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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Ok, interesting.... In literature The character 'Gerard' in Michael Crichton's novel, Next, is a transgenic African Grey The character 'Madison' in Dick King Smith's novel Harry's Mad is an African Grey Parrot The character 'Methuselah' in Barbara Kingsolver's novel The Poisonwood Bible is an African Grey Parrot. "Friendly Feathers: Life with Pierre, an African Grey Parrot" by Dr. Fran Smith, illustrated by Deon Matzen, ISBN 978-0-615-22232-5 The bird owned by the character 'Linus Steinman' in The Final Solution (novel) by Michael Chabon Michael Chabon is an American author and "one of the most celebrated writers of his generation," according to the The Virginia Quarterly Review. His first novel, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh , was published when Chabon was 25 and catapulted him to literary celebrity...is an African Grey. In the book, "We'll Always Have Parrots" by Donna Andrews, an African grey parrot helps protagonist Meg Lanslow nab the bad guy. In the book, "Sick as a Parrot" by Liz Evans, the parrot in the title is an African grey parrot. Cat Marsala, the main protagonist in "Hard Christmas" by Barbara D'Amato, has a pet African grey parrot named Long John Silver. In the book "Somebody Else's Summer",Bilbo was an African Grey Parrot who belonged to George Carr. Jayd
  2. Hi, you scored a lot of points, photo's and "Rescues" We love it, bless you.....Jayd, Maggie and Spock
  3. So many beautiful Amazons to choose from...so little time to pick just one...ah well...here is my pick of the week... The Festive Amazon (Amazona festiva) inhabits the areas of eastern Ecuador, Peru and southeast Colombia east to Amazon basin, and as far as lower Rio Madeira. Festive Amazon Amazona festiva Northern South America Festive Amazons are beautiful, medium sized, Amazon parrots. The body color is forest green with slight black scalloping. Festives have red to maroon markings on the brows and blue crowns and a dark frontal band. Primary and secondary flight feathers are green with blue tips. Tail feathers green with yellowish green tips. Red patches on outer tail feathers. Festives have a unique bright red patch on the rump, which is not found in any other species. Subspecies- A. f. festiva – From Amazon river basin – beak is horn colored, narrow red frontal band, yellow on forecrown. A. f. bodini – From Orinoco river – beak is black, red on crown is much more extensive Inhabits lowland tropical rainforests along the Amazon and Orinoco rivers and tributaries. Live in swampy forests, river islands, cacao plantations, gallery forests and savannahs. Found in pairs and small flocks of up to 50 birds. Nest in tree cavities. They feed primarily in trees but because of their remote habitat, details of the wild diet are poorly known. Length is 11 to 13 inches. Weight is 350 to 450 grams. Males are generally larger than females and have larger heads and beaks. Males also tend to be slightly more colorful. Eyes of juveniles are brown while eyes of adults are orange-yellow. Juveniles have mainly green rumps and less extensive facial coloring. Festive amazons can probably live up to 50-60 years or more. Little is known about their life span in captivity. Breeding age is approximately 3-5 years. Personality - Festive amazons seldom available as pets. They have moderate to poor speaking ability. They are intelligent, and inquisitive but tend to be relatively shy. Males in general are much more common than females. Juveniles are generally tame and handelable. They are common in captivity at this time and are seldom available for pets. They are active by nature and are not so prone to obesity as other Amazons. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festive_Amazon http://www.avianweb.com/festiveamazon.html
  4. Welcome back!!! It'll happen.. Jayd
  5. One of the things we do on the forums is not only try to answer all the questions, but try to show every one how to find the answers to there questions!!!!! If we don't have all the info, we can't give the correct answer!!!! One thing we try yo do is never assume or judge!!! In the past couple of weeks, we have had some scary thread, this is one of them, and were all worried...We may not want to hear it, but if a person decides to hand-feed a baby, there is a 50/50 chance of failure, experienced or not!!!!! If you want to learn about a person on the forums, Example: click my avatar, then click, find all posts, or find all started threads....Jayd
  6. Thanks for the update, people here care so much about you and your baby!!! jayd
  7. I'm sorry for not realizing the amount of experience you've had. I reread your 1st post and couldn't find any thing about your familys help [which is great] or anything so I might know your situation or even something about you, I can only know what you or some one writes. I agree I don't have the experience you and your helpers have, I've nowhere near raised 100 love birds, or wild birds like you. I agree, your right, I should have been more concerned with helping this person out. "Shouldn't we be here for them with encouragement and advice? Sorry, I failed again. I wonder, maybe if you would have told us all this in your 1st post, this would have never happened? I knew I never should have maid that plea. A apology to Dan and all the rest of the forum...Jayd P.S. We can only reply to what is written...I'm glad you have all the files to help him, and made him that offer, again I couldn't find where I had any bad feelings about you. We haven't heard anything from him in a while now, I pray the babies ok!!!!!
  8. Judy rule's, Welcome, our Spock is a wild one, [ask anyone] he's 15 months old and his permanent red bum is coming in. Early bum's are a dirty red/pink, don't worry.... Photo's please Jayd
  9. Danmcq posted on "Plea" Quote " The bottom line on this, is as Dave007, Jay and others that chimed in have said. If you are getting a baby grey or any other parrot. DO NOT let the breeder, store owner or even yourself, convince you it would be a good idea to take an un-weaned and un-fledged bird home. There are many things that can go wrong and they do unfortunately to the horror of the new bird owner that makes a mistake or if the bird was sick and it was not yet apparent. It is illegal in many states for a breeder or pet store to sell an un-weaned bird. I hope, all states will soon pass this law and other countries as well. Too many young chicks die due to this unscrupulous practice. Some may have done this and GOT LUCKY. Do not pay attention to or listen to those that have." I'm sorry if this goes aganist what you believe, please read : http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189414-*A-Plea-to-all-Members*-Hand-feeding...You were lucky!!!!! Jayd As Dave007 said, if you already have the baby bird and need help, we will help all we can.
  10. I bookmarked this thread!!!!! lets do it.....Jayd and Maggie
  11. Jayd


    Buddy's doing great!!! A little history, Buddy is a "RESCUE", he came from a house of drug abuse etc. He was physically and mentally abused for entertainment. He was taught every vulgar and cuss word you could think of. Buddy is a Mitered Conure, he's a large bird, the size of a Grey. The only time he still cusses is if other people are around. From his action's we assume he was "poked and prodded" he won't let anyone near him, we give him a broccoli stem to keep him busy while his cage is cleaned. He bites, and when he does, it's a attack, multiple strikes. He is free flighted and let out of his cage almost every day. He get's along great with the other conures and 'Tiels. His roommate is a Indian Ring necked keet, he's also a rescue, extremely plucked, with no chance of regrowth of feathers. He's very intelligent, Each morning he says, "Hello good morning" and at bed time he says " good night", he knows the difference. When he see's Rolo our dog, he says "kitty kitty kitty, come here! He doesn't know the different between a cat an dog... He has a large vocabulary, and if you stay back a couple of feet from his cage, he'll talk and act like a normal bird. We keep trying, but I don't believe he'll ever be social, just long as he's healthy and happy.....Jayd and Maggie We love him very much....
  12. That's wonderful I always love to hear about successful rescues.... I'll have a thread in a couple of hours on Buddy, with photos.....Thanks Jayd
  13. Thanks all, and your all welcome to our home.... Buddy is a rescue, he's from a very undesirable home, we know he was expose to drugs and smoke, but not how much. The only time he cusses or makes drug related comments is when other people are around. I'll do a update on Buddy in "Other Birds" later today.....Jayd
  14. Thank you, Maggie Wright wrote" If a Amazon falls, he thinks, oh well I fell! A Grey will stop and think, If I fall, I can get hurt, break a leg etc...When we make a loud responce and our bird "backs off", What is he thinking? Is he storing it for later references? I wish I knew...In the wild, a Grey doesn't bite, nor does he pluck! It's for us to learn how to understand our Grey's, they already know what they're saying....Jayd Side note: I've found out that Spock and Joey respond very similar to the same stimulus, the main difference is, one's extroverted and the other is introverted! Is this age or because of upbringing?
  15. Many people don't realize that to a Grey, "dokie" might mean "Ouch"and "love you" might mean "Bite me" no matter what language you use, a Grey will understand! Doe's a Grey translate "English" to "Greynise" or vice-versa ? You never raise your voice to a Grey! a Amazon or TOO, yes, with a Grey, walking away or petting they're beak right away, [my favorite] is proper. A raised voice can be a signal to bite again, try it and you'll see. Did you ever think that instead of looking at you and thinking "Oh? that hurt", that he was thinking "Oh? he likes it" and bites you again. My question?,what language does a Grey think in? Most people don't give our Grey's enough credit and really realize how truly intelligent they are!!! With a Grey, you don't have to use repetition, they're capable of learning after hearing something only once! What Grey sounds might fall upon my ears might be a poem! Jayd As with anything in life, there are exception's
  16. I would be carefull of what you give your baby, stick to canola or peanut butter or palm....or none!!!!! Jayd Please don't rotate oils, they don't need them all!!!! NO SATURATED FATS!!!! Stick with a good diet, don't worry about oil!!!!
  17. Here's a site that might interest some... http://www.apa.org/monitor/2009/02/pepperberg.aspx You really need to meet the Dr. Jayd
  18. You've done a great job, don't worry about the shots, they hardly notice them, "Holdem tite" Jayd
  19. Welcome back, missed your threads, here's some info: http://besgroup.talfrynature.com/2010/01/28/hanging-parrot-leafbird-and-spiderhunter-eating-rambutan/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rambutan http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/rambutan.html#Toxicity It appears it's ok for parrots and other birds, I'll research it some more....Jayd
  20. It's a privilege to be on your shoulder, not a right! Always invite Bismark to step on your shoulder. From hand to shoulder and reverse, never let him fly there, always ask if Bismark would like to be on your shoulder, And like was said, a lot of "step-down" practice, a treat when he steps-up and down!!! Good job!!!! Jayd
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