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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Hi, here's a thread you might like to read, http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?184572-OH-MY-GOD.-Pepper-took-off/page9 Nice "Play Gym" and beautiful baby.......Jayd P.S. Aviator is probably the best harness available...
  2. Yes, read Dan's book!!! To second what Dan said, read any of our post's that has "Spock" in the title...Jayd
  3. "''how he tries to let me know he needs to poop and he *MUST CLIMB OFF* even though I dont mind if he poops on me""". Time for "Potty training" AS you know, a Grey "squats and wiggles his tail" before he bombs, set up poop stations around the house and when he doe's the squat, take him to one of them, praise him and have little treat for him..They learn quick...lol Jayd
  4. A passing note; There's a good chance under your circumstances that if you got a second Grey, they'd bond with each other at some point in time instead of you. As Dave said, Flea's and Lice are of a major concern, They can travel to your Grey on your clothes...Some times a rescue can cause new problem. Jayd A Grey is a wild animal removed from the wild, bred to be companions or things to show off to some people. They are long removed from being able to take care of themselves but not so long as to forget at times they're still wild...so it's up to us to make sure we protect them. We're the reason they demand all this attention. We removed them from the wild. Jay
  5. Welcome from south of Seattle, AHHH, Navy time, Bremmington,Wa, Earth Quake on Space Needle, so long ago, I remember it well...War of 1812!!! Sorry, this is a bird site and I was being a bird brain...Name you baby or he might name him self, like " Pookey-pookey-po" or something you've said around the house like "oh no not that". Glad your here....Jayd
  6. Go for it, socialize, car rides, get a Aviator harness and use it!!! Yes, explain "How to treat a Parrot" to your friends, Dusty is going to live with you, not them...No chills or sudden change of temperatures, take water and food that he is use to when you go out, not to much handling from stranger, least they wash there hands, and no stranger kissing...When doing this, keep talking, explaining what and why your doing it... Let him touch with his beak the door, fridge ,headrest ,window etc....Say "Yes" to what he can have and "no to what he can't. and explain why....Jayd Note: to our new Grey't members that don't know it, Spock, our arrogant Grey is our head bird, and Maggie, [my better half] sometimes writes as his ghost writer and "Spock here, My Red tail, I do my own writing, I ===Spock!!! Stop it....Sorry
  7. Spinner is right on, and he knows...To be blunt, he's saying how much he loves you and it' s precursor to mating, you've been accepted as mating material!!! Pet and stcritch you baby only on the neck head and beak, no back, wings, tail or under side...And walk away with a big thank you/I love you... Jayd
  8. Ok everybody, post your Amazon eating food, the messier the better:rolleyes: Jayd
  9. All your dreams will be answered. I know Rene will be spoiled and well loved. Get some rest, you'll need it...Jayd
  10. NO, No worry's, I know what Grety paront's you are...Jayd
  11. Thank you Dave will get some today..He eats a little plain "Orzo" 1/2 tsp 2 times a day. Will feed him "Gnocchi and tomato sauce" for dinner tonight.[for him and us] We'll let you know Spock's opinion... Jayd
  12. Thanks Dave, [lol] We have a bunch of horn..[i mean] hormonal birds in our home right now, all molting to...Jayd
  13. Don't think Paco's plucking... Get the Aloe and bathe one day and Aloe two days later than bathe 2 days again, rotate... Early Molt.....Jayd
  14. I read it in the Amazon room and replied to it? There both gone? Jayd
  15. This is just the begining Happy Hatch Day Jayd, Maggie, Spock and all the rest.....
  16. Jayd

    Thank you! I again apologize for the misunderstanding. The photos from the King Spock post were actually from pictures taken when he was 7 mos old. There is a new thread in Grey Lounge with photos and an update on his condition.


  17. Thank you! I again apologize for the misunderstanding. The photos from the King Spock post were actually from pictures taken when he was 7 mos old. There is a new thread in Grey Lounge with photos and an update on his condition.


  18. Thank you! I again apologize for the misunderstanding. The photos from the King Spock post were actually from pictures taken when he was 7 mos old. There is a new thread in Grey Lounge with photos and an update on his condition.


  19. Thank you! I again apologize for the misunderstanding. The photos from the King Spock post were actually from pictures taken when he was 7 mos old. There is a new thread in Grey Lounge with photos and an update on his condition.


  20. :rolleyes: It has been an eventful few weeks...small ups and downs...his weight has been holding very well at 440 to 445grams after the big bomb in the morning. He is eating a larger variety of different foods but no pellets yet. His feathers still look bad and he is still over-preening and molting. He is a lot more affectionate and enjoys spending more personal time with Maggie and I. We feel one of the main contributing factors is your positive prayers, thoughts and posts. We read them to him everyday and he responds with "Good Water". And, yes, he is still as active as all his posts indicate. In fact, this morning he teamed up with Joey and ganged up on poor Salsa who had snuck into Joey's cage for a little quiet time...He also literally buzzed Tango (and brushed up against her) as he flew around her and her cage this morning, setting up a horrible ruckus as you can probably imagine...:rolleyes: Here is some current photos taken today. Again, I apologize for the old photos on the King Spock post... Maggie and Jayd Note: Spock's eating 40cc's of "Lafaber's" Baby formula that is "Rice based"...Every night...
  21. Jayd here, Sorry, these photo's are old, they're when Spock was 7 months old. he is doing better, new post, Grey Lounge, "Spock's better"... Jay "with new pictures"
  22. Well, I did it, I opened my big mouth on re-post... your replys were great...Jay

  23. Having read you last post, I understand things a little better. There is no similarity between all your pets you mentioned and a Grey. You need to familiarize your self with our companions a little more. A Grey at this point in your life might be a little to consuming for you. These two sites will help teach you things you need to know about Grey's. http://www.africangreys.com/ http://www.alexfoundation.org/ As far as rescuing goes this is something I know well. I hate to relocate birds, but with your time schedule, it might be best to get a bird of lesser demands. Oh, by the way, we haven't had a vacation in years, nor been away more then 9hr's at a time , but their worth it..... Good Luck to Bear Jayd Note; With all the foot traffic you mentioned, I don't know if Bear would ever be able to have a "one on one" relationship, which a Grey so dearly need's...It would be more like a zoo!
  24. I'm not a Grey breeder, Dave is not only a Grey breeder but also has "companion grey'"s, so he's experienced with the psyche and emotions of all Grey's. I believe advice from "a breeder only" would not benefit you as much as from "owners" would. I read some where, I can't remember where, that "if a bird falls, he thinks, I fell". A Grey on the other hand, thinks about what would happen "if he fell". I've heard that to some animals, time is irrelevant. A Grey is much like a human and lives every minute; a week is a long time to be alone for a thinker.There's gryet people on this forum who care about our companions. Jayd
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