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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. This is not uncommon for Grey's to befriend smaller birds.They look upon them as siblings. Spock has befriended our Sun Conurs for over a year now, Joey has done the same with our Green cheeks. They will need seperate sleeping cages when their older, they'll let you know when this time has come. other wise let the flock together......
  2. My friend, this is just a possibility...this has happened to a lot of our rescues and Spock.If a Grey hurts or in pain, they can and will lunge and act as you've said to the one they love. This also can be brought on by extreme fear. It would be the same as if you suddenly had a sharp pain in your head or a toothache and they just don't understand. Keep watch on your baby for head-shaking, discoloration on the skin around the eyes toward the beak. She could have banged herself with the atom. Just a possibility...luv ya, Jay
  3. Welcome to the Grey't Grey Forums...What a beautiful baby you have. If I may, I don't wish to be a party-pooper...but please don't feed your precious baby peanuts in the shell (monkey nuts). If you wish to feed peanuts, feed roasted unsalted canned peanuts slated for human consumption. The reason is that peanuts are actually legumes and they can contain a mold/fungus that can cause Aspergillosis. This can cause severe medical problems and death. Almonds, hazel nuts, brazil nuts, walnuts in the shell are all great for our little guys. Sorry, I had to say something. A sleeping cage is a choice that one makes depending on the environment that your fid is kept in. Our little guys need 11-12 hours of quiet dark sleep a day. If the cage is located in a room that is somewhat noisy, even covering won't help. Two of our giant fids (LOL) have sleeping cages of their own choosing because our birds are free-flighted and free for up to 14 hours a day. Two of our other rescues were raised in large cages but our large bird room goes dark and quiet at 9pm each night. Covering also depends on location. If you are in a room with even temperature, with nothing to startle them and no sudden flashes of light, then a cover is not necessary unless the bird deems that it needs one. 12 hours of quiet noiseless sleep is essential to the health and well-being of our feathered friends. Love your baby!! Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock...What a wonderful parront you'll be......
  4. Well, the Sausage (Salsa, as Jay calls her), has turned into quite a character....Her latest antics are to fly over to Jay, and while she is perched on his shoulder, Jay will put his hand on her back. She then flops over on her back and beg to be scritched. She will walk around the house in his hand, wanting to be tickled and scritched. Then all of a sudden, she will latch out with her beak on his thumb and flip herself back upright. Then she will fly up to his neck, take a big pinch and then fly over to Joey's cage, saying "Salsa's a GOOOD GIRL!" while Jay is yelling "my neck!! My neck!!" Joey's fed up with her antics...Salsa loves to play in Joey's cage with his toys...hanging upside down, swinging back and forth like Tarzan while screaming at the top of her lungs. Joey must have had a bad day that day because all of a sudden, he climbed in his cage and started nipping at her tail. I had to rescue poor Salsa and Joey stood guard for the next few hours to ensure that Salsa did not dare re-enter. Now Joey is back to normal and unless he wants to go in his cage, he will let her go in and play all she wants. Salsa loves to go to eat and play in Tango's cage and this time, Tango caught her and trapped her...this time she really was scared and so were we...whew! I had to calm Tango down enough to pick her up with one hand and get Salsa out with the other...What an ordeal! It only slowed her down for a couple of minutes. She mimics some of the sounds and whistles that Joey and Spock makes and has learned to cluck like a chicken so when we sing "Old McDonald had a Farm", she makes the chicken sounds. (Cluck-Cluck)... Maggie:p
  5. Yeah, this spring-time weather is something else. We have been hitting around 95+ everyday and taking care of the yard out here in the Mohave desert is rough. We tried sweeping the sand under the carpet but there is just too much of it. I found two blades of the same kind of grass in the yard and I called Maggie over to see it. She took the tweezers and plucked them right out. Can't have that kind of thing around here. Our rock garden is doing great though. Oh well, I guess I have to go back to watching the dirt blow...Luv ya all... Jayd
  6. Jayd


    Please don't feed your fid's "Peanuts in the Shell" If you wish to feed "Peanuts", only use "Roasted no salt" can peanuts[human]. Don't feed peanuts that come in parrot food. Most all other nuts are better for your fid's then peanuts. 1 almond a day contains more calcium the you could imagine. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?115338-ASPERGILLOSIS/page3 [by Dave007] can be extremely deadly.
  7. A special Thank you to Janet aka: Luvparrots for moderating the Amazon room not only in my absences, but at all times 24/7/365. And yes, she is a fixture and will stay...with full carte blanc. Three cheers, hip hip hooray.. Luv Ya Jay d
  8. You know our heart is always with you. Bless you.
  9. You know nobody can eat that much PB, Cricket's delight![with out a wash cloth].. Great Photo's Ray, you've not only done a great job with Cricket, but with the rest of your family as well...And a personal "Thank you" for your participation in all the rooms of the "Grey Forums"... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=20304&d=1303303105 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=20303&d=1303303087
  10. Well said, Ray, well said....
  11. I promise to have many more....Yes, we missed a photo from you...
  12. Sorry, you are correct...that is Tango...she is a Triton and quite large...soon we will do an update on Tango and Freddy. Thanks, J
  13. And the winner is....Cricket!!! I am sure Cricket would have won even if everyone would have posted. Look for a special sticky in the next couple of days. Thanks Ray P. and all the rest of you...
  14. Thank you Mama Janet....(LOL) Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock
  15. Your all wonderful...Thank you.....Jayd...[Cricket, If I could vote, you'd have mine...]
  16. I agree, looks like Ray is the winner, but he deserves the comments and responces from the voters. Please show Ray the respect he deserves.... Voting is over on the 5th....Jayd... Note: Salsa doesn't qualify because shes an immediate family member...
  17. Thank you all, this person had accepted my offer!!! I think Harley might have had a liver problem. I know she had "Black Fungus" which can occur in Zons. He said I didn't know what I was talking about. This really get's me....I didn't even get to re-offer. Our agreement was $400.00.
  18. Really down, when we went to get Harley, the owner said he sold it to the "highest bidder" and that all he cared about was to get as much money as he could. Maggie held me back in my wheelchair. First time I've cussed in many years...Sorry...
  19. Ok, lets vote..... [note: Salsa isn't eligibly for contest]
  20. Thanks, both photo's are of Salsa, Tango and Fred are our TOO,s..We love you...
  21. Me Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. He loves you with all his heart, always will.....
  23. When their young, it's about food! When their a year old plus, it's as Dan said "It's the highest honor a bird can bestow to another. This means you are greatly loved!":) In stead of saying "no thanks" tell em you love them to......
  24. Yup, A new rescue, she's a: Green-cheeked aka Red-crowned Amazons, Red-crowned Parrots or Mexican Red Headed Parrot.(Amazona viridigenalis) Mexican Red head http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...he-Week-3-7-10 She's older? been kept in a dog kennel ,no perches just a small play pen, fed candy apples, jelly beans, mangos, what else we don't know. Very friendly her name is Harley and She looks good, feathers are dull, we pick her up on Tuesday or Wednesday. Her owner took his photo.....
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