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Everything posted by fidsandfrats

  1. Hello everyone. Been a long while since I last posted. Busy changing jobs and everyday life. Chili and I just wanted to say hello and hope all are doing well. Chili, Slater and Maccardi are great!
  2. I have a grey and an Amazon ( and a red fronted Macaw). Everyone is out all day and only in their own cages at night to sleep. Everyone co-exists nicely. The room is big enough so that if a tiff were to happen there is enough room if they feel they need to leave the situation. For me my set up works and my birds are happy.
  3. Hi Chili was 3 at the end of May. I think he already knows he can't get away with biting and that behavior gets him know where. "Most" of the time he is a paper tiger. The last 2 nights he surprised me. He went into his cage by himself!!!! Around bedtime I have been opening the cage door and putting treats in his cage. I think maybe he is finally making the connection that there are treats waiting for him:)
  4. Hi everyone, I could really use some ideas on re-arrangement of my birdroom. Pictures of your birdroom would be very helpful (i'm a visual person) in giving me some ideas. Thanks!
  5. Chili is still giving me a hard time at bedtime (only at bedtime) Because he's flighted if i ask him to step on stick to avoid a potential bite (i assume he wants to bite by the pinning of his pupils) he steps up then flies away when i move toward the cage.
  6. Can you give me an example of a timeout? I wish mine went to their cages themselves. How did you get them to do that? Thanks
  7. Hi everyone, Chili displayed a new behavior last night. He seemed fine when I got home from work and all evening until it was time to go to bed. I guess he flat didn't want to go in his cage. He dive bombed me which is something he has never done. He is not crazy about having to go into his cage. Even if his most favorite treat is there waiting for him. If I ask him to step up when it is around bedtime he starts pinning his eyes and I know enough to not offer my hand. I must wait for him to come to me to be able to put him in his cage but even then I can tell he's not happy. I can't transfer him with a stick because he'll just fly off (remember he's flighted). I do some routine things when it gets close to bedtime such as close the shutters, lift the covers from their cages (they are cage-free in the birdroom all day and the cages are kept covered while they are out), refresh their water dishes, etc. I am wondering if changing this routine up will help. Any other suggestions?? Thanks
  8. Ouch. That doesn't sound like fun.
  9. Is Sterling Gris anythink like Slater in the bathing department? Slater HATES to take baths. Unfortunately, it is something we must do from time to time like it or not. I notice Slater's tail feathers much better after his bath. I wish I could bathe him more often than I do.
  10. Oops! Try it now. Thanks for letting me know.
  11. Here is a pretty picture of Slater preening those beautiful tail feathers.
  12. One of Slater's favorite things to do is to swing upside down and/or hang like a bat. (Must be a grey thing). If I am busy in the birdroom I'll look up from what I'm doing only to see Slater just hanging on the end of his rope perfectly still waiting patiently for me to look at him. As soon as I look at him he flaps his wings wildly (still holding on to the end of his rope) and swings back and forth almost touching the ceiling! I have some bells and toys at the very top of the rope and when he swings back and forth it makes lots of noise which he loves to do.
  13. Couple videos for your viewing pleasure:) Here is Chili Pepper being his usual self. In this case he refuses to let me take a video and is constantly flying on the camera for attention. He is such an attention hog! The second video is something we do every night. A great game we play, good exercise and a good way to release his pent up energy. Enjoy!
  14. Hello everyone. Hope everyone is well. Been a while since I been on the forum but we're all doing great! Took these pictures of Slater over the last few months and thought I'd share.
  15. Here is a current picture of Chili Pepper outside enjoying the beautiful weather over the weekend. He is such a sweetie. Love this bird.
  16. He is the greatest therapy on earth. Could not imagine life without him. We are so lucky to be able to share our lives with these incredible parrots!
  17. Thanks all. So far TOPS has been a big hit. Roudybush is also well liked too. I am also going to try Zupreem Natural. Thanks for your help!
  18. Captured this short video of Slater last night. He cracks me up. Listen to what he says at the end. I love this bird!
  19. what a coooooooool room! And the view whoa!!! Heaven!
  20. fidsandfrats


    Since this most recent recall with Zupreem Fruit Blend I have stopped feeding Zupreem to all the birds. Fortunately they also like Roudybusy. I wanted to introduce another pellet so I tried Harrisons which no one seems to like. I also tried TOPS and Slater (CAG) really likes them. Is this a good pellet for Slater? Thanks
  21. Yes, Amazons are sooooooo cool. Sorry but I just love the smell of an amazon.
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