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Everything posted by GorgASS

  1. what's a monkey nut? just a peanut?
  2. GorgASS

    a lefty?

    thank you! that's kind of what i thought but i just wanted to make sure
  3. GorgASS

    a lefty?

    ok...so after i posted this i noticed on the top this was already discussed...sorry for re-doing an old post! but can someone still tell me if it's ok/normal for his foot to be a slightly darker color?
  4. GorgASS

    a lefty?

    willis always uses his left foot, to eat with, when playing with foot toys, everything. he's always used his left foot to grab things with ever since i got him. as a result, his left foot is always dirty looking. i bathe him regularly (to his displeasure) but it doesn't come off, almost like it's stained darker now. is this ok? and if not is there anything more i can do to clean it? is anyone else's cag (or any bird for that matter) a one 'footed' (lol) bird?
  5. that's so horrible! i'm so glad he's out of that and somewhere where he will be loved and taken care of...poor little guy. i hope he gains weight quickly!
  6. GorgASS

    smart crow

    i was watching animal planet's 'most extreme' today and it was about animal's living in big cities. anyway number 2 was the crow. there was a crow that liked walnuts but he couldn't crack them open, so he sat on top of a light pole and dropped them onto the road and waited until a car ran it over and smashed it open. if that wasn't enough, it knew enough to wait until the people went in the cross-walk to know it was safe to get his nut! how's that for a smart 'bird brain' lol. just had to share
  7. GorgASS


    i think i'm going to go over and talk to her again. i never thought of trying to get her on here tho thanks! she's actually my neice's grandma, and from what i've heard he's pretty mean now from being in the cage all the time. (actually it's the same thing that happened to her other bird-can't think of what kind he was right now- but he used to be out and then she stuck him in his cage all the time and got rid of him when he started screaming constantly). i even thought of taking him new toys. i make a lot of shreddable toys for willis and he just loves them, so i was thinking about making a few for her bird too...just so he has something new to do. willis also will fly to ANYONE if they have an almond wrapped in tissue paper he loves those things! (you can even fool him with regular tissue paper-you know the kind pple use to wrap presents in? he gets quite upset when he discovers a 'stupid human toy' inside of it instead of an almond! lol) maybe i could help her find something like that she could use to lure him down if he goes too high. and i never thought about him being too low for her to get if he goes on the floor, so thank you for pointing that out. i'll have to go talk to her and see if she has the internet...i'll let you know what happens!
  8. GorgASS


    my kids were playing outside today (i live in an apartment and we have a playground that's right outside my patio door) and willis (my grey) was sitting on his perch looking out the window at the kids playing. my neighbor's kid is friends with my daughter and they both came up to the patio and the neighbor saw willis and said that she had a parrot too. she didn't know what kind but it's smaller than a grey and green and they also had a morning dove. (she said both birds shared a cage) anyway, my daughter and the neighbor were talking (like 10 y.o. girls do) and the neighbor said her parrot bites her and her mom all the time and you have to flick it in the beak to get it to stop. my daughter quickly said we don't do that to willis cuz that's kind of mean, which i was very proud of her for realizing...but what is WRONG with some pple?!?! why would they think that's ok to do? that's like cracking the kids upside the head everytime they do something wrong... i don't understand some pple's logic or reasoning. along the same lines, my other neighbor on the end of my building has a cag that she's had about a year. she's in a wheelchair and not too mobile and no one really visits her, so i'm pretty sure she got him for companionship, which i totally understand. she doesn't believe in clipping a birds wings (nor do i unless it's absolutely necessary) which is awesome, but when he flies to the top of the cupboard or somewhere else she can't reach from her wheelchair, she can't reach him. so her solution is to leave him in the cage all the time so he can't fly too high for her to reach, instead of clipping his wings. in this case i think clipping the wings is a better solution than leaving him in his cage 24/7. i've even offered to help her if she can't get him down. i just don't understand...and it upsets me! sorry for the long post i just had to vent!
  9. i thought i read that somewhere once but then i couldn't find it again...so not much spinach for willis (if any at all lol) thank you!
  10. so after your grey regurgitates what happens? i mean with the food? the only reason i ask is because willis did it once (it was a piece of almond-his fav) and it landed on the couch. i didn't realize what happened right away so i was trying to make sure he was ok and he ended up eating it again lol. is that normal? or do they wait for you to do something with it?
  11. what about spinach? it's not on any of these lists and i love it, so i wondered if i could give willis some
  12. what did you use for the bottom pink thing? it looks like a small storage container...am i right? this is a very good idea and yes, you are awesome at toys, and quite frankly your bird room is amazing! i'm a little jealous lol
  13. willis gets pellets 3 times a day. i've found he eats more if i only put a little at a time in there and re-fill it as needed. i'm not sure why that works better for him but if i put a full 1/2 cup in the morning it will sit almost untouched all day. he's on the smaller side for a grey (like 400g) so i worry if he's eating enough
  14. i'm with casper. willis always has pellets (which are a mix of zupreem fruityblend and the zupreem spicy one with a few seeds mixed in) in one bowl, with fresh veggies in another bowl (that gets taken out before they get gross of course) and the 4th bowl is his 'meal' bowl. he doesn't get to come out when the family is eating cuz he doesn't like my kids very much and i know he'd try going after their food just because he knows they'll go running, so instead he gets a meal in his cage. he gets cereal, bird bread, pancakes, or oatmeal, etc., in his bowl in the morning, a little of what we have for lunch and dinner. today for lunch we had mac-n-cheese so i just took a few noodles out before i added the cheese and gave him that... i don't give willis much fruit because he doesn't really like it...he just throws it all over the place and makes a big mess. he eats banana's and apples that's about it. oh and cherries too (just discovered that!) i wouldn't mind cleaning up the mess if he was eating any of it...! and i do take the 'meal' bowl out after he's done eating. he's always waiting when i give him that bowl lol he knows good stuff is coming!<br><br>Post edited by: GorgASS, at: 2009/08/07 22:15
  15. i plan on making this tomorrow morning for willis (and for my non-feathered kids regular ones lol) i'll let you know how it turns out!
  16. they came in a 5 pack...for $1! talk about awesome!! lol well like i said i put one at the bottom of his cage just to see if he'd like it, and he went straight for it. he has a net that he doesn't seem to like to go on (it's semi-new) so i thought i'd hang on from his net and see what happens. i hung it kind of low so he didn't have to go too far onto it to get it and slowly moved it up...by the end of the day he was climbing all the way to the top of his net to get the almonds out of this toy! maybe someone else can use something like this to coax their grey onto a new toy lol.
  17. that's a really good idea...the pancakes...i'll have to try it...thanks!!
  18. just had to say i was at the dollar store today and i saw some wiffle balls that had overly big holes in it and i thought of this post and got them. i stuffed almonds wrapped in cup-cake liners in the holes and gave it to willis and boy did he have a blast!! it took him a while to get all of them out but it did keep him entertained for quite a bit. karma to you for this!!
  19. just thought i'd add that when i made mine like this i had to go back and take off the 8 in piece and replace it with a longer one cuz when willis sat on it it wasn't long enough and he kept hitting himself in the head with the toy or falling of the end. so i'm not sure if i did something wrong or if babypiggy made a mistake when listing the measurements. lol. either way this is a great (not to mention moneysaving) idea and i love it!!
  20. it's raining in central wisconsin. supposed to rain all day. i love the rain but i'm hoping it stops after supper so we can go to the race! (my bf and oldest daughter race bmx...and my daughter won her first trophy last week!!!)
  21. i bought willis' cage off ebay and i'd do it again. i think i spent around $250 for a huge cage worth well over what i paid for it. the only bad thing about the cage is when i got it the tray where you put the newspaper in was bent and wouldn't fit under the cage where it was supposed to but all i did was bend it back and it's fine. and i don't think that had anything to do with the seller...i think it was more with the shipping. like someone else said, just make sure you check the feedback to make sure there isn't too much negative. good luck in finding a cage!
  22. currently my little brother is a marine (been deployed to iraq 2 times, and is on standby at the moment), and my cousin is air force (been deployed once). my grandpa was army in ww1, and 3 of my uncles were air force during vietnam. i pray that this all ends soon and everyone comes home safe!
  23. willis always tries to pick at my tattoo's lol. it's so funny! i don't know if he thinks something's stuck to me and he's trying to get it off or what, but it's funny to watch. just the way he looks at them is funny
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