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Everything posted by Trustdace

  1. Those are beautiful photos Erika and congrats on the new addittions to the flock. I definitely agree on another photo shoot and Baxter is looking grrrreatt! By the way what's the matter with the Detroit Lions??? I've bet on them twice and they're costing me $$$$...lol.
  2. Nice looking grey. Loki keeps looking better and better and looks so healthy. Congratulations and enjoy!B)
  3. You're welcome and your grey and your kids are going to be just fine.
  4. I'm with Cagal08. I don't want bacteria forming in Congo's water so I use a water bottle for birds. This was recomended by the breeder and of course I don't have time for frequent water changes. B)
  5. Oatmeal and bananas sounds good. I'm gonna make some for Congo and some for myself.B)
  6. My grey was kind of nippy toward my kids at first cdelat and your son is a lot younger than both of my kids but interaction between the bird and your child is critical. In my case I had my kids feed Congo treats and I would make Congo step down onto their hands so she could get used to them handling her (under my supervision of course). We've come a long way now. Both of my children can handle Congo and she has accepted them handling her. It just takes time. Be patient and observant.B)
  7. Lol...I guess it is evident that the bugs should be avoided.B)
  8. Thanks for the replies you guys. And just a question: Is bamboo toxic to greys? I have not allowed her to bite it.
  9. Well here's a pic of a new bamboo plant the wife just got and I of course thought it was a perfect opportunity to grab Congo along with my camera and snap away.:side:
  10. Living in south Florida we have excellent quality water. They do add chlorine to the water along with flouride and they do use reverse osmosis and other treatments. I believe if it's safe for human consumption it should be safe for your grey. I have read in a book about greys that chlorine is substantially harmful for your bird in the long run. I personally give Congo regular tap water. If your water does indeed smell strongly of chlorine then purchasing purified water would be a viable alternative. Like kitty said a few gallons should be plenty. Also getting a filter for tap water is an option that would benefit the whole household (I got to look into that myself). I always think it's better being safe than sorry.B)
  11. Well i'm not an expert by no means of anything, maybe the closest I get to an expert is in the construction field; but feeding you're grey worms or insects sounds a little...hmmm...out of the norm? You say, "I am willing to risk the flinging of critters by a TAG who is mortified" I am confused? If you want to feed your grey an exotic supplement why not the african palm nut? Maybe i'm not understanding your question. There are many great market diets out there and good supplements too. Why risk with insect larvae like silk worms which are more suitable for reptile diets? These are more suitable prey items for reptilian pets who have a more potent digestive system. I don't know, I would suggest no.:dry:
  12. My vote is in and we had great entries congrats to all!
  13. My grey kind of displays a similar behavior when I will feed it seeds. I think it is more excitement than agression towards a food item it really relishes.B)
  14. Thanx guys I'm really glad you like the pics:blush:
  15. Yup I hear you lovemygreys. Those cats are fat enough. But man i've noticed that everything good for parrots is in the UK man they got everything!! Not to mention the loo rolls;) I'm kiddingB)
  16. I have made Congo a shoulder bird. This is one of my favorite parts of owning a parrot having it on my shoulder. But do consider what the risks are although in my opinion these risks are very minor. Anyway do your homework and then make a decision.
  17. Thanks for the post Carolyn.B)<br><br>Post edited by: Trustdace, at: 2008/08/10 23:19
  18. Thanks Dan I'm glad you like the photos. You are right about the grey's deep understanding. Congo has opened up a new dimension of enjoyment to everyone here in my household. Owning a grey keeps getting better and better for us everyday. Thanks for the replies guys.B)
  19. Ok the bamboo plant is approximately 3.5 years old. When we got it it was about 2". It is the wife's favorite plant. Here's a pic of Congo on the plant. Hope you enjoy! And by the way Congo just turned 6 months yesteray 8/9/08.
  20. Lol.... I think we're both better off with the loo roll huh Dan???:laugh:
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