If I were in your place and was uncertain as to whether or not a parrot would fit into my household, I would wait. Greys live a long time and they do require attention. I live alone and my pets are my companions. My grey, Ana Grey, is very jealous of my other bird, Sully, a re-homed male eclectus, my canary, Cappy who also requires time out of his cage, and my 9 year old pug, the love of my life. Ana Grey is out of the cage almost all day and I have to be diligent in watching that she does not dive bomb my pug. If I am carrying around any of my other pets, Ana Grey will dive for their heads and attack them with her feet or beak. I also have to make sure that I have someone to house/pet sit for me if I want to go away for a day or more. So think about the commitment to your grey, it will be as important as one to your children and husband.