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Everything posted by Luvparrots

  1. Hi speakyourmind, are greys messy around the house? They will toss what they do not like on the bottom of their cage, on the floor, across the room or over their shoulder. Will they eat your woodwork and poop on your couch, carpet or your shoulder??? Yes. After all, they are animals. My grey chews holes in my T-shirts, I don't wear anything but old tee-shirts around her. Not all do all these things. My Ana Grey does not eat my woodwork or poop on me. But she does poop on other surfaces. Some have taught their greys to poop in a certain place. But sometimes they do forget. Some greys won't poop in their cage but will do it other places. They will chew your computer cords and computer keys. They love to chew. They are intelligent, therefore, if they are bored they will chew other things or themselves. Some members have chewed up wallpaper, furniture and have had to replaced their keyboards. I have to clean my computer room everyday as Ana Grey runs free in it when I am present. If you want a neat animal a cat is a better choice. A parrot that is fully flighted can be compared to an active toddler. If your Mom won't mind having a very active 2 year old around again then she will love a well adjusted grey. Do they have an odor? I bathe my grey a couple of times a week and spray her almost every day so she is always sweet smelling. They can be noisy, especially if they want you attention or if they are bored. Of course what I have written here is only my opinion. I love my grey and wouldn't give her up for the world. It's wonderful that you are doing your homework. Ask any questions you want and we will try to answer them for you. There are oodles of different posts here that have lots of information so read, read and read some more. I believe it is important for potential parrot owners to know that they are a lot of work but also so very much worth it. Welcome to the Grey Family!
  2. Sold!!!! Whew, I didn't expect that much!!!!
  3. Mr. Blue is certainly a winner. But much too much bird for me. Thanks for sharing him with us!!
  4. Nice pictures of Ollie, Candace. Tried to check out the video but it wasn't available for viewing!
  5. Excuse me I still want to see a picture!!!!! :woohoo: :lol: :laugh:
  6. First of all you need to find out if Yoshi can go and stay with you in your base housing. If not then traveling with Yoshi is moot! Second if Yoshi can go and stay with you, will you have time for her and will she be safe where she is going to be staying??? Unless you have private housing where you know Yoshi will be safe and you can spent quality time with you, I wouldn't even consider taking her. It is only a month. And yes I understand about service people. I was home alone and pregnant for months while my husband was overseas. I have a lot of respect for our armed service personnel.
  7. Very nice condo! Simon is a lucky guy! His new neighbor, Wayne, looks like a swell looking fellow! Thanks for sharing them with us!!!!
  8. You know Bernie I noticed that too when I first saw it. There is a clunky sound as if your boat hit or ran over something. Check it out!! The sound is there!
  9. {Feel-good-0002006E} Good job Harvey my boy!!! As promised, your check's in the mail!!! :laugh:
  10. I feel so much more at peace since having Ana Grey chipped. They wanted to put her out but I refused and afterward they told me what a very sweet grey she was. She didn't fuss at all.
  11. Hi Auntphibian, congratulations and karma on your new re-homed cockatoo. Sounds like Gabby is going to love her new home! Can't wait to hear more about your little flock! Pictures please!!!!
  12. How about a cauliflower bud?????? Okay a deflated wee wee!!!!!!!:blink: :ohmy:
  13. Awww Jill, found this picture of you!!! No wonder you're jealous around beauty!!! <br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/10/20 21:11
  14. Penny relax we all know we can always count on you to keep us on the right track. We know you are doing all you can. So know that we will be patient because you are the best!
  15. Congratulations on your new baby, Darla. Relax and enjoy your sweet baby. I wouldn't worry about her eating as long as she maintains her weight. If she isn't ill than she won't starve herself. Relax and enjoy!
  16. Congrats Bernie!!!!! Look forward to hearing that things go smoothly on your next voyage!
  17. So happy Charlie is okay! That would be totally scary! Thanks for the heads up on this danger to our fids!!!!
  18. Hi Kiolva, would love to hear about your grey and see some pictures! Welcome to the Grey Family!
  19. Okay, you forced me to post this. Jill just floating up, up and away. Must have been before she could control her buoyancy!!!!
  20. Great photos of Bismark and you Adam. You should post the one of you and Bismark on the "Grey Owner, What Do You Look Like?" thread. It was certainly nice to hear from you and Bismark again. Don't stay gone so long next time! Can't wait to hear if Bismark is a he or she!
  21. Hi Cattalina, yes your grey has chosen your husband as his favorite. If you have any pictures of Junior, we would love to see them.
  22. Ana Grey is molting so she has lost a tail feather or two. Just be patient they will grow back!
  23. {Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-000200BB} Sounds good to me!!!!! Good luck!!!! :laugh: :silly:
  24. Hey Mandy it is so good to hear that all is well with Barney. It sounds like Barney is a very large part of your family and very much loved. If you have any pictures of Barney, we would love to see them!
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