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Everything posted by GorgASS

  1. oh i know! it's already been like that and it's even worse now that i'm 5 days away! i'll definately post pics as soon as i can!
  2. so i just had to tell you all my baby's coming home on saturday!! only 5 more days till i get to hold him(her)!! i'm so excited!!
  3. i was actually a little worried before i talked to her on the phone last night. there were some (less than 5) bad reviews of her on sites like ripoffreport and pissed consumer that i didn't discover until after i sent the deposit, and by then it was kind of too late to find a different breeder. that was the main reason i wanted to drive the 16 hours to pick it up in person. (that and i wasn't too fond (or trusting) of shipping) but after talking to her i'm so glad i didn't discover the bad reviews before i sent her the deposit. she definately put my mind at ease. she even offered to meet me in chicago, il (a 4 hour drive for her one way) so i could pick up my baby. i haven't had a lot of experience with breeders since this is my first grey, but she seemed so nice and answered all of my question (and believe me there were a lot!) she even called me this morning to see if i wanted her to set up the webcam again!
  4. she set it up over her yahoo messenger and i don't think other people can see it. i tried to figure out a way last night so my brother in california could see 'the bird i'm spending so much money on' and i couldn't figure it out. she said she'd do a youtube video today so i could post it on myspace so when she sends me the link i'll be sure to post it here!
  5. i just got off the phone with my breeder...i was on the phone with her for 2 hours!! she turned on her webcam and hand fed him(her) so i could see! she's even leaving her webcam on all night in front of the cage/tank he's in so my boyfriend can see when he gets home from work and i can watch him!! i'm sooo excited!! just had to share!
  6. i'm the same way...only i'm still stressing cuz i don't have my grey yet! lol
  7. i do myspace.com/jolynn1129 feel free to add me...just put that your from the forum in the add request
  8. i checked out the website... how do you know they're safe around animals? unless i missed something on the site...
  9. i do have to admitt that was pretty hott!! lmao anyway...when i get my bird it will be around 12 weeks...when it's fully weaned. the breeder said her's usually wean around 12 weeks. does that sound about right?
  10. my bird is 8 hours (one way) so kinda far but not too bad. and i think i am going to drive and get it...it sounds like i'll be able to pick between 2 or 3 of them, so i'd like to pick the one that likes me most (or seems to) i have the cage all set up with 4 toys (as of right now, i need to add a few more perches so i can add toys) plus it has a removeable playtop that sets on top of the cage, and that has a spot for a toy. i've emailed the breeder and asked what it will be weaned on specifically so i can get the same type, as well as the hatch date(s), any fav. toys, what kind of routine it's on (i work 11pm-7am, so i want to stay as close to it as possible), and a few other specific questions. i'm waiting to hear back from her. i emailed her on fri. so hopefully it'll be soon! thanks a bunch to everyone who wrote replies! you guys are so helpful!
  11. i wasn't really sure where to put this post so i hope it's in the right spot... i know you shouldn't use most cleaning products, areosols, scented candles, and air fresheners because it can harm your grey, but what about scented hand lotion and perfume? i don't use perfume often (hardly ever really) but i do use lotion and it dawned on me the other day after i put it on. it's not super strong or anything, something from bath and body works, but i wondered if that would fall under the do not use catagory. if anyone could give me some input on that. also, i'm getting really close to getting my grey, barely two weeks left about, and i'm wondering what i should all find out before/when i pick it up. i'm still not completely sure if i'll drive to get it or if i'll have it shipped...i'm leaning toward driving (i'm kinda paranoid of getting ripped off) and now that the dates getting closer and closer i feel like i'm forgetting something(or will) so could any of you give me a list of what i should ask when i pick it up? or what i should look for? i know the obvious things i just want to make a list to make sure i don't forget anything! sorry for the long post and thanks again!!
  12. well i can't really go and visit. the breeders 8 hours away (one way) so i won't actually be able to go and see him until i go to pick him up. i could have one shipped here but i thought i'd rather go and pick him up even tho it will cost a little more. that way i can see which one likes me or whatever.
  13. i just got a pic of my grey!!! and i even get to pick which one i want :woohoo: this is going to be the LONGEST few weeks ever!! just wanted to share with everybody!
  14. i'm not a member of the bite me club (yet, and hopefully never lol). someone said they got their earings ripped out by their grey (youch:pinch: ...i feel for you!) so it should be interesting when i finally get mine! as you can (maybe)see from my pic i've got a few piercings (8 in my ears and 8 (gonna be 9 later today) in my face) so cross your fingers everybody they stay where they are and i won't have to join:) lol
  15. thank you guys!! i'm going to order the rope tonight and i'll post a pic as soon as i get it done...i'm pretty excited so i'll definately post pics so i can get some opinions!
  16. thanks! i really hope i'm able to train my grey...it would be so nice (not to mention less messy) i'll let you all know how it goes. i'm getting mine on the 31st (hopefully. that's the guess the breeder made on the ready date) i get my cage on thursday and just bought a bunch of toys today ($200 worth) and i'm SO excited! i'm hoping messing with the cage and getting all the toys set up will help the time go faster!
  17. i just had a question for you guys (since i don't have my fid yet)... i decided to make a net (like the one someone else on here made) and all i can find is 1/2" sisal rope. nothing bigger. so my question is, would 1/2" rope be thick enough for a grey? i mean would their feet fit comfortably around it? i don't want to go through all the trouble of making one, only to get my grey and discover it's too small.
  18. i'm not sure if anyone will find this since it's a fairly old post, but i just wanted to add my 2 cents lol. i have a steam mop that i use to clean my floors. i bought it about a year ago from wal-mart and if i remember right it wasn't too expensive. anyway, i bought it because i have linolium(sp) in my kitchen and both bathrooms. i think the pple who used to live here somehow stripped the clear coat off because all the grooves get full of nastiness very fast (even tho i wash my floors once a week and sweep everyday) and the only way to get it off is to get on my hands and knees and scrub it off every week. i got sick of doing that so i bought this mop hoping that it would work. well, to make a long story short, you fill it up with water, plug it in, wait like 30 seconds, and mop. there's no chemical cleaners or anything, it's just straight water that's heated up to make steam, and it's the steam that cleans. and it works great! gets all the gross gunk that accumulates in the grooves that i could only get by scrubbing before. i just thought that with all the cleaning products you can't use around birds this might be helpful since it's just water. hope this helps someone!
  19. i've heard(read lol) a few pple in here's greys are potty trained. how would you go about paper/potty training? i'm very interested in this, as it would cut down on the poo mess in the house, and i like that idea better than flight suits. any suggestions or even links that could describe how it's accomplished. thanks!
  20. after i read about oval cages not being good i decided not to get it, i just wasn't sure WHY it wasn't good for a bird, so i'm glad you gave examples of why it's not good instead of just saying it wasn't (like the websites i've found) so thank you. this is a link of the cage i've decided on. (unless someone doesn't think it's good enough, and i'm not being facetious, i really want peoples opinions! after all, if i'm gonna spend a few hundred dollars on a cage i'd rather get a good one from the start) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=130285822600 or if anyone has any suggestions on a cage please feel free to let me know!
  21. this is a link to the cage http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=110353119423 i really like this cage. i've never seen one like it either...i think that's why i want(ed) it. and danmcq do you know why an oval cage isn't good for the tail feathers? (as opposed to a square shaped one?) i've heard that before but never why. or if anyone else knows. this is my first parrot (i have 2 parakeets...actually they're my daughters) and even though i really want the oval cage i won't get it if it isn't 'good' for my parrot (obviously) i just don't really understand why the shape of a cage would effect tail feathers. the breeder i'm getting him(or her) from said she'd send me some pics mon. or tues. so as soon as i get them i'll be sure to get them on here (if i can figure it out lol)
  22. ooh...i forgot to add...i haven't gotten a cage yet. i'm looking at a few and i really like an oval one. i've never seen one like it before and i think it's really cool looking. i read (somewhere) that cages that aren't square or rectangular aren't good for birds because there isn't any corners for them to 'hide' in. my 2 parakeets are in a dome-top cage, wouldn't that be kinda the same thing as no cornered cage? anyway, does anyone have any input on getting or not getting an oval cage, or does anyone have their cag in an oval cage? any input at all would be helpful and very much appreciated! thanks
  23. after 10+ years of wanting a grey i'm finally about to get one! i have about a month to wait and i am nervous as can be, but so excited at the same time. just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone here, and comment on how helpful this website had been so far. as i've said, i've wanted a grey for years, so i've done a lot of general research on them, but now that i'm about to get one i've been doing more specific research, like diet and such. i was begining to get a bit worried cuz i wasn't finding anything too specific until i stumbled upon this site. i feel like anything i want to know is already here or if it's not all i have to do is ask. so i just wanted to say thank you to all the members...you all seem to really care about your own birds as well as informing anyone of whatever you know. so again, a big thank you and i'm sure i'll be visiting this forum quite often! i'll let you all know when i get my baby (not sure if it's a male or female and i'm still trying to come up with a name lol)
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