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Everything posted by slmclean

  1. she is a little over 2 yrs old.
  2. well chloe is getting smarter all the time, she is now saying oh your funny, peek-a-boo she is amazing me everyday.
  3. i found out i need bigger beads for it chloe has broke most of them off of it so i guess i will be on the out look for bigger and stronger beads, buddy hasnt broke any of the beads he just beaks them but they both seem to like it so next time i make one i will try and remember to take a pic of it for you all.
  4. i forgot to say colorful beads to sorry.
  5. hi everyone i got a idea for a toy i bought some dominos that are white hard plastic and i'm going to drill holes in them and thread leather strips though them and put wooden spools,wooden wheels,and wooden little flower pots and make like a hanging toy for the birds i hope it will work oh i got the wooden toys from a craft store i will let you know how it goes.
  6. today is miss chloe's birthday and she seems to know it she is being a pest lol she seems to think she can get away with things today
  7. ok erika wanted me to update on chloe's progress so here it goes, she says i love you,shut up step up pretty pretty girl pretty bird, knock it off, i want out,and she talks in sentences but i have no idea what she is saying but she amuses herself with it, oh yeah she whistles all kinds of songs to she hears off the t.v. so that is about it on what she is doing. hope i didnt bore any of you. some time i will get a new pic of her but she doesnt like the camera lol.
  8. yeah i know i need to come here more often i just havent been keeping up lately but i will try and do better.
  9. chloe turns 2 yrs old wed, i cant believe it she has made such progress since i have had her.
  10. hello everyone, Chloe and Buddy just wanted to fly in and wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year.
  11. you probably could Erika the weather here has been nice just in the 80's
  12. she is a sweetheart hardly ever cries she is our only granddaughter we have 4 grandson's so yeah i'm very happy finally got my girl.
  13. chloe loves saying pretty pretty bird all day and hello.beep squeek of the door ouch and dont bite her vocabulary is getting better every day.
  14. that's great Erika i know how you feel time goes fast doesnt it and i'm sure baxter will enjoy today as much as you do have fun and enjoy your special day together.
  15. hi everyone just wanted to tell everyone i'm a proud grand mom here i have a new grand daughter she was born july 9th she weights 5 lbs 6 ounces and is 18 inches long, she has black hair and has 6 teeth already her name is brooke lee but all of us are calling her mouse cause she is so small i will get pics soon.
  16. well she is starting to warm up to me again but she isnt to sure yet i'm letting her go at her own pace here, she still has that broken feather she hasnt removed it yet.
  17. ok thank you judy she is mad at me because she was sitting on me when the cat scared her and she flew off the chair and now she is blaming me i guess i feel so bad here i'm in tears she hates me now.
  18. chloe has broken a flieght feather it isnt broke off all the way but it is bothering her alot she keeps swuaking i dont know if i should go ahead and try and get it or not i'm afraid it might be a blood feather and we dont have any avian vets close by please someone help me here.
  19. chloe is starting to be quite the talker here she can answer the phone and do the beep afterwards she is saying pretty pretty bird and i love you she hasnt said her bad word for a couple of days so maybe that is gone and of course she is still saying no bite cause i got a new kitten and he is biting me so i say no bite of course lol but she is coming along great i'm so happy with her.:woohoo:
  21. oh i am i will learn congo sooner or later lol
  22. she is trying to say something but for the life of me i dont know what it is and she looks at me like well lol.
  23. i think she is wanting to talk to but she is making low noises so i think it wont be long here i cant wait.
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