Well, I found my Electus, Butch, he is a plucker and I hope I have learned enough from this great forum to help him. He is at least 8 years old, that's how long his rescuer has had him. He was found in the local car wash about 8 years ago and they called the pet shop to come and get him. He has been a plucker all this time and has had a couple of other homes and has always been returned to the pet shop because he screams if he is unhappy. Butch only likes who he likes and screams if he is displeased. He likes me and I really like him so as soon as I get the new cage I ordered for Butch he is coming home with me. Next time I go see him, I will bring my camera and get some pictures. He doesn't talk, but I still have high hopes for him. Will keep you posted, I am so excited. He has had many birds around him all this time so he and Ana Grey should get along, we'll see. Now I have to go on the internet and learn all I can about male Eclectus!!:woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/05/22 05:47