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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Azzie, Your post was grey't, I could have read a later study then you did. There's nothing wrong with what you wrote....Don't ever stop sharing your feelings or beliefs on this forum.. We only accept what we believe! Opioions change daily, something new is always put forth......Jayd Note: There are articles on the net that say what you've said...
  2. Very good, thank you. We learn new things every day. The female Electus handles the male duty's in their family...
  3. What a beauty, beautiful feathers, clear eyes, and nostrils, and unstained feet. LOL Proud Mama...
  4. Hi, the #1 thing you need is :Styptic powder for bleeding, you can mix hydrogen peroxide 10 to 1 for a rinse, followed by clear water rinse, You can use Neosporin Cream, [only cream] for foot scrapes,[lightly], Aloe-Vera Gel for bare raw skin [dry], and Aloe-Vera juice,[to mist dry skin/feathers], on the way to the Vet!!!
  5. Azzie, sorry,There's no hierarchy in the parrot world.A flock is a group, they live and work together. If I may, I'd Like to Quote DanMcq from his thread, http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/ Quote: One thing everyone that just brought their first Parrot home should understand, is that a Parrot does not respond to punishment like a domesticated animal such as a Dog or Cat. They have been truly domesticated and most have a pack mentality. Meaning that they respect and look up to their pack leader. It is always the strongest, quickest and most ferocious fighter out of that pack. When it weakens, there is always a young strong contender just waiting to take them down and become the new pack leader. They are Predators and act as such. With that fact established, a bird of any sort, is a flock member and view the world and their society as such. They are all equal in every aspect. There is no pack leader. There is no striving for such as position or fights over it. They work together as team to survive. They are the prey of many animals. To be away from the flock, means certain death in most cases. Un-Quote...
  6. This thread is current and loaded with advice...Our prayers are with you...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190550-My-Baby-Flew-Away-Dying
  7. It's not your fault, things happen, your on the right track, keep that attitude!!! Just walk over, speaking like nothing is wrong, [no matter her reaction] start reading, Woman's Day, Rolling Stone, Tolstoy, Sing some Opera, or, Country or maybe Some Dylan...Act like you've always been her companion....
  8. Hi, How's Onyx doing?
  9. Good Job, some one is pushing his limits!! keep a eye open for more exciting attempts at trying new things.....lol
  10. Welcome, Looking forward to hearing all about you and your fids.....
  11. Hi and Thank you. The road to recover can depend on your bird, You have to start from scratch to regain her trust. Leave her cage door open, sit by her cage and read, talk and sing to her, no sudden movements. Only you can judge when to try something new, like giving her a scritch or stepping up. The scare she had plus the clipping, can be very devastating to a 3 year old Grey, plus she's starting to mature....Be patience, time will guide you...
  12. If it was me, I'd take her in a heartbeat, My only concern is," Are you ready to take on this bird with many unknown problem, For Life? with out ever returning her to a shelter or getting rid of her?.. Have you thought about what of her many problem's your going to attempt to take care of first? I'm sorry Rrrma, just because a bird perches you one or two time, isn't a guarantee that there will be a bonding, and not everyone is right for re-homing a rescue bird..This last line says it all: When she is in the mood she loves to bob to music, she loves to be louder then you if you are in the middle of a conversation and she wants attention.".... Jayd
  13. To recover from stress problem's can take years!!! No matter how hard you try, or how much you do, sometimes feathers never grow back!!! Ask Janet [Luvparrots, Look at my Freddy, read the threads!!!!! Something caused the problem, then it's you job to find out why, and try to correct it, a 24/7/365 job, the problem could be as simple as you leaving him alone for a couple of hours... We had to get up at sunrise and sit with him each day, till we could change or sleeping time.You have to adapt to the bird, not the bird to you!!! Thanks Jayd
  14. Jayd

    Ollie now...

    Grey't, Keep up the good work....
  15. Please read up on rescue birds and types of Zons before you decide...This would not be a good choice, it would require a prompt Vet Visit and a lot of personal care besides adapting it to you....Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot
  16. Sunlight is a necessity to staying alive to our fid's, a window blocks 98% of UVB rays, Sunlight or UVB/UVA Full Spectrum indoor lighting is the only way our birds get D3. This needs to be provided for them on a daily basis. Being next to a window, depends on the bird, some birds need a wall or a corner with two walls to feel secure from predators....Thanks Jayd
  17. Hi, welcome to the forums and the Amazon Room...My personal feelings are that a Zon needs to much human companionship to be kept outside, they need to be where "The Action Is". Here's some links where you can see who might acclimate In South Cal... A Zon is similar to a Grey in their human attention needs. Two Zon's get along a lot better than Two Grey's.......Thanks Jayd http://www.avianweb.com/amazons.htm http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190343-Amazon-of-the-Week-Index
  18. Thanks, were going to have to do that to. These Grey's are smart...lol
  19. Happy Birthday to you, Must be nice to be 19 yrs old....Jayd and Maggie

  20. The female is the dominant member of the Eclectus pair, the male is fairly stable in most circumstance, One note, they don't tolerate loud arguing and unruliness, which can lead to feather plucking and other disorders, there are very few in rescues as compared to other birds. A female is the flock leader over the male, other than that their very loving companions...Their wonderful to raise, their biggest problem is people "Cross Breeding " them, which is very wrong......Jayd
  21. Dan made a statement awhile ago, that you had to listen to what your Grey was saying, how they were saying it, and in what language…Soooooooo, I’ve notice lately that our Greys [+ Salsa, Tango and Freddy] aren’t speaking as many full sentences! What’s going on?:confused: So it seems were talking to them, answering them in English, but their com-mutating their desires to us in: English, Bird, single English words, and sounds, besides body language. It appears that with all our birds, they have taught Maggie and I a efficient means of communications to satisfy their needs and make things between birds/people go smoothly, kind of a short hand…. Examples : “Can I have a kiss“, is now, “kiss” or “smack” [the sound of a kiss], “Come here” is now, “a click and head movement to the right”, “Shut-Up Salsa” is a loud “Clap” by Spock or Joey, wanting water, instead of “Good Water”, is “gurgle-gurgle”…etc, etc, etc……..There’s so much more.:eek: The problem is, their abbreviating, and were answering or acting on what they have conditioned us to do!!!!! [smart Birds!!!] Were going back to full sentences/full speech, [if they’ll let us?]:confused: Jayd
  22. Grey's are very empathetical, after a while, the person they bond with, I believe they 'Get In-tune" with also, and share emotions and express concerns about the other......Jayd ....Note:No scientific proof, But I've experienced it myself.....
  23. This is hormonal, You need to cut their daylight hours to 10-10,1/2,[13+ hours sleep, cooler temperatures, less misting and/or bathing, less soft food, less touching..... Your birds are getting frustrated, this is bad for them!!!!!!!! It doesn't matter how old they are, their wild creatures!!!!!Their born with this instinct......
  24. Ok, All Zon's are unique unto themselves.....I suggest a Lilac-Crown or a Mealy, a Blue- Front is another good choice...Stay away from a DBL Yellow-Head..Here's more reading.... http://www.avianweb.com/amazons.htm
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