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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Were so sorry, if we may suggest,use something other than a perch/stick, use something you'll never use again except when he is like this, [rolled newspaper,trimmed flyswatter,etc] We don't want him to get paranoid over a perch. Your strength and love will prevail..... Jay and Maggie
  2. Jayd

    Splay Legs

    Karma, just because.....Spock
  3. It doesn't seem that long,boy, has he changed...Some very interesting things are happening now, he's "pinning", he'll look at you or some object, and pin..He also perches on my finger and wants to be 4 to 5" from my face, and wants me to talk. His eyes will vary in size he'll cock his head and make a small sound after I say something. Is this "learning"? is this normal? He still doesn't talk [makes great sounds and whistles. He is eating more and a better variety of foods offered...He also appears to contemplate or meditate more and for longer periods. :)
  4. Thanks All, I agree with you, looks like a YCA, THANK YOU...Salsa's sibling is just starting to molt, he only has a small amount of black. Always love the input Jay and Maggie
  5. WOW, WHAT A BEAUTY.... how much doe's he weigh now? Salsa weights 372 grams.. Love these babies....
  6. :woohoo: Hi,What a beautiful baby..... Our Salsa is 6 months old, she is going through a bad molt...We dont know for sure if she's a panama, yellow-crowned or yellow-napped...She looks like your baby...Congrats. karma to you...
  7. ;)Hi all, Been under the weather sorry, for got to log out even.. Salsa's going through a real bad Molt. Giving her Prime Vitamins, cut down on amount of fat she eats,lots of baths, eats good, her eyes and nostrils are clear, poop proper. She's happy,she weights 376 grams now.. Thanks Jay
  8. B) Spock here,Do you chew on the toy to show them how to do it? [wish I was a fly on the wall] Ha-Ha..with your babie's you always do right... Spock Live Long and Prosper :silly:
  9. Bless you all, we love birds...We live in a bird house, cages here there and everywhere.(none in bath room) The birds are arranged by type, tiel are by themselves. If you don't like birds, don't visit us.. We let the flier free in the daytime, they socialize with each others, It's extremely hard for us to give up any of them, and yes, we fall for the runt. It's really hard to not bond with them, we return them to when their on 1 feeding a day and eating better than good, and taking baths etc...They weight as of today: 875-to950 grams......:ohmy:
  10. Spock ,our baby doe's this,only at bed time now, we raised him, Jim, our rescue, (2 yr's old) started this last week..(?)This is a good question...
  11. Thank you it's a blessing to be with all the birds. Your love for feathered friends show to.....All of you....:side:
  12. :)It 's so hard, we love each one of them no matter what kind of bird they are. We hand feed using a syringe or spoon, no tube and we hold each baby when we feed them...Just in the last few months a: Hawk-head, 4 CAG's, 5 Macaws, 4 Amazons, 3 Half moons, 4 Senegal's, Major Mitchel, Umbrella Too, 2 Green cheeks,2 Sun's, and ,8 tiel's. We love each one and worry about each one. We do this because we want to not for pay, and we would keep all if we could... :)
  13. Ok, here's a 18 day old baby, And a "On the Back" They weight over 800 grams...:woohoo: :P Ilove them...<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/09/03 01:47
  14. You are a good caregiver, It shows in all you do...
  15. The babies are, a Harlequin, a Ruby and a Scarlet, I believe the hybrids to be generally larger birds, due to genetics an from what I've seen...Under favorite foods, Toy's are # 1. At 15 days old they weighed 62 grams, and now they perch on your arm instead of a finger:woohoo:
  16. B)Logical, Thank You, thank you all for answering MY post's, not my slave's.. Spock Live Long and Prosper
  17. {Feel-good-0002006E}First time Mash (mess)...:ohmy: {Feel-good-000200A2}
  18. B) Hi, Spock here...I am 7 months old now and I still can't talk!! I can fly...I can squawk and make noises ...I can give kisses...my slaves put a banana and a sweet potato on the table and when they ask me to choose the banana or the potato, I can pick them right every time...Jim talks and picks up a new word and sentence every day and the bird they call Chloe, (my slaves say she is a Half-Moon Parrot) NEVER shuts up...she talks all day (and night) but I can't say anything!!!! Jim calls me Spock as clear as can be and I tried the Vulcan Mind Meld and Jim says talk out loud. I've never been hit by a phaser...maybe it was those spores....Or maybe not...My slaves tell me to be patient but it is so hard. I sit for a long time on their fingers while they talk to me and I watch their mouth but all that comes out of my mouth is AAAWWWKK. Salsa doesn't talk but she just an Amazon (and she won't even preen me when I walk up to her really nice and put my head down for her. She just says "mew, mew, mew" at me and walks away) Well, I can do acrobatic tricks that the others can't do so there...not logical. Spock Live Long and Prosper!!!<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/30 20:51
  19. B)The question is, Is your Grey a top or ground feeder?, and if you have more than one Grey, do they feed opposite of each other or the same? Spock, is a ground feeder, he likes his food and water bowls on the bottom of the cage, ceramic only...Jim on the hand like's his bowl's high on the side of the cage, nothing on the ground...As a side note: Spocks likes his sleeping perch just above the ground and Jim likes his high in the cage...!!! Interesting H mm...<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/30 00:31
  20. :laugh: LOVE him, more vid's...Going to watch them all...(karma)
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