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Everything posted by daveyj

  1. daveyj

    Baby Talk!

    this is Alfie born 21/6/08
  2. if you can get him to step up then place other hand on his back then bob him in gud luk
  3. i dunno but thats one hell of a question B)
  4. i dunno but thats one hell of a question B)
  5. aww Pops shame innit maybe a gud fing cos wen he burst da pips its like a bloodbath red all ova:dry:
  6. well Alfie just come face to face wiv the pommygranite and boy he dont half luv it giv it a try if ya aint allready:P
  7. erm i bin paintin then i painted sum more & now its relax time oh 4got i gave Alfie a bath without gettin nipped coz he loves his daddy, Sweet :woohoo:
  8. look at my profile pics and see Alfie playing with hoops:)
  9. hmm toys ive spent loads on the so called real macoy for parrots what a waste. on a visit to the local farmshop and a look at the under 3 year olds kiddys toys i got a hoopla game for a pound which Alfie plays with for hours its the simple things that keeps him amused{Nature-00020095}
  10. alex was an amazing grey and adored worldwide there is no reason everyone carnt have a bird like alex its all down to love and patience and building the trust in oneanother;)
  11. ta for the welcome Pugwash & Baxtersmom thats souper lol
  12. thanks judygram people here are so kind its a pleasure to be part of the grey forum Post edited by: daveyj, at: 2008/11/23 18:02<br><br>Post edited by: daveyj, at: 2008/11/23 18:04
  13. ok ash ta for that i think anything low in salt n sugar is ok just thought id ask the peeps on here {Feel-good-000200A2}
  14. hi casper are you a ghost lol just kidding yeah i have uploaded a few photos on my profile dont know if you can access them tho ???? p.s.thanks for the welcome
  15. thanks for the welcome she Alfie is so funny never a dull moment at home since he arrived:)
  16. hi im daveyj with a 5 month old grey called Alfie who is really special to me hes my first ever parrot and after hours of research into greys im so pleased to now be a proud owner but you are always learning and places like this are sutch a great help thanks for your help:)
  17. thanks nims yes i did mean cereal sutch as cornflakes rice crispies etc Alfie my grey has toast with palm nut spread on it i just thought he may need a change:)
  18. hi new to this is there a breakfast cereal that humans eat that greys can have to
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