Congratulations on finally getting your baby Cag home. They certainly are cute and adorable when they are babies, and so curious. Can't wait to see some pictures and hear more about your baby. Any names come to mind yet????
Hi Ally! Nice introduction. In your Avatar, Coco looks like a great looking grey. With all that grey experience, I'm sure you have a lot of knowledge to share with us. Can't wait to hear more about Coco and see more pictures if you have any more you would like to share. Welcome to the family.
Renate, this is great news!! I am so happy that you found the information you were looking for. Thanks for this great update. Hope to hear more about how Alex is doing.
Hey Paul, thanks for the update. So you decided to name him Archie instead of Ozzie. Both are great names. Archie sounds like a very bright grey. Hope to see some pictures or perhaps a video of him identifying colors, how fantastic.
Great video. It was a little hard to hear Omar, but I think I heard him say, "I'm impressed" and "Hello David." Hope to hear more from Omar. Thanks for sharing!
caitb2007, anything teflon, pots, pans, waffle iron, oven liners, etc., anything with teflon in/on it is dangerous to your birds, all birds. There are many posts about this subject throughout the forum, just type in teflon in a search box and see what you find.
Hi Msvoluptous, welcome to the family. I can't help you to locate an East Coast breeder, live on the West Coast, but I wanted to say Hi. If you really want a grey, then I wouldn't settle for another bird, that's my opinion anyway. It sounds like you have done your research on what is required to own a grey. I would wait for baby greys to be available from the breeders you have already researched and like. Don't just settle "on a bird". I hung around here for two months before I finally brought my Ana Grey home. There are very knowledgeable people who frequent this forum and they have a world of information to share. There are oodles of threads with information necessary to understand what greys are like and if you can't find something ask, and if they can our experienced members will jump right in and help. You see, you are now part of the family and family stick together. Welcome!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/02/28 00:19
I know I should have watched the Puppy Bowl instead of the Super Bowl. Darn, darn darn, missed this great singing!!!! Thanks for sharing this!!!:woohoo:
So sorry you had to clip Alfie, but sometimes we all have to make hard choices. Darn, darn, darn! You did what you had to do. I'm happy to hear Alfie's funk only lasted a few days. Hopefully, he will have learned his lesson and maybe when his wings grow out he will mind his manners!!!
Hi poochbabe, congratulations on finding Ganesha to help you recover from your loss of Ruben. I know nothing can compensate for the loss of a wonderful companion but Ganesha needs you and you have given him a loving forever home. Hope to see a picture or two of Ganesha soon. Please keep us posted on him progress. Welcome to the family.
Very sneaky LindaMary!!! You seem to know your grey very well. However you decide to proceed will be right because you seem to have Maxi's number. GOOD JOB!!!
Tonia, that is great news. Now that Baby has "broken the ice" there will be no stopping him. He must now be more comfortable in his new forever home. Now the fun begins!! Can't wait to hear more from Baby and what words he has learned in his 8 years. You must be so excited!! Please keep us updated on his vocabulary! I wonder just how extensive it is!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/02/27 02:34