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Everything posted by JillyBeanz

  1. Goodness me - the UK closes with 3 inches!! Why can't they take some pointers from the rest of the world!! Wrap up warm!!
  2. Hi Claire ~ oh Pepsi will open your eyes!!! I think you can compare greys to kids- they come, make a mess and then in your case, LEAVE! A bit like grandkids I suppose!!!! I'm sure you'll have a great time with Pepsi Claire - just be patient. You've been round here long enough and read everything thoroughly - you'll be fine. Your friend will also be safe in the knowledge that Pepsi is being looked after so well (and the fact that there are tons of people here ready to help if you need it)!! Jill x
  3. Honestly, this country makes me sick! How come we get a couple of feet of snow and the whole of the UK shuts down! We don't have enough salt for the roads, they can't clear the train tracks the list goes on!!! My car had been stuck at my parent's house for a week (rear wheel drive, no good on snow!!) and I had to get a bus for a week to work! It nearly killed me!!! I live not to far from Lyn - and our area has been hit the worst - although you didn't hear about it until the soft Southerner's got it (yes, that's you - anybody south of Yorkshire!!!). We've had it for two weeks now - it's just completely frozen now! I hate it!! You wouldn't think that Scandanavia was our neighbour - oh how they cope with the wintry conditions!! Anyway, enough of my moaning.......!!!
  4. Hi and welcome to our family! As Judy says - I don't trust Harvey with my nieces who are 2 and 5. He has this real fascination with them - and I am sure would definitely bite them, given the chance. I've had some pretty hard bites in my time from Harvey, and I really feel he could do some damage. To be honest, the time and effort it takes to bring up a grey is massive - you can't just leave them to their own devices, and I know how difficult bringing up a couple of kids is too. I always wanted a grey, but chose to bring one home when the kids were in their teens and less needy of me! Mind you - there is also the joy and love that a grey brings (when they feel like it)! Looking forward to hearing more about you. Jill x
  5. What fab verses Judy - very poignant, so very true.
  6. Oh what the hell Janet - go for it! Little Betsy's obviously tugging on your heartstrings - and I'm sure you don't leave the birds alone long enough for a bit "rumpy pumpy" to happen!! What a sad little story - I think Betsy is needy - she's in needy of a good home with a loving parront - and that's you!!! She's an orphan! She's lost her parronts - she'd love you!!!!
  7. At 11am this morning the people of the UK and associated members will honour our fallen soldiers with a two minute silence. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our allied forces and their families for their dedication and courage in order that we all live the way we do today. From all wars, from all times, from all over the world. Lest we not forget.
  8. Just a little update on Jay and Maggie. Jay is still very much under the weather and Maggie is spending her time looking after him. They both send their love and hope to be back on GF as soon as possible. Maggie says Spock is flying around the bedroom and hovering over Jay ~ well, they nursed Spock, so at last one of us is getting payback from our flock! I've sent our best wishes to them both (and the menagerie)!!! Jill x
  9. How has having a grey changed my life? I HAVEN'T GOT A BLOODY LIFE ANYMORE!! I used to come and go as I pleased, I used to have lovely things around the home that would remain untouched, I used to..... You get the picture! Harvey has brought absolute destruction and mayhem to my house! He has to be the centre of the universe, or else! He would try the patience of a saint! Saying that, I wouldn't be without him - and just love the end of the day when he calms down, just before "birdy byes" when he sits with me and I kiss him to death (not literally)!! The only problem I get is when he's had fresh chillis, and I forget...........!!!
  10. Harvey used to LOVE palm oil (ours in the UK is thicker and more like a play dough consistency) and used to actually eat it from the spoon. He was the same with palm nuts too (sorry, bragging again - I know you can't get them in the states!!) and would strip them right to the nut. He won't touch either now! The only way I can get it into him is in plain old mashed potato! He loves mashed potato and therefore will scoff it down with the oil! Little sods that they are!
  11. Harvey throws tantrums all of the time - I just shout back! He stops right in his tracks and looks at me as if I am mad!! Sounds like you're making grate progress with Timmy ~ keep up the good work!
  12. Ha Ha Ha! I have other favourite words, but none broadcastable - therefore we'll stick to cheeky!! Hi Claire ~ welcome to GF. This place isn't like all of those other ridiculous forums - ask a question and you'll get a sensible answer - there are so many knowledgeable people about who are ready to help you - just yell!! Looking forward to seeing some photos x
  13. What a great update on Sadie Karen, she is so lucky you found her! She sounds such a character and she sounds very settled already! If she starts spouting numbers they may be the lotto - jot them down!!! Looking forward to the pictures x
  14. Ha Ha Ha! Yip - they pick everything up - one of Harvey's favourites is "aaatcchoooo" and I have to say "bless you" following it - he waits for me to say it!!
  15. I've noticed over the past few weeks that when I'm trying to get Harvey back into his cage during the day (say on a weekend when we need to go out) that before he bites me (which he does all the time in protestation to being caged) he now makes a "cluck" noise before going for me! The sound I can only describe as if you put your tongue into the top of your mouth and make "horsey" noises! Ha Ha! You are sitting here trying to make the noise!! It's bizarre - but it's right before his beak dives forward to make connection with my hand!!! So - he might bite me when he feels like it - but at least he's telling me before he does it - how kind is he!!!
  16. Hi Mips and family! Welcome to the forum! Firstly - I can quite clearly understand the need for the change of name........! It sounds like you have a lively household there going on!!! Your pictures are fab too! Looking forward to hearing more about you all x
  17. I've been debating whether to get Harvey's leg band removed and perhaps microchipped - but have come across this - what do you all think? SmartWater SmartWater can be used to protect almost anything it is a forensic deterrent with the potency of providing details of ownership of items instantly, providing an unprecedented degree of identification, so powerful in fact it has been likened to DNA profiling. SmartWater is a clear, water based solution with built in "synthetic DNA" with each license holder having a unique code. When applied to equipment or the skin or feathers of Parrots, offers conclusive Forensic evidence of ownership accepted by a Court of Law. If used to protect premises and aviaries, a system of hidden sprays can be triggered by a silent intruder alarm system, spraying a very fine odourless and colourless Smartwater droplets onto the intruders. Once dry, it is almost impossible to wash off, so for months afterwards, the thief, together with his clothing, equipment and stolen property or Parrots carry indelible traces of SmartWater. It cannot be seen in normal light, but if a suspect is caught, or suspected stolen equipment or Parrots found, they can be examined by a simple ultraviolet light, and even if the smallest trace of SmartWater is present, samples can be taken for examination by the Police Forensic Science Service who can then positively link the suspect, equipment or Parrots to a particular theft and the legal owner. Consequently, no matter wherever or in which country the thief hides or keeps the stolen equipment or Parrots, the Police can prove in Law the origin of the property or Parrots and when and where the theft took place. SmartWater is applied by hand or spray to individual items of property or the skin, legs, beak and feathers of Parrots. Once dry , it is waterproof, invisible and extremely long lasting. Police authorities all over the UK have supported this product and its unique crime prevention and detection possibilities. www.smartwater.com
  18. What absolutely fantastic pictures! Oh to have such fab things on your doorstep - our local "pets corner" consists of pigs, hedgehogs and pigeons!! Thanks for sharing these x
  19. Thinking about Jay and Maggie and the Mad House! I'm sure Maggie has her roller skates on as we speak, and a bird hanging from each arm, ear, leg.....! Jill x
  20. Jill - that's absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing it - makes me want it to freeze and snow here.........NOT!!!
  21. OMG! You have such a good memory! I hate you!!! Ha Ha, yes, indeed - the rescued bag at the side of the road which indeed did look like a bird!! IT DID!! Lyn - it's a Pam Ayres poem - she won opportunity knocks in 1975 with it! Don't worry - all fiction!!!
  22. That's absolutely great Lyn! How lucky are you!!! Harvey just kept up the same stance of "bugger off, I'm not wearing it" and so has been cage bound all but once in the garden this summer! I got some very good bites in the process of trying tho!! Alfie knows what she'll be missing when she sees you and David going out - she's not a stupid girl!!!
  23. Oh David - my heart goes out to you. This is the worst experience we envisage when we have a bird. Best of luck to you. He will be out there, looking for you and hoping you find him too. Don't give up hope - there have been so many success stories on this forum. Keep us updated - we will all be thinking of you.
  24. At the Cotswold Wild Life Park, In the merry month of May, I paid the man the money And went in to spend the day. Straightway to the Pets Corner I turned my eager feet, To go and see the rabbits And give them something to eat. As I approached the hutches I was alarmed to see A crowd of little yobbos, 'Ollerin' with glee, I crept up close behind them And weighed the scene up quick, And saw them poke the rabbits, Poke them! . . with a stick! 'Get off you little buggers!" I shouted in their ear, 'Don't you poke them rabbits, That's not why they are here." I must have really scared them, In seconds they were gone, And feelin' I had done some good I carried on along. Till up beside the Parrots Cage I stood to view the scene, They was lovely parrots, Beautiful blue and green, In and out the nestbox, They was really having fun, Squawking out and flying about, All except for one. One poor old puffed-up parrot Clung grimly to his perch, And as the wind blew frontwards Backwards he would lurch, One foot up in his feathers, Abandoned by the rest, He sat there, plainly dying, His head upon his chest. Well, I walked on down the pathway And I stroked a nanny goat, But the thought of parrots dyin' Brought a lump into me throat, I could no longer stand it, And to the office I fled, Politely I began: 'Scuse me, Your parrot's nearly dead." So me and a curator, In urgent leaps and bounds With a bottle of Parrot Cure Dashed across the grounds. The dust flew up around us, As we reached the Parrots Pen And the curator he turned to me Saying 'Which one is it then?" You know what I am going to say, He was not there at all, At least, not where I left him, No, he flit from wall to wall, As brightly as a button Did he squawk and jump and leap, The curator was very kind, Saying, "I expect he was asleep." But I was humiliated As I stood before the wire, The curator went back To put his feet up by the fire, So I let the parrot settle And after a short search, I found the stick the yobbos had, And poked him off his perch!!
  25. Harvey's exactly the same! I now only have one extremely heavy vase on my mantle piece that Harvey can't move. The last thing he dropped from the top of the fireplace landed on the marble hearth and took a massive chip out of the marble. Door frames.......need I say anymore!!! You'll never wear him out! You'll wear yourself out before you wear him out. I think it's time for the old "grin and bear it" like the rest of us have come to do!!!
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