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Everything posted by oppie

  1. Hello, I have written a Windows (Vista) program to help to teach parrots to talk. It has two modes, one plays the word/sound/phrase immediately, and the other plays the word/sound/phrase starting at a given time and stopping at a given time. In both modes, you set the time (in minutes or seconds) between "playings". The mode that starts and stops at given times is good if you want it to play while you are not home. It will come with some cute phrases, but plays any WAV file. Would you buy such a program, and if so, how much would you pay for it? Thanks
  2. Hello, I'm getting a VOS Eclectus! Here are some pics!
  3. Did you name Ziva after Ziva on NCIS?
  4. Hi, As the article says, it still has to be voted on, so let's cross our fingers and wings. The PIJAC is the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, they represent the pet industry and pet owners. Here is the link to PIJAC's Web site. There you can read the full proposal, and Marshall Meyers' testimony on behalf of the PIJAC. It is reassuring to read Meyers' testimony. Please check these links out. Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/05/06 06:10<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/05/06 06:11
  5. Hello, H.R. 669 is not dead, just delayed. We still need your help! Here is a site where it's easier to mail your Representative than it is on the AFA's site: NO H.R. 669. Please add to the letter how this bill will affect you. Thank you,
  6. I don't know if any of you have read about HR 669, but I want to bring it to your attention. It's bad news. In a nutshell, if it passes, you will not be able to buy, sell, or even give away any animal that is not native to the United States, including birds. Companies will not be allowed to make products for non native animals. You will not be allowed to transport them across state lines. Some people say this is aimed at poisonous snakes, monkeys, etc., but that is not how it's written. This law must be stopped. You can read all of the details and help kill this law at: the American Federation of Aviculture's view of HHR 669 Please take action before its hearing on April 23, 2009.<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/04/16 06:33
  7. Hi, We think Spencer is a female! Twinkle was our female Cockatiel. When she was hormonal, she'd stand completely horizontal and make chirpy noises. Spencer does the same thing! We called The Bird Shoppe, and they said that's definitely hormonal, and a good bet that Spencer is female!
  8. Hi, annmarie Spencer, our Grey is a great bird, but my heart has to go to the Eclectus! We had a female, and she was more of a people bird. We got lucky with her, because, as you probably know, a lot of females have attitudes. If someone offered me a male ekkie, I'd take him in a heartbeat!
  9. Hi, Farrah, Welcome to the Grey Forums and Congratulations on getting an AG and your PhD! What will it be in?
  10. Hi, I think he's just testing the waters. I think your kids should keep up not running from him. As for stepping up, have your kids be the only ones to give him treats. He will associate them with the treats (a good thing), and may start stepping up for them. After this succeeds, have your boyfriend do it. Hope this helps,
  11. oppie

    Which Bird!?

    Hello, I feel that if you want them in the same cage, you should get another AG. I would be afraid of putting any two different species in the same cage. Also, if you do get another AG, you should get a new cage. Putting a new parrot in the old parrot's cage is never a good idea. The old parrot thinks of the cage as his, and will probably defend it. A new cage is "neutral ground"
  12. Dan, Yes, he does, and he is connected, if you what I mean!
  13. I'd buy my shoes from Kiwi!:silly:
  14. Hi, That is pizza crust with a little tomato sauce on it
  15. Hi, Congratulations on getting your FID, but why didn't you get the cage before the AG?
  16. Here's Spencer feeding his face! :lol:
  17. Hi, lovethatgrey, I like the King's Cages one better. To me, it seems more like an actual cage than a carrier. All though, if you are just using it for a place to sleep for the night, a carrier is all you need (that's what we use).
  18. Hi, rjhammy, After getting home, if she likes to be cuddled, just cuddle her a lot. Offer her (him) her (his) favorite treat. Ralph
  19. I would just ignore it. He'll learn it doesn't work, and will stop.
  20. Welcome to the GF, Senic! Where are you from? We have four birds, Spencer, our TAG, Lindsay, our Quaker, Shirley, our Ring Neck Love Dove, and Jim Jim, our Cockatiel.
  21. Spencer holds it overnight, and goes a minute or two after we get him out of his "bed" :silly:
  22. oppie

    Cracker update

    I'm so glad Cracker is doing well, she. You must be so relieved!
  23. Hey! Does your AG have a favorite TV show? If so, what is it? Spencer's is NCIS! He watches it all the way through! :laugh:
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