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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. It is far better to give your Beaky lots of woody things to chew. perches and a climbing frame that he can grip with his claws. Although parrots will climb around their cages their claws are not used to grip the cage bars. Parrots will naturally trim their own beak and claws if they have the right kinds of perches. Give him different and rough shaped and sized fruit tree branches as this will also help condition their feet. Don't give him wood treated with fungicides or preservatives as these would be toxic. Straight dowel type perches are not ideal. Also consider that Greys need reasonably sharp claws to grip when they land on a perch. Remember they don't go to a beak and claw trimming parlour in their natural environment. Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/10/12 14:39
  2. Of course clipping is done for the convenience of the keeper. There will always be special cases such as loss of sight when the ability to fly is obviously dangerous but for a normal healthy bird I believe it is much more dangerous for the the bird to clip it wings. A responsible keeper will always ensure that potential hazards are accounted for. For example if you have a toddler it makes obvious sense to have stair guards. you don't have naked fires. nor open doors or whirling fans. You have to take similar precautions with a flighted parrot. If you cannot do those things you don't chain up you children. Don't have kids and don't have fids. Big parrots are not a suitable pet for a casual keeper. I also think it wrong to encourage trapping wild parrots for the pet trade. Wild animals should normally be conserved in the wild. Get your parrot from a responsible rescue organisation or breeder. Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/10/10 17:52
  3. I agree totally with Dave. I wish all breeders cared as much about their young parrots welfare. Perhaps some might accuse us of anthropomorphising our Greys and perhaps we do but what is so remarkable about our charges is how well they can adapt to living with humans if we respect them as parrots. Cutting their flights denies them that which is fundamental to their nature and shows a lack of respect that is due to them. I would say that except in very special cases if you can't provide a safe home for a flighted bird perhaps you should seek a companion that does not have a fundamental need to fly. Steve n Misty
  4. Welcome hnemnem well done for taking on a mature Grey. Do you know anything of your parrots history? you never refer to him by name. Few of us here refer to our Greys as "it" as we regard them as persons. Some of us see them as like children and in a way they are. We know they are not human but they are very intelligent beings and deserve respect. As others have said it will take a while for your Grey to accept his new home and bond with you. Treat him as an intelligent child and he will respond well. Be prepared to receive bites but never punish him. Greys thrive on company so if he bites just ignore him for a short while and he will get the message. Does he have toys and things to chew? From what you say he appears to be fully flighted. If so please do not clip his wings but obviously you will need to be careful when he is out of his cage. It is important that you give him a varied diet. but never give him chocolate or avocado as both are toxic to parrots, Also avoid parrot food that contains a lot of sun flower seed. Greys are social eaters and prefer to eat in company. My Grey Misty likes to share my meals and I find it a good way to both bond with him and introduce him to new foods. It also improves my own diet:laugh: You are in for a wonderful and interesting time. Please come back and keep us all posted with your progress. If you are able we would love to see pics of you both. Steve n Misty
  5. Yes I have noticed it is "snowing" here as well ! :laugh: I would love to have a pillow full of "Misty Down" but I think it would take about fifty years and I suspect I may not be around that long! Steve n Misty
  6. That is so funny. :laugh: Don't you just love how determined they can be once they have set their mind to something. I love chocolate but I have to keep it as a guilty secret in a draw. I have to sneak pieces when Misty is not looking. He assumes that he is entitled to anything I eat. Steve n Misty
  7. This has to be the funniest video of a parrot ever :lol: Steve n Misty
  8. Misty laughs when he is playing with toys and when he plays with me. He also laughs when he hears audience laughter on the radio or TV. Hearing Misty laugh is the most wonderful thing. In a way it seems to be the most human like thing he does. He laughs with a "He he he" and sometimes "ho ho ho". It cheers me up no end if I am feeling down. He reminds me of when my kids were babies. Steve n Misty
  9. LOL :lol: You will have to put up a "Beware Of The Parrot" sign on your front gate now. Steve n Misty
  10. Judy of course Misty is spoilt rotten. But he is a very affectionate little fellow and I just cant resist him. I am sure I could not handle several birds living out of their cages all the time but Misty is as good as gold as long as I don't put to much temptation in his way:laugh: Steve n Misty
  11. Misty no longer sleeps in his cage. He decided a few months ago that he preferred his perch. He has tree perch in the living room made from branches of apple wood and from a lilac tree. He tells me when he thinks it is bed time by saying either or combinations of "Bed time" "Bed time baby" , "Bed time, By by " "By by baby" This happens at any time from eleven pm on. He wont let me ignore him. It is my cue to turn off the TV, turn out the lights and leave him in peace! In the mornings he calls out to me with his signature call which I repeat back to him. After a few back and forth returns he calls out "Hi Babe". I come in with my morning coffee and his glass of hot water. He will say "water" and comes to drink from the tumbler as i hold it. If it is not hot he wont drink it but nips my fingers instead! Interestingly in the late evening he will now ask for "Cold water" but he expects an ice cube in it or else ! :ohmy: I some times wonder who is boss around here!:lol: Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/09/25 12:26
  12. Fancy that! I am a Grey! That must be why Misty and I get on so well:laugh: Steve n Misty
  13. Misty loves to bang his beak on anything that will reward him with a ringing noise or a pinging noise. At the moment his favourite targets are wine bottles. Steve n Misty
  14. Surely you must know that Greys are expert interior decorators. However their style is a bit avant guard for some. If you don't have a Grey you can get a similar effect by pouring fruit purée or even paint on a rapidly spinning turntable. Or by putting a small explosive charge in the purée jar. :laugh: Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/09/20 12:26
  15. If you are in a position to help these good people need it urgently. They are running a parrot sanctuary in New Jersey that needs to be urgently relocated. http://www.examiner.com/x-669-Pet-Rescue-Examiner~y2009m9d18-Urgent-Bird-sanctuary-being-forced-to-move http://www.undermywingavianrefuge.org/ Steve n Misty
  16. Thank you for posting Emma's video. She is gorgeous. Steve n Misty
  17. I am so sad to hear your poor Macey has died. At least she has had your love to the end and beyond. Love to you from Steve and Misty
  18. Misty preferes to bathe in cold water but he loves to drink hot water but also he adores chewing ice cubes. If I give him one when he has nibbled it all away he nags and nags for another ! Steve n Misty
  19. Thanks Catlin. Smashing pics and vids. I loved the way he shot though the door. Blink and you miss it :laugh: It just shows what skilful flyers they are. Steve n Misty
  20. You know all our thoughts and payers are with you and poor Macey. I am sure she will be well soon. Steve n Misty
  21. Misty does it on wine bottles in my kitchen. I have now arranged them in a semicircle so each one makes a different note as he bashes them. Sometimes he asks for water so I offer him a tumbler of water and he loves to rattle his head in that as well. Steve n Misty
  22. Misty knows himself. Steve n Misty
  23. I generally agree with kcfoxie's criticism of the book. I am a Brit and even I had to look up some of the terms:) I was quite surprised that the author was American. He did well in taking me into a time and place. I found it quite evocative. I liked the way he described the parrots relationship with the boy. 8/10 from me. When Misty gets round to reading it I will ask him to post his views here:laugh: Steve n Misty
  24. Don't worry Jess . Yoshi sounds fine. He is sitting there soaking it all up. As long as you talk to him and he hears other people talking he will go over what he has heard and eventually he will start talking. Many Greys like to practice in private at first. Does he whistle at all ? Misty has a particular contact whistle that we exchange when we are out of sight of each other. Some people say that it is not a good idea to whistle with your Grey as he will be less inclined to talk. I don't believe this to be true. The important thing is to exchange communication of all kinds and then Human speech will become part of his natural repertoire. At five months Yoshi is just a toddler. I expect the time will soon come when you will wonder if he will ever shut up. :laugh: Enjoy your peaceful time while you can:) Steve N Misty
  25. Well done Petrea. What wonderful news. Are you going to adopt a Grey now? you guys seem to be naturals. Perhaps you could invite Einsteins family to come to our forum. They would be most welcome. Steve n Misty
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