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Everything posted by Lovelylew

  1. Thank you to everyone for spreading the word around. The more people that know about this, the more hopeful it would be that the birds get home safely. I just received this update from my bird club member regarding questions that people have asked regarding the stolen Greys. It reads ** A few people have asked if the theft of the Grey's just happened or if it's something that happened awhile ago. It just happened a few weeks ago, so please spread the word. They are still missing and waiting to be reunited with their flock mates. Kim Kim Aldinger Newsletter Editor York Area Pet Bird Club York, Pennsylvania www.yorkareapetbirdclub.com
  2. This is what the flyer said. The only thing that did not copy here was a generic picture of an African Grey. Hope this helps. Please call 860-886-BIRD PRIVATE PHONE OR StolenBIRDS@mail.com Cash Reward for information resulting in the safe return of ‘any’ or ‘all’ of these birds
  3. Thank you. I cannot believe people are this cruel. Hopefully, the birds can be found and returned home safely.
  4. Thank you very much. I received this from a member of my bird club and wanted the word to get out to as many people as possible to get these birds back home. Again, thank you!
  5. Hello Everyone, My cousin in Connecticut made me aware of a situation there involving African Grey’s being stolen from an aviary. Below is all of the information on the birds. I am asking each and every one of you to forward this e-mail onto everyone you know and then some. Bird clubs, sanctuaries, rescues and breeder’s, the owner is asking that you print out the flyer from the link in her message and post it onto your websites and in the windows of your businesses. Please do this. If we keep forwarding the message on, we can get it across the U.S. and into Canada and help get these precious creatures back home where they belong. Forward, forward, forward……………………put yourself in this lady’s shoes and you’ll know how heartbroken she is. Kim Kim Aldinger Newsletter Editor York Area Pet Bird Club York, Pennsylvania www.yorkareapetbirdclub.com STOLEN 7 Congo African Grey Parrots and 1 very plucked Timneh. I was in my home tending to my father as he passed away and 1 1/2 hours later received news that these birds were stolen. Burglars broke into my aviary and took half the free flighted birds in one flock. I have since relocated all remaining A. Grey birds to a safe haven. Most were young, ranging from 3 - 12 years old. Two brothers were torn apart after living together for 19 years. They deserve to be reunited along with the entire flock. All of the birds were together, some up to 2 decades, only to be separated in such a brutal way from their long time flock mates. They may have had their flight feathers trimmed by now. I kept these birds for observation on captive reared flock behavior. It was almost a 3 year project that is now junked. I want my babies to come home where they belong. The remaining greys are traumatized as I imagine the stolen ones are also. Please download the attached flyer at this link http://www.connecticutparrotsociety.org/documents/Stolen%20parrot%20flyer.doc and post it where ever possible...street posts, websites, pet stores, vets and send to as many breeders as possible. Send the link to as many chat rooms and online forums as possible. These are not tame pets. I imagine they are being sold as breeders in nearby states. NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA etc. I beg you to forward any leads you may have to this email StolenBirds@mail.com No questions asked if they are safely returned or dropped off in a pet store within a carrier. Attach by taping a note on top of the carrier with CT State Police Case # CFS 0800516369 and cover carrier with a towel. Or call 860-886-BIRD (2473) with any information that may lead to their return. Please don't take it upon yourself to confront or investigate the lead. Although I love each one dearly, they may have comfortable lives with who ever ends up purchasing them from these thieves, and risking your life is not worth it. Thank you everyone, & especially to you Jen of KBAH ! Broken Hearted in CT Barbara<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/24 02:34
  6. I belong to a bird club and one of our members recommends hydrogen peroxide for cleaning up bird poop. She sells exotic birds/owner of a pet shop and puts hers in a spray bottle for quick cleanup. The only thing is, you must keep it from getting light; hence, the brown bottle hydrogen peroxide comes in. She puts a sock around her spray bottle. Good tip, huh? Thought I'd share it with you.
  7. Nice picture. Thanks for sharing. Amazing at some of the ideas people come up with.
  8. I went to the Dollar Store a few weeks ago and bought Obi clothes pins. Wooden clothes pins. She LOVES them! She plays with those things every single day. I have also put carrot and celery sticks in between some of her other toys, and she loves trying to get the carrot or celery sticks out of the toys so she can chew on them. Hope the ideas help.<br><br>Post edited by: Lovelylew, at: 2008/07/15 03:25
  9. I had a rough time going. Obi (my CAG) is my first large bird. We're settled in now and doing wonderful. It took lots of time and patience and getting to the point where I wasn't afraid of her. We're both very comfortable now with each other. Obi loves yogurt peanuts. She'll eat the yogurt off, and basically toss the nut aside. We give her a couple of them each evening. Try them and see if your bird likes them. We get ours at Giant in the bulk food isle. Yogurt raisins might work too. Good luck with your bird and finding a treat that they enjoy.
  10. I voted. Can't wait to see the results. Obi is 7 months and starting to say a few things.
  11. Great news about Scar! You are blessed to have found each other. Good luck in preventing this breeder from doing this again!
  12. Judy, you're welcome. I noticed my playstand came with 4 perches that climb to the top. In the link I sent, I noticed the picture had 6 perches. Just curious how many perches yours came with? Where did you get your vet tape? Thanks, Judy!
  13. You're welcome. Let me know if you order and how you like it! By the way, welcome to for the forum!
  14. slmclean, I ordered it from Bird.com. I have enclosed the link below. I'm happy with it. The only thing is the perches seem a little slippery. I may order some vet tape to wrap around them. Otherwise, it's a very nice playstand. Hope this info helps. http://www.bird.com/itemdy00.asp?T1=502185
  15. She had so much fun with these clothes pins. I took a couple of them and stuck them in other toys for a different twist, making some of them more difficult to remove. I'm telling you, she had a ball. I wanted to give her something different to do, and this truly did the trick. Judy, I remember a while back when you stated how sturdy the playstand was, and I ordered it. I've been real happy with it, and it cleans up nicely too!<br><br>Post edited by: Lovelylew, at: 2008/06/22 01:13
  16. Trying another one. Hope this one works too.
  17. Oh well, I'll try and come back later to see if I can upload the pictures. Sorry for the blank posts, but I need to get back to work now.
  18. Guess my pictures didn't upload, darn it! I guess I don't know how to do it properly, sorry.
  19. I thought I'd share a picture of Obi playing with her favorite toy, a clothes pin - lol I bought a bag of clothes pins from the Dollar Store and shoved them into a whiffle ball. Obi has had so much fun with these clothes pins. I stick them in her cage on other toys, and it keeps her busy, having tons of fun.
  20. I have been holding Obi each day and petting her just as you described, never knowing this was sexually stimulating for them. Obi is 6 months and loves to be held and pet. Of course, I also rub her head too. She gets almost in a trace-like state, and I'm not sure what that's all about either, it's like she's sleeping with her eyes open. Does anyone know what this is? I'll need to concentrate more on petting her head only then if wing/back/tail petting is stimulating. We have a male cockatiel (caged with another male) who sits on his swing daily and masturbates. It harms no one and is not really offensive, so I just let him go since it's only for a few minutes. He once had a female who died, but she was more like a mom to him than a mate. I think at this point in time, he'd probably love a little female; however, I do have another male and not sure how he would act being left alone away from Fred. Debbie
  21. Of the names listed, I like Griswold. I also like Grady as someone suggested.
  22. I pasted the link below, so you can read up. It's so sad, I have watched Tui on YouTube so many times after I got Obi. My heart breaks for Andrew's loss. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/78035-andrew-comments-about-losing-tui.html#78275
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