I have been appreciating and reading about African Grey's for years. Three years ago we acquired our first parrot. Java is a red-bellied parrot and came from a bare cage in a pet shop. She had a brutal wing clip, was biting the stuffin' out of anyone who came near the cage, but put her head down, cooed to my husband, rubbed her beak against his finger and this "no more pets" fellow brought her home so she wouldn't be alone in a cage for the holidays. We are smitten beyond words and now she is sociable, intelligent and simply a joy. While we were buying more toys for her, we have gotten to know a couple who raise greys. We were chosen by an eight week old CAG. They do not release their babies until all the siblings in the clutch wean themselves, so it could be a month or more before our baby comes home. We can visit him every other weekend until he comes home. We think we are going to name him Juno because his purchase means we will not ever be taking that Alaskan cruise we thought we wanted all these years. LOL. We would like to be part of your forum to learn more and to share with others who love parrots.