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Everything posted by greenwinged

  1. Hello and Welcome dolphinlove- I use the clicker can be a wonderful tool if used properly. I recommened getting Chet Womach " How to take clicker training to the next level" It a CD and it go over Clicker taining great. And it just doesn't over over clicker it go's over other stuff like bitting, getting your bird to step up, or if you have problem getting your bird to step up out of the cage, stuff like that. Here the link, take a look at the video on the link that will explan it all and better. Hope this helps, I know bitting can be a big problem. http://www.birdtricks.com/parrot_training_information.html
  2. Hello Sam and welcome. Funny, I'm from Virginia too, up in the nothern half. I took a look at the website look like you got you baby from a great place!
  3. My grey talk up a storm, the problem is knowone can heard him, he only whisper! Don't know why? just does. Heard him said a few thing that were pretty funny, but other than that my house is too loud to heard him. But he does a firetruck horn and a baby cry really good. So good infact that the frist time he mimicked the baby I chouldn't understand how the baby was crying sleeping in my arm, I totally forgot about the grey.
  4. Don't have a picture with my grey on my computer/or yep.(he doesn't like the flash.) But here one of me, Sammie(my GW) and my niece Riley. (I don't think I have one of just me.) <br><br>Post edited by: greenwinged, at: 2008/03/10 07:53
  5. I'm sorry about what happpened.
  6. A wonderfully place to look for Breeder is http://www.birdbreeders.com/BreederSearch.aspx Hope you find a good breeder and a great grey! Oh, Yeah WELCOME!
  7. I use the chicker and it work's get, but you have to use it right! here look at this link... http://www.birdtricks.com/parrot_training_information.html So, wish I chould let you listen to his CD's they work wonders!
  8. Try bird breeder and Plz remember taking on a bird is a lot of work, and a lot of info! also ask a lot of question, was this bird handfeed, did it play with other bird, was it other kid, and other animal. All these question and more!
  9. I just got the book Guide to a Well Behaved by mattie sue Athan. Is it a good book?
  10. I just got the book Guide to a Well Behaved by mattie sue Athan. Is it a good book? Sorry, I think I put this in the wrong place!<br><br>Post edited by: greenwinged, at: 2008/03/09 07:42
  11. Don't feel bad, it took me three or four time to figure it out! If you have a myspace you can do it that way too. Just copy a pic' of your bird to your picture on you computer and then go to the site and upload them!
  12. From Sarasota Florida, but live in Northen Virginia... Plan to move back one day!<br><br>Post edited by: greenwinged, at: 2008/03/08 06:47
  13. Hello and welcome!B) Nice looking bird!
  14. I think it's makes a big differnce is how the breeder take care of the baby. Just becouse the breeeder handfeed it, dosen't mean it tame. A good Breeder will take some time and play with the baby everyday and let it play with other birds. And I agree with danmcq it will make a differce if it know you a liittle before you get it. That go's for all birds not just grey's.
  15. Noise is no problem in my house,I live with ten people plus two macaw, 1 grey and and 1 very talked blue front. It's alway's loud, but fun.
  16. My mom got her grey for $650 he was a re-home grey/older bird and had mild problems(still does we haven't had him that long.) he pick's his feather, and nips but we know it's only becouse he's depressed. you Chad( that the grey) lost his owner to a heartattack and that was the only reason he was bring re-home. But other than that he a great bird, and is even picking up new words. Like the other day he started saying "Hey, Ryry stop that." Ryry which is a nickname for Riley; my niece,(she 3) who love getting into think and we're always telling her to stop. But it was too funny to hear from a bird. :laugh:
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