Well, I didn't think this day would ever come.
So the other night we're sitting on the sofa and Butch wants out to have his nightly smoke. The way the room is arranged, Talula can't see me due to the large fish tank. Her cage was closed, she was "up" for the night but still uncovered. The minute she heard the sliding door close she started to speak. As me.
"Good morning Talula!"
"Does Pretty bird want breakfast?"
"Come here Talula! no! Talula!"
"Pretty bird Talula"
She went on for a good 7 minutes plus. I really wanted to try and record with the phone but I knew she'd stop if I made a move.
Using this new found information about her mimicry, I decided to see if she'd let me pet her.
Traditionally the only time she'll put her head down for scritches from me is if we're in the car, and she's in my lap. I don't know why but that's the only time she'd put that big beak down.
Well she will pretty much do it all the time now. I had her sitting on the sofa arm next to me and I said want scratches and she put her little head down!
I can't believe this kind of progress in a mere 5 months (10-8-09). Now if she'll just let the rest of those back feathers grow in, we might be on to something!