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Everything posted by rierie

  1. i found a new foot toy for charlie... and it is a hit. metal puzzles.. you know the kind of tested metal that you have to figure out how to take apart... I found a box of four in my junk drawer and thought charlie would like playing with those.. and he does.. not sure where they came from but he likes them
  2. http://www.cheepparrottoysntips.com/index.html I found one of them.
  3. Here hope this helps with ideals to do with all that stuff.. i love making toys for charlie. http://www.cheepparrottoysntips.com/index.html
  4. Yep I beleive that is part of having a parrott and dogs in the same house, didnt take charlie long to learn if he threw food on floor the dogs would run to eat it...
  5. I had some good homemade thread sites... and I lost them. Had to reformat my computer and lost them. can you all please tell me of some, not having much luck with finding some.. i had several good ones and cant seem to find them searching.
  6. Charlie does make beeping sounds on occasion like that.. the telephone recorder.. and we too have mistaken charlie when it was the battery in the carbon detector.... they are funny the way the pick up the sounds and confuse us...I have also went to answer the recorder and discovered it was charlie.
  7. cute, i have been putting ice in charlies water since it has been so hot here and our ac was broken for 3 days, fixed now. and he held it for a little while then threw it out... picked all the cubes out and threw them out one at a time.
  8. ok so Charlie has a new cage and it is large compared to his old one.. he is adapting well also. But he has a lot more room and wanted to add some rope perches, possible a new swing, as he has been eating his old one... and need a few of the metal bowls as his cage didnt have any.. anyhow what is a good on line store, as i know i have to order this on line, no local store will have them except maybe petsmart and they are expensive.
  9. well darnit cant get picture to download..
  10. Well we went to flea market this morning... a guy had a bird cage for 100 dollars... It is a nice one, with play stand and tray on top.. 28 by 36 by 44 inches high.. a lot larger then his old cage... took it to car wash on way home cleaned it brought it home and put it back together, Bob put charlie in it and he dont seem to mind it... doesnt want nothing to do with the play stand on top yet, but figure he will as he gets used to the new cage... it also game with toys.. only thing is that it only has one bar perch.. but we can get a dowel and make another.. I looked it up on line and it is a 459 dollar cash, my husband did good. well I am gonna try to download a picture for u all.. It has a skirt that goes on it but it doesnt have the hardware so bob will get it monday and add it.
  11. Charlie is back to talking... i heard him a few days ago.. hollering charlie bird, charlie bird... i answered back yes charlie is a pretty bird.. he started hollering at the dogs at that point... snoopie come here red get in here.... he is so funny hollering at the dogs.. they dont pay any attention when he hollers at them... but all is well...
  12. Charlie isnt talking, my husband is worried. Unfortunatly a few days after we found him we had to go out of town to a funeral, my sister in law had a heart attach..my daughter feed and watered him while we was gone. I figure after he gets over the shock of getting loose and then being abanded for 4 days he will start talking again.. am I right? and how long will that take?
  13. Well since i havent been here in forever and havent let u all know how charlie is doing until he got loose and since i have found him I thought i would let u know how charlie has been doing. He will not let me touch him hardly anymore, but lets my husband.. he is his bird nowadays. he will when sitting on the top of his cage give me kisses. and i can hand him food or toys. He will let me put food and water in his cage, but i cannot pick him up at all. loves green beans, seems to be his favorite food.Plays on his playstand, seems to enjoy it, and sits on the back of our church bench in dining room and looks outside a lot. Bob can sit him on the floor and tell him go get in your cage and he will go get on it most of the time.. sometimes he will go to the playstand instead. He is now almost 2 yrs old, He is so smart. has picked up a good vocabulary.. Snoopie come here monoxide come here red get in here charlie bird pretty bird messey bird charlie are u a pretty bird barks like snoopie whines like Monoxide ( my sons dog a puppie) the phone ring the phone peep of answering machine good morning good night nite nite Bob wanta eat something peakapoo whistles makes the sound of running water makes the sound of the coffee pot Snoopie red Monoxide go outside no dont do that get out of there snoopie stop that red get out of there no i said no thats enough i said thats enough go lay down want this up there ( wants the small playstand on cage)sn snoopie leave him alone and even says some stuff i havent quiet made out yet. seens to pick up everything i say to the dog but says it at appropriate times like when the dogs are barking he will say thats enough... or if snoopie snaps at monoxide snoopie stop that, go lay down. We really enjoy him, the house would be so quiet without him. Right now he isnt saying much.. seems to be fine this morning. Figure he will start chattering again in a day or so. last night he got lots of attention. feed him green beans to make sure he was eating good. figured he had quite an adventure and was tired so i covered him right at dusk so he could get a good nights sleep in his own bed where he could relax. he is playing on his playstand this morning, and bob is talking to him.
  14. i will keep jasper in my prayers... hopefully he hasnt gone far and will be found.
  15. We went and talked to the lady this afternoon to find out the story... she said she heard him saturday morning, which he got out friday at dusk... she said he was in her crab apple tree.. then after couple hours he flew down onto her porch rale.... she has one of those houses that has a detached garage but the roof goes all the way across to the garage with open space where the steps and a small patio area is.... anyhow she said after he got there she pettied him.. and looked up on the internet what to feed him... she gave him bannanas and water... and that her husband wanted to keep him if no one came looking for him...but they just left him on the porch thinking he would return home... it was one block straight south of where the trees was that bob said he flew too... we had went by there looking for him a dozen times, I went there this morning walking and hollering at him... anyway this wont happen again, my husband has agreed charlie will not go out again, Charlie wont miss what he doesnt know, the outside world is not for a bird that has never been there... he is happily in his cage enjoying the attention that he is getting from my husband... Bob is so relieved... and the vet said he is fine, few scratches on his nose... and a slightly bruised eye but will be fine.. and his wings are clipped for now anyway... i will go read emmmas story..and make that decision, right now Bob just wanted his wings clipped immediately....so it is done.. no more outside adventures though.... we was very lucky.... it was the last street in town... if he had flew any further he would have been in the country..
  16. When I went to posting flyers around town this morning... I went into the bank and ask if I could put one on the bulletin board and the lady told me he had been on her side porch for a day and half.... 2 blocks straight south from our house... we had walked that area many times... has an appointment to go to vet at 1 o clock to be checked and wings clipped... his nose is banged up some put seems fine other then hungry... came right to my husband when he walked up... she had iron fence reels on her porch and a roof that ran to the garage...guess those iron reels felt like a cage.... more like home.... havent talked to the lady yet.. as soon as she told me i went running to see if he was still there.... thank you everyone for helping...
  17. Well i went into the rain, but couldnt find him...this is so nerve racking..
  18. it is raining again, i can hear him screaming, he hates water, but it is so distant and with the rain i cant figure out where he is... darnit darnit darnit... this is like have a kid missing.
  19. we got a small thunderstorm today... more ran then thunder.... and i heard charlie just skretching ... went to see if i could find him but still cant... thought it was coming from the direction that we thought he went... then right after the storm i went over to that block and heard him again and it sounded as if it was coming from the other way... he must be really high or the rain made him move... he hates having water sprayed on him so i would say it was pissing him off... I know it was him though, cause he makes the same sound in his cage and he is usually upside down throwing a fit when he does it.. this is so nerve racking.... i want to let my husband have it. but he feels bad i know... he thinks charlie will come home eventually... I hope so... but it is hard to keep hope up... this will be the 3rd night and 2nd day he has been gone.... but i know it was him screaming.... so maybe with some luck we will find him.... but then catching him might be another story...
  20. No luck finding charlie so far... i made flyers to post in the local restaurant, gas station, video store, and grocery store, library, that about covers the whole town, it is a small town. the neighbors know. contact the humane society, and will contact the vet monday.. it is a small town and everything is closed until monday, the only flyer i can post is the one at the gas station. only thing open on weekends... posted it on facebook so it wont take long to get around town.. one thing about a small town, word gets out quick... all my family knows and friends... i am exhausted from looking and had to work today too.. i feel so hopeless....trying not to say how can u be so stupid to my husband... this is so frustrating to look and look and nothing..bob has been outside all day also... and we are suppose to have thunderstorms all week, which i am sure wont help.. How long will he stay hid... Will I ever find him?
  21. We got up at five this morning, looked for charlie, but havent seen him no where... This is both our faults, i should have called an got an appointment to have him clipped... and bob should not have took him outside until we had him freshly clipped.. I know my husband he doesnt think, it is always it will be ok.. We put his cage and playstand out in the yard.. now alll we can do is hope and prayer.... I will make some flyers to put out as soon as i can. I have to go to work and it is saturday... so it will probable be monday before i can get any made...... maybe i can get a friend to do it.. well thanks for the prayers and support... darnit darnit darnit....
  22. We have put the cage on the porch... i put fresh food in it... and water... will put some on top and we are getting up before daylight if we can sleep at all... and heading out to look... i didnt even realize he had took him outside... just discussed his wings about a week or so ago, that he had flying into the living room, and i told bob that he had flown, and we discussed cutting his wings, i told him to take him to the vets office and get it done... i should have called an made an appointment.. i never thought no more about it, been so busy lately, taking bobs brother to chemo treatments, working, and son home from iraq i let it slip my mind.... darnit darnit darnit....
  23. crying, i dont know what to do to find this bird... it was right about dust, my husband says he flew into a bunch of trees in the neighbors back yard, but left to come get me to help... so we dont know if he flew off.... it got dark fast while we was looking... all we can do now is listen, but i know he has to be scared and will not talk or chatter.. he only talks when he is in room by himself or just me and bob in the house... he has learned to talk like crazy too... I am so upset..... I dont know why either, darn bird wont let me touch him no how...hasnt for a long time... seems to have took to my husband more then me...
  24. My husband takes charlie outside and lets him sit on his shoulder.... I have told him before be careful, u probable shouldnt do that... well I also told him couple weeks ago that he needed his wings cut.. he asked me if i would hold him will u clip them... i told him no... i didnt know his blood feathers... told him to take him to vet... I didnt even notice he had took him out this evening... he came running in and said come help me catch charlie... the bird wont let me touch him no more... hasnt for about a yr now... well we cant find him no where........... darnit darnit darnit.... My husband has been outside looking in trees for hours wont come in... it is pitch black u cant see nothing... and thunderstorms headed our way... I have no ideal what to do?
  25. mine tears his toys apart, piece by piece, i think it is normal... yells at them and attacks them.
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