Ok, so there was a bird show saturday, it was pretty small show but there waa a few breeder there, and me and my dad went to look for a sun and more toy's.We looked for the sun but found nothng, so well, my dad got toy's for our other bird and I went to look at some of the bird there were saleing! At the end of the room there was two table one sealing toys the other saleing birds, I looked at the toys for a second before go wondering over to the birds. I started playing with these one bird, which now I can't remember the name, when I felt something jump on me. I turn to see a green bird on my shoulder, I spent the rest of the time with these green bird, but sadly I didn't have no money and my dad wounldn't let me get the bird. SO, I did what any good daughter would... I went to my mom. lol. And I got the bird!
SO here Charlie