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Everything posted by Trustdace

  1. Bare eyed cockatoo from Australia and New Guinea. Are they even available in the pet trade? I wonder how much one of those chicks go for.:unsure: Those are some more great pics. You got any more?B)
  2. Great pic. Your grey looks very healthy, very nice plumage. Congrats!
  3. It is beautiful! I want one!!!...lol! Where is it native to?
  4. Wow!! Amazing photos. I have looked at them over and over again. There is a certain specimen that attracts my interest. From the first pic down it appears with a cokatoo in pic 3 and then alone in pic 6. What is it? It looks like a croos between a parrot and an owl, at least to me it does. Incredible pics giving karma.B)
  5. Thanks luvparrots for the reply. Yes God has blessed me with great kids and family.
  6. A better view of this animal that totally captivated us all on the trip.
  7. Well here is another pic that I like a lot. This one was also taken by my wife at the Lion Country Safari preserve in West Palm Beach. Here you can see my daughter, my son, and I feeding this girafe. Boy what a unique experience this was. We were able to pet them and feed them these special crackers specially made for their nutritional needs. Their tongues can measure up to 27" in length and although the tongue looks smooth it is actually rough textured; feels almost exactly like sanding paper. This helps them get a better grip on the leaves and branches they consume in the wild. The tongue is also prehensile. B)
  8. Thanks for the reply guys. I want to return there very soon we had so much fun. Wait till you see the other pics.B)
  9. Yes I would have brought all three home with me!! The photographer was my wife and thanks for wishing my son a happy birthday. I have more pics to post but have been flooded with work. I will post more soon.B)
  10. I recently went to a wildlife preserve in West Palm Beach, Florida for my sons 7th birhtday and boy were we in for a treat. We saw many species of birds and were able to interact with them close up and personal and of course the opportunity for good pictures came about frquently. In this pic we were in a lorikeet exhibit that contained well over 100 birds. In here you can purchase nectar in a small plastic container and as soon as you open it the birds come flying at you like crazy. I had up to 8 birds on me at once. This is probably my next pet bird. I was delighted by these small critters.B)
  11. Very informative post olBenny. I will take your advice and expertise on the subject whenever I do plan to purchase another camera.B)
  12. Thanks Lyric and Talon I'm glad you like it.B)
  13. Ok a quick question what is an SLR? I have a Sony cyber shot 1080p. I do enjoy photography and will probably end up purchasing a couple other units maybe a new one for Christmas. Anyway SLR=?:unsure:
  14. Ok here is a bean mix that is highly nutritious and my grey Congo is devouring daily. Ingredients: 1 cup black eyed peas; 1 cup baby lima beans; 1 cup green beans; 1 cup snap beans in the pod. I put the black eyed peas, green beans, and the baby lima beans in a small pot and add enough water to cover the mix. I cover it and put it over medium-high heat for about 20 minutes. I add the snap beans during the last 5 minutes. After the 20 min. I drain completely and let it stand about 5 min. in a strainer or until cooled. I do cut the snap bean pods open for Congo because she discards the pod. She always just eats the small beans inside so I do this to minimize the loss of the small beans inside the pod. I only cook them for 20 minutes because Congo doesn't like the mix too soft. If your grey won't eat it like this try cooking it 10 more minutes to soften the peas especially. Hope this helps.
  15. I've never offered baby corn to Congo but she does love baby carrots fresh out of the bag. She also likes the cubed ones in the veggie melody along with peas and green beans. I buy this melody frozen. This veggie mix does have corn but little. Congo eats dry corn kernels found in her seed mix which I think is more nutritious. Overall I try to limit her corn intake because corn is not as easily digested as other vegetables are. I offer her more beans than anything else because they offer high calories with actual nutrition (pulses).B)
  16. Excellent pic streetrida! I'm even giving you karma for this one. Beautiful bearded reminds me of the one I used to have Godzilla. Reptiles are one of my favorite pets and make for unique companions. Congrats!!!
  17. Just looking at the pic makes me want to pet that little doggy. Thanx for the post.B)
  18. Another one of your excellent posts Erika. Your caring and concern for these unique pets...or should I say companions truly moves me once again. It refreshes my faith to be informed of such a noble act from your husband and yourself to make a positive decision in making a difference in the husbandry of our beloved companions. You truly are an inspiration to me, and should be; to all the members of this community. I congratulate you and your husband for making a compassionate decision. Moving forward; it is evident that this lady had no idea of the requirements of keeping a parrot. Unfortunately this is common in the pet trade. It is human nature to see something, covet it, and then after making an aquisition, realize that a certain pet is not ideal for your lifestyle. This is the case regarding your Amazon. It seems to me that she got Mojo as a chick but never researched what needs and attention he would require as he matured. As you mention she only fed him sunflower seeds. Information like the one provided in this forum teaches us about the benefits of a diversified diet and helps us prevent deadly defeciencies to our pets. Congratulations on the new member of the flock and it seems to me that this Amazon got his Mojo!
  19. Love the pics. Rikki looks mesmerized in that box:cheer:
  20. Congo is trying to talk more! New video coming soon!
  21. Thanks guys. I'm really glad you like the pics!
  22. Yes she does like that ladder a lot. As you can see she loves the camera just as much.B)
  23. Thanx for the replies, I'm glad you guys like it.
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