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Everything posted by she

  1. Hi, cant wait to see pictures. I have never seen a timneh congo hybrid.
  2. she


    Glad thet Freddie seems brighter. Moving things or adding new things can unsettle greys. I would still keep a close watch for a few days just incase.
  3. Kaedyn can you not mail order Harrisons to save the drive.I get mine that way. Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/29 19:48<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/29 20:26
  4. Charlie will only eat green grapes, Cracker thinks apples are ok but not into grapes at all. Has anyone noticed exotic fruit is getting harder to get. By me in the last few weeks its almost imposible, Probabley the time of year.Charlie loves pumpkin,lots of that round at the moment.
  5. sure I talk parrot. I find myself repeating words and sounds charlie makes all the time. Best is the whistling comptitions, he whistles a tune and I repeat it, he keeps adding bits on till I cant even keep up with half of it,he even laughs when I give up.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/29 19:53
  6. Polly passed a while ago but still miss and will always have a special place in my heart for her as I have with all my pets. This poem was written by me not long after her passing. it still makes me weep. thought I would share it with you my fine feathered friend i had you so long now your in a better world and I must be strong your soaring the skies so high above its your destiny i cant compensate with love I gave you the best that I could provide but now you have freedom the space of the skys your eating fresh fruit so sweet from the trees though supermarket goods you accepted with ease its hard to believe your no longer with me my one consolation your death set you free your now free to fly the sky it is yours no cage to confine you God opened the doors I believe your still with me I still hear your calls but their from high above not stuck behind walls Your calling so loud so happy so strong you were so ill little bird your death cant be wrong your now free to fly to eat fruit from the trees to feel gentle rain and a warm blowing breeze be happy little bird enjoy what is yours a life now in freedom not stuck behind doors so gentle so mild my sweet feathered friend for now its goodby but for you not the end
  7. What do you all think is the most popular name for a grey. My grey is Charlie and I have noticed that a lot of people on the forum also have greys with this name.
  8. Toni, Charlie gets told night night and good morning daily and has also never attempted these words,he can say almost everything else, I guess he is not impressed with getting woken and put to bed. You are not alone
  9. Oh so cute. I want another baby now. dam
  10. Love the video. It would not happen with my two.Cracker the tiel has no fear and Charlie would enjoy a tiel for a snack.I would recomend always keeping them seperate.
  11. Berna, so cute,Wish I could have one.
  12. Tui is adorable. Yes you are lucky.
  13. Hi I feed Charlie the coarse harrisons high potency. I give the cockatiel adult fine. Interesting that Judy feeds the fine pellets to greys,It may reduce left over crushings. They are expensive.Food for thought, parden the pun.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/28 19:58
  14. You have been busy learling. I take my hat off to you. As you already realise your grey needs a larger cage. Get one when you can.I see you are having problems getting the bird off your shoulder, the simple answer is not to let him up their. I would not like a bite off a grey to my face. Well done for picking up all you have about greys. Keep learning. I am, every day. Is your bird on seed or pellets. Harrisons organic pellets are in my opinion ideal. Greys are recomended to have Harrisons high potency course. Good luck Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/28 13:11
  15. she

    pluck or molt??

    I think this could be a heavy molt. keep a close eye on the situation and if you do notice the bird plucking make sure you dont reward the bird by rushin over or shouting. Increase the bathing,molts I imagine can be itchy. If it is plucking get a vet check to rule out physical problems, rare but not unknown. Sheila
  16. Dan I hear what you are saying. The problem I have with Cracker is that he goes to charlies cage, accident waiting to happpen. Charlie does not so far go to cracker I am considering a clip for cracker purely so he wont fly over to charlie. I will, it goes without saying still take precautions to keep them apart and they will only get out one at a time and be supervised.I wish I could come up with another solution. I have tried training, this works with charlie, not Cracker.
  17. Hi casey , Olivia is gorgious. I am also having trouble with the photos. I can get them on my profile page but thats all so far. Looks like you mastered it though. Yes I bet your day is taken up cleaning.Its worth it isnt it. Sheila
  18. Hi Sean bet you cant wait till you bring Tui home.Use the time to do as much research as you can on greys. Good luck
  19. Poor bird. I suspect the vet wants to make sure the wound clotts which is why he recomended no water for a while. Keep us informed how the heeling goes. I suspect a tongue will heel very quick.
  20. Charlie is usually quite good but when I first let him out he can get hyper. He usually flies to where he knows not to and I tell him to get on his cage, he will for 2 minuites and then its back again. This goes on for about 15 minuites till he settles. Sometimes a treat will distract him. I think this is his way of getting my attention.
  21. Charlie, my grey shares his house with myself and a crazy cockatiel called Cracker.
  22. I am so sorry and understand how you feel. God bless.
  23. I am glad the kids have taken the loss of Spike ok. Its sad but through pets kids learn a lot about life and unfortunately death. Its all part of growing up. Give them hugs from me. Sheila
  24. I have made my mind up and made an appointment with the vet for a clip on Tuesday.
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