Go for it, socialize, car rides, get a Aviator harness and use it!!! Yes, explain "How to treat a Parrot" to your friends, Dusty is going to live with you, not them...No chills or sudden change of temperatures, take water and food that he is use to when you go out, not to much handling from stranger, least they wash there hands, and no stranger kissing...When doing this, keep talking, explaining what and why your doing it... Let him touch with his beak the door, fridge ,headrest ,window etc....Say "Yes" to what he can have and "no to what he can't. and explain why....Jayd
Note: to our new Grey't members that don't know it, Spock, our arrogant Grey is our head bird, and Maggie, [my better half] sometimes writes as his ghost writer and "Spock here, My Red tail, I do my own writing, I ===Spock!!! Stop it....Sorry