For the last week or so my sweet Sully, re-homed 10 year+ male Eclectus, has been lunging and biting at me. I have had Sully for 4 months and he has been the most gentle and sweet guy. Well until now that is. Even when I am just changing his water or food he dashes to the opening and makes a brutal stab at me. If he is out of his cage and I try to step him up he "tongues" my arm and then gives me a vicious bite. He has been lunging at Ana Grey when she goes up to him and I have had to be very vigilant to see that she stays away from him. Last night while I was cleaning cages was the last straw. Sully climbed over to Ana Grey's cage and tried several times to attack her through the bars. Nothing has changed in the way I treat or care for them so I am hoping that he is just being a hormonal B-st--d. I did call Sully's old owner and yes he does act this way when he is hormonal and that I should just be patient. I, of course, have a great fear of his harming Ana Grey so I have removed her from the bird room and will keep them totally apart for now. He is easily twice as big as her. I'm not sure yet how I will handle his wanting to bite me because I am a bleeder (caused by medication). I have tried wrapping my arm with cloth tape but his beak is so large he can still grab me. I live alone so I can only do the best I can and hopefully Sully will return to his old self soon. Just had to vent. Thanks for listening and if you have any advice or suggestions, I'm listening!