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Everything posted by GorgASS

  1. i smoke but i go outside (for my kids and willis) but i do smoke in my room (the door stays shut at all times and is upstairs, willis is in the livingroom) and i'm not even sure i like doing that. i am planning on quitting one of these days, hopefully sooner than later lol.
  2. your right about their cs...the lady i talked to was really nice, and i like the fact that first time customers get 15% off (saved me like $50) i think i was just having a bad day yesterday, that's why i got as upset as i did. i wouldn't judge them based on one half-bad experience (unless it was something major) and my item is on it's way now!
  3. has anyone ever ordered anything from windycityparrot.com? (i think that's website anyway) i only ask because i ordered a travel cage from them last monday (6-1) and called to ask when i would get it, and the guy said monday at the latest but i would get tracking info as soon as it shipped. so monday came and went, with no cage, so i called them. they said the order was never placed! they got my order, took my money from the order, but never actually placed the order! it's been shipped now and i'll have it on thursday, i was just a little pissed about the fact that if i wouldn't of called who knows how long it would of took to fix things! anyway...thanks for listening to me vent
  4. lol i can just imagine what willis' first words will be...'deagan get down here!' (my 5 year old son takes FOREVER to get ready in the morning and since i work 11-7 by the time i get home in the morning we have about 30 min before we have to be out the door) and he's definately coughing. as the day went on it got clearer and clearer. i'll try to get it on tape cuz it's so funny. i was telling my aunt she'd have to pay attention to willis in the morning (she watches my kids while i'm at work) because he's started coughing, and she asked if i was going to take him to the vet! i had to explain he's not sick lol. i can't believe how fast he's picking things up. it seems like everyday he starts something new!
  5. just had to add... my 3 year old has had a cough the past week or so...today i hear coughing and asked if she was ok and she just looked at me like what are you talking about? then i realized it was willis! do you think he really is learning so many things so fast or is it just my imagination? he really amazes me
  6. he started laughing today...at least i think that's what it was! he did it, which made me laugh, and he did it again. it sounds so funny lol!
  7. i'm so glad he's getting away from that! a few days ago i caught something was happening with your son from the im window, but didn't want to ask what was going on. (didn't want to pry) now that i know what happened all i have to say is thank heavens he's ok! my little brother is a marine stationed at pendleton in san diego, and he's constantly telling stories about all horrible things that happen in ca. not that big cities are the only place bad things happen mind you. i live in a fairly small town (pop. of around 17,000) and within the past year or so there's been a surge of violent crimes (murders, kidnappings, assults, etc.) it's sad when you think about it, what the world is coming to... but anyway (i apologize for going off-topic) i'm so glad your son will be home and safe soon!
  8. willis (my 5 month cag) is starting to mimic things (very clearly now!) so far he does the microwave beep (it's 3 beeps in a row), he can click (like you do with your tounge), and he's starting the wolf wistle!! sometimes he does the first part of it several times before doing the second part, but i'm so excited!! and the beep for the microwave is identical! i knew (for 10+ years) how greys can imitate sounds with perfection (i've also heard this for myself), but now that willis is doing it, i'm amazed all over again lol! i find myself turning the microwave on for 1 second just so it beeps, just so willis beeps. it's so cool! maybe i shouldn't be encouraging these 'annoying' sounds but i really couldn't be happier or more excited! i just HAD to share with everyone! :woohoo: i also have to add that he's started to do a very high pitched, very annoying, hurts my ears noise. not sure if it's something they all do (like the wolf wistle, i can't wistle and neither can my bf, so i know he didn't pick it up from us) or if it's a outside bird noise he heard and is repeating, only amplified. either way, whether it be annoying noises or microwave beeps, i COULD NOT BE HAPPIER!!! i'm sure all of you know what i'm talking about when i say i don't know what i'd do without him. i've only had him a few months and already i love him more than words can express. just thinking about him makes me smile
  9. wisconsin rapids, wisconsin...a boring little town lol
  10. willis is around 420g. he's been about that since i got him. when i first stoped feeding him formula he was at 397g or so and has slowly been going back up the past few days. he was 420g when i weighed him this morning when he got up. i think he's gonna be on the smaller side lol
  11. yes thank you! i knew all of them except mushrooms, haven't heard that one before. (it will be added to list of things willis can't have that hangs next to his cage...just in case) and also thank you for saying WHY these things are poisonous...not that i questioned the forbidden foods but it's nice to know what is affected by what. THANKS AGAIN!!B)
  12. i think willis is officially weaned! today will be his fifth day of me not feeding him. he's maintaining weight and eating on his own...the only problem i've had with him is he will only eat if i'm in the same room as him lol. if i'm gone...he doesn't eat...if i'm in a diff. room...doesn't eat...doesn't matter if he's in his cage or not, he will not eat unless i'm in the room. anyone else have this happen? so i'm still not able to go anywhere (for now lol) but at least he's eating on his own!! he's growing up soo fast! today was also the first time outside with his aviator...he LOVED it!!! and only small problems getting it off...but no bites like others have experienced! i'm so excited!!:woohoo:
  13. i read somewhere the other day that said coffee makers have ptfe's (the non-stick pans stuff). has anyone else heard this and does anyone know if it's true? i love my coffee!!! do i need to stop using my coffee maker or move it?
  14. i was wondering this too! willis LOVES almonds, and he doesn't love my boyfriend too much so i started having brian(my bf) give them to willis for treats ANY time he got close to him or let him touch him. in the begining willis was getting tons but as he got more used to brian we've been cutting them back, but i was still wondering how much was too much. it's working great! brian doesn't even need an almond anymore to get willis to step up now. so thanks myafricanqueen for asking cuz i was wondering too!!
  15. get ready for him to be biting them a lot lol. willis discovered my glasses and i can't seem to get him to stop trying to get them now
  16. a line of cinnamon(sp) also stops ants from crossing
  17. thank you! i didn't want to get the wrong size one lol
  18. i do have a harness but it's the kind with the clip and it's really hard for me to get it tight enough, so i'm getting the aviator (i posted a q about it in the african grey room if anyone can help!) i just have to figure out which size to get for him. i did take him outside once with the clip type harness. he let me put it on him no prob. but i don't think he was very comfortable cuz the whole time we were outside he was playing with it. i'm hoping the aviator is better cuz i love being outside and would love for willis to be able to come out with me!
  19. i have a harness and i don't like it (it's the kind with a clip) so i'm getting an aviator harness (which i've heard are better anyway). my question is, on their website they have a small size for 190-425g or a medium for 425-600g, and i'm not sure which to get. willis is 15 1/2 weeks and weighs 410g. i'm not sure if he'll get much bigger or not, but i don't know if i get the med. one and he stays at his current weight if it will be too big for him. so maybe someone who has the aviator can answer my q...thanks!!
  20. and an update on the feedings...i dropped the nighttime feeding 3 days ago now i think and he's doing greYt! his weight is staying the same and he's eating on his own!! and this morning i got him out to feed him and he refused! he's back in his cage eating right now, so maybe breakfast will be the next feeding to go. do they usually wean this fast?
  21. hmm...wonder why it didn't work...oh well let's try it again lol! http://s641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/GorgASS/?action=view&current=CIMG6951.flv hopefully it works this time!
  22. it's not the greatest cuz of course as soon as he saw the camera he quieted down, but i still like it! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.myvideos
  23. he's maintaining his weight good. today will be the first time i don't feed him...providing he continues to eat pellets on his own. yes caitb2007, he gets fruits and veggies, (doesn't seem to like fruit so far tho lol) and he gets some mash and bird bread as well. i guess i should of included that in the first post, whoops! lol. and yes, he flies all over the place!! if i remember right he started with his 4 ft. flights about a month or so ago. he now flies EVERYWHERE!! even gets as high as the ceiling! it's a bit of a pain when i'm trying to get something done and he decides he doesn't want to be where ever he is at the time and comes and bothers me lol but it's so fun to hold out my hand and have him fly to me where ever i am. i figured it'd be ok if i dropped a feeding i just wanted to get some other opinions..so thanks guys!(or girls lol)
  24. my willis is 15 weeks old, and is on 3 handfeedings a day. the last 3 days he's been eating around the suppertime feeding, so i've been letting him eat, and he's quite full when he's done, but i still try to feed him anyway. he does eat a little, but not much...can i drop this feeding? it was my understanding that the noon feeding was the first to go, followed by the lunchtime, with the supper time feeding being the last to go...willis seems to be doing this backwards lol. he doesn't really seem to eat his pellets during the day (he picks at them at best). i've even tried feeding him late at the noon feeding (unless he's crying of course) and he doesn't go to his pellets at all, just waits for me to feed him. but everyday for the last 3 days, around 5:00 (i feed him usually at 5:30) he goes right to his pellets and starts eating for a very long time, but when he's done he's full and only eats 5-10cc, then goes on his playtop and eats more pellets. sorry this post is so long, i just wanted to give a little background. thanks!
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