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Everything posted by she

  1. Matt Brash is an excellent vet,Macey is in good hands..I hope Matt can sort her out and she is home with you soon.What did he say was wrong?My preyers are with you.
  2. I will be in work tonight while the meeting is on but a bottle of wine is cooling ready for when I get home so Im hear in spirit,parden the pun.
  3. Thats ok Bernie I once backed a 2 week old car into a massive skip,I have never lived that down. The car was named Skippy after that.
  4. she

    Biting ...

    Yes, that will help prevent the biting becoming a habbit.I think she is just growing up and showing her independance if nothing has changed.
  5. Today will always be remembered and my thoughts are with all those affected.
  6. she

    Biting ...

    Think about any changes that have been made to the house or yourself.At 18 months Kashmira is now showing independance and may no longer need or want the attention she did a s a baby. Pay close attention to her body language and learn to understand when she wants to be left alone,they do sometimes want this.Has she become closer to another member of the family,they can change who the preferred person is and that person may be the only one allowed certain privilages such as petting.Try and avoid situations where you know she will bite eg if she bites when removing her from the cage let her come out on her own .
  7. Misty has it right Steve.
  8. she


    Ben is very pretty girl. I always feel guilty leaving them but tell them its to get money to buy them new toys and pellets.
  9. I use the key lock feature on my phone,saves embarasment.
  10. I call Charlie an over stuffed pigeon,maybe he takes that a complement.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/10 20:52
  11. Welcome Mike and Daisy.I hope you enjoy your time hear as much as I do.
  12. Too many nuts and sunflower seeds are not good for your grey.Think of them like chocolate bars are to us.A treat now and then does no harm but if you over indulge problems crop up.Feed healthy food and ignore the tantrums.
  13. I could not agree with you more Judy.Nature is the expert.
  14. You live in a pub,we are all on our way to yours.
  15. Bernies babes, I think that will catch on Jill.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/10 21:41
  16. I forgot to say that last year I was caught by a speed camera doing 35 in a 30 mile speed zone. I had the choice of paying a fine and having 3 points on my licence or paying £90 to go on a speed awareness course and avoid the points. I done the course and I have kept the speed down since.
  17. Tobie sounds like a normal 2 year old.They all have their moments. Charlie is now 6-7 years old and he can have days where he is a monster but other days he is really good.
  18. This is exciting,great chance to show the development of a grey.Please keep us informed with lots of pictures.
  19. Glad all went well with the move and the birds approve.
  20. I hope Adaya can work her magic on your daughter Pat.
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