheels unsteadily around in a big circle as she loses altitude, then flies just out of my reach with my arm up in the air, past the dining room and into the kitchen, where she finally lands on the floor with a big poop. LOL I was so impressed. She was pooped lol with evidence. She let me carry her back upstairs and she took a good drink from her water bowl. Since then she has done that twice more! It's the longest fly she can do. I call to her from upstairs but she can't go back up yet She will fly halfway and I'll catch her on the stairs and bring her the rest of the way but flying up really takes it out of her. I'm sure those 6 clipped flights she still has don't help either, she I really want those out She knows what come here means and what go back means. Sometimes she flies to us when we are busy and we point and say 'go back!' She flies back, then flies to us again, and pretty much makes a game of it lol. It's not a big deal though, if we really can't have her flying to us she goes into her cage for a little while, usually with a new toy or treat to distract her Anyway, she is flying, trying so hard, and loving it. We love watching her fly too!
I know Yoshi's hatchdate but I'd imagine the date I purchased my little guy would be the date I'd celebrate if I was in that situation. Then again... don't we celebrate our spoilt little fids EVERY day!? lol! Yoshi thinks at least one day a week is her birthday, like how yesterday she got macaroni and chicken from my husband's plate, and egg from my plate for dinner. Then she had a grape. Then she had an animal cracker. Some days she is very spoilt But very happy!
I hope the plucking stops but if it doesn't I know you will love Charlie, missing feathers or not. Good luck to you guys!
Thanks guys and thanks katana, I love the friendship I have with all of you Since I posted this Yoshi has become quite the flyer! She uses those wings all the time and flies back and forth from her cage to our hands this week she has mastered the meaning of 'come here' and 'go back', which has made her flying so convenient for us as well as a joy she is cheeky now she has the strength because if we say go back and she doesn't want to she will launch from our hand and fly a big circle and try to come back lol. She still gets winded and pants but definitely better than 3 weeks ago and I can tell she is getting stronger. It was nice having her get the feathers slowely, although I felt like it took forever! She still has 3 clipped on one side and 4 on the other I think...
After a shower and a good scratch by me, Yoshi chills on my leg and plays with a loosed feather I love my baby
I try not to laugh but she is so funny! Yoshi is making big improvements over the last two weeks learning how to fly, but she is so funny it's hard not to laugh She can manage a short, simple flight as long as she doesn't have to maneuver much. Last week, Yoshi often missed her mark and flew immediately to the floor and looked to be picked up. Then last weekend she started flying from the floor back to the nearest location we usually put her by herself. Then this week, she has made the biggest improvement making slight corrections to land on her destination and even flying up some, gaining altitude Yesterday, she knew I was close so she flew out of her room looking for me, and I held my hand out for her as she headed straight for me. Crazy bird still totally missed my hand and arm and flew all the way into the next room. I thought she was going to land on the floor and call for me but she made a wide turn in the room and flew back, crash-landing onto my outstretched arm. She was panting and exhausted, but looked happy as can be It's nice seeing her make her little hop-flaps to get around her huge cage easier and flapping easily from her cage to my hand and back. She still hesitates before every flight, you can tell it takes a lot out of her, but she keeps on improving every day I love that she is learning to fly About time! Wing pictures: I'll get some better flying pictures soon I promise Relaxing happy a little while after her shower She is still damp... I love her feathers!
Yoshi has always been clumsy on her feet She steps without proper coordination sometimes and misses her target completely... I think it's just clumsiness Their feet sure are cool though
Well my Timneh is named Yoshi We were going to name it Yoshi or Bowser, depending on sex Yoshi seemed a fun name, my husband and I love the game, plus it actually suits her upbeat attitude and bouncyness Yoshi and I are as inseperable as Mario and Yoshi
She's always curious of WOW and all its weird sounds I won't let her play too long!
Hey guys Just got some lovely pictures of Yoshi over the last day or two. Been spending a lot of time together and thought I'd better bring out the camera! Check them out here:
Lovely pictures I love the color of his eyes!
Yoshi is home! But she has a boo boo!
jessdecutie18 replied to jessdecutie18's topic in The GREY Lounge
That's what I thought!