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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. I'm still laughing. I think you captured each one perfectly!!! I loved the end with the Macaws response.
  2. Love it. You two are so tight! Emma lucked out didn't she.
  3. Calypso is just chattering away. I really love your porch. What a great place for the bird. Tobie is so jealous!!!
  4. I'm sure the fish is still wondering what was happening. I wish Tobie liked bathing enough to improvise like that.
  5. Just recently found a new Boozle video. He always makes me laugh. What's your favorite amazon video??
  6. I love the story about when you unfairly squirted her she came and pooped not once but twice on your shoulder. You have such great understanding of your grey. I love to read the tinkerbell stories.
  7. I've seen Tobie do the something similar with the roll of paper I put in his cage for him to shred. He tears off a peice. Dips it in water and then seems to make a ball of it and squeeze the water out of it in his beak almost like he is drinking the water from the paper wad. He then drops the paper in his water dish.
  8. Just to let you know Tobie went to the vet for a follow-up visit and the wound on his chest was completely healed. I did end up leaving him in the cage for the better part of the last week. While he was at the vets she gave him a light anaesthetic and pulled the stubbs in the wing again. It was magic before with the feathers coming right back in. She warns that it may take longer this time, but my though was it can't hurt. Dan, I did put some more rugs on the floor. Dave, it is amazing how the simplest suggestion can be the one that makes all the difference. I've started holding Tobie's toes when I carry him and it has prevented several falls. He is a pretty insistent little bird when he wants to jump off my hand. Then he decided he wouldn't step up if I was going to hold his toes, but he is getting over that now.
  9. One of the simplest games that they like is when you imitate their sounds. If he cheeps you cheep. If he whistles you imitate his whistle etc. After you've been togeather a while your bird will teach you games rather than the other way around. They just sort of come.
  10. Happy Hatchday Anna Grey!!! Two years old and such a sweetie!!
  11. That was funny. She wanted to grab the rope.
  12. That first molt can be a bear. I remember Tobie's first molt. When the feathers grew back he was like a porcupine with all the pin feathers. Good luck!
  13. That is just so amazing and cute !
  14. Do the buttons make noise when she pushes them. Tobie loves boxes with buttons that make noise or music.
  15. People are always asking me how much time it takes to "teach Tobie to say something". Thats not it as all. Georgi said it well. They learn it all on their own. I never know what new thing Tobie might come up with. Aren't they amazing.
  16. OK, now now you've made me cry. So happy it turned out so well.
  17. [ATTACH=CONFIG]18863[/ATTACH]Tobie with egg on his face. OOPS! I guess I don't know how to post a picture with the new forum format.
  18. so sad. I know I would be equally devistated if Tobie were to leave.
  19. You can find bird netting at Lowes Hardware in the garden area where they have fencing. I use it inside the house to provide a barrier between the living room and the front door. It is black and nearly invisable. I'll look for my post and come back and add it here if I can find it. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?113178-bird-netting Here is my post that has pictures of the bird netting
  20. Wow!! I'm so behind. I just saw your post that you had lost Isaac and now you have found him- congratulations!!!!!!!!
  21. I just uploaded another Tobie video. This bird amazes me every day. I used to try to get him to pick out colors and he started avoiding the game. I quit for quite a while - almost a year - and then decided to try again a month ago or so. He seemed to get it during the lay off. All of a sudden he knew all the colors. I was watching watching the video and wondered if he missed the color on purpose that one time. He only had two to choose from and chose the wrong one. Here it is.
  22. I'm impressed by your efforts. What a great idea.
  23. I don't know who was more amazing - the bird or the boy doing the training. It was like agility training for birds.
  24. I just couldn't go downstairs tonight without Tobie. I took Dave's advice about how to carry him. Almost as soon as I had him on my hand and turned toward the living room he jumped. This time I had my thumb firmly on his feet and he actually fell over my hand flapping but I held firmly to his feet and he righted himself and looked at me like "what was that". I hugged him close to my chest as we went downstairs. I put layers of throws all over the floor anywhere he could conceivably hit the tile floor and was very vigilant. We watched a movie and Tobie got his head rubbed and he played his games with me and overall we had such a great time and there were no accidents. He doesn't get his on top of the cage time or his play stand time. He only had two hours with us out of the cage. It went well tonight.
  25. Great suggestions. Thank you for your kindness and concern. I'll try the sock. I laid in bed last night designing in my head something like a rollerblade knee protector that would clip around his body under the wings. The heck with the flooring. If I have to cover it that is what I'll do. I do so love this bird.
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