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Everything posted by ecodweeb

  1. I'd suggest one of the ones that uses water, like an old style heater, but is portable and electric. That should be the safest best. I work with a lady whose had a wild caught Amazon since the late 70s, I think 77 or 78, and he has had a space heater (coil kind I believe, old school) every winter and he's in his 30s now at least.
  2. both my babies bang, grind and click their beaks.
  3. I imagine that African people call them grey parrots. they're the only ones that are solid grey, no?
  4. Hm. You've got a conundrum there. can you perhaps get another friend to stop in and let Z out and play with her for an hour each day? I'd jump at the opportunity to do that!
  5. Huh, it makes sense. They bird remembers and recites all it's heard... neat!
  6. are we talking replacing filter for the HVAC or a stand alone air purifier? I've never given extra consideration to the kind of filters I buy, but I've always bought HEPA filters for my HVAC system.
  7. So how often do you need to feed those really cute lamp shades?
  8. How long have they cohabitated like that? I think Phoenix would drop dead of Talula stepped on his cage.
  9. Well, I didn't think this day would ever come. So the other night we're sitting on the sofa and Butch wants out to have his nightly smoke. The way the room is arranged, Talula can't see me due to the large fish tank. Her cage was closed, she was "up" for the night but still uncovered. The minute she heard the sliding door close she started to speak. As me. "Good morning Talula!" "Does Pretty bird want breakfast?" "Come here Talula! no! Talula!" "Tallllllluuuuuula!" "Pretty bird Talula" She went on for a good 7 minutes plus. I really wanted to try and record with the phone but I knew she'd stop if I made a move. Using this new found information about her mimicry, I decided to see if she'd let me pet her. Traditionally the only time she'll put her head down for scritches from me is if we're in the car, and she's in my lap. I don't know why but that's the only time she'd put that big beak down. Well she will pretty much do it all the time now. I had her sitting on the sofa arm next to me and I said want scratches and she put her little head down! I can't believe this kind of progress in a mere 5 months (10-8-09). Now if she'll just let the rest of those back feathers grow in, we might be on to something!
  10. the absolutely most you could do is pad the walls and floor with thick down blankets. This of course raises it's own set of risks and problems.
  11. ecodweeb


    My thinking has been along these lines: they're birds. Bird scratch the ground to kick up dropped seeds covered in foiliage/dirty to eat. The bottom of their cage is no difference to them. I have seen Phoenix down on his grate scratching away and all I can do is giggle and call him little grey chicken.
  12. YoYo looks to be about Talula's size (this makes me happy!) He's a big talker! So cute!
  13. dancmq is right. I also realized we have newish microwaves at work, and I'm keeping Talula very very far away from the break room as a precaution.
  14. I'm not sure who you speak of, but I say that because I work with the US National Toxicology Program's Research on Carcinogens group and can say with a fair amount of certainty that everything kills or causes cancer.
  15. talk to her, and open the door and let her decide to come out. you might be surprised how fast she comes out and asks for a head scratch. dont be afrid, she will likely try and "beak you" which is like a baby mouthing your finger. It looks scary but isn't, your reaction to it will leave a lasting impression on her. wise not to invade her space right away
  16. i suppose if mine kept their feathers (well, one can) I would be more worried. Phoenix has had the opportunity to fly away, and I think being from an abusive home in the past he knows how good things are and won't change them. Grass is always greener?
  17. recall training is where you train the bird to fly to you on a certain call, always. It's like step up for flight.
  18. the beach, the trails, my office (like today) and pet stores. sometimes other peoples' houses, but thats it. We've had to sit in the car before while at the grocery store. i imagine beach restaurants wouldn't mind so long as you sat outdoors?
  19. haha, that was certainly a "What kind of crazy creature are you" look
  20. now if only she would fetch your water bottle for you while she spots you!
  21. Oh, I never thought about cage size and placement. Those are two big things. Talula was in a case about 1/2 the size of what she is in now. She is much happier in her big cage.
  22. My little girl (who drawfs my male) has dry skin and she was a plucker (now she is trying to let them all come back in). Aloe Vera Juice, you can get it by the gallon at WalMart for cheap, and a spray bottle ... soak her... till it beads... she may hate you for it at first but as her skin stops itching and bothering her she will warm up to it (they're smart like that). Also showers would be good but that may be a ways down the road for a new grey in the home. Mine like them OK in the summer and HATE them in the winter (I get bitten a lot in the winter when a shower is necessary). I would suggest you know what not to feed them, there is a good article on this forum but I can't find the link. Send a Private Message to Judygram, she had a good list of OK to feed foods that I keep on my fridge in hard copy. Has she pulled her flight feathers? Can you possibly attach a photo of her for us to see? You will do well, just get to get adjusted to each other.
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