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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. I loved your videos!! he looked like spiderman walking upsidedown across the door frame. So funny the way he grabs his tail. Great play stand.
  2. Mashingup food together and then freezing small quantities for later has really helped me expand Tobie's diet. He liked apples but not sweet potatoes so I made a mash using lots of apple and a little sweet potatoe and broccoli and healthy natural granola type cereal. Soon the mash was mostly sweet potato and broccoli and he didn't seem to notice the gradual change. Thanks Jillybeanz for reminding me. I think I'll make him a new mash today. I haven't done that in a while.
  3. Thanks Azzie for the information. I'll look into it.
  4. really cute video. Did he say peek-a-boo where are you. All of it was a hoot.
  5. I just ran across these interesting videos. Enjoy.
  6. I would have to say that kissing your birds foot is not Harvey's strange behavior but rather your strange behavior. Okay!! I do the same thing. I say to Tobie "I'm gonna kiss the beak - and I do. Then I say " I'm gonna kiss the birdie feet" and I do. He offers whichever I say, holding his head out to kiss or lifting up his foot. We do love our birdies.
  7. I always enjoy seeing Cocoa outside enjoying his freedom. A very lucky bird. He is quite fearless.
  8. Dayo is such a lucky bird to have such great Parronts.
  9. Tobie has never been comfortable lying upside down. What a sweetie.
  10. Thanks to all for your comments. Guess I'll be looking for a new Romertopf. It's made of clay. So sorry about the loss of your parrotlet, fledgeling. The company should post a warning. I've read on here from other people who have lost birds with the same product.
  11. I broke my old clay Romertopf (did I spell that right) and I'm looking for a large roasting pan to replace it. I may just see if I can find a Romertopf. I did, however, see a light weight roaster pan coated with Baker's Secret and my friend was raving about how she loves it and nothing sticks. They make lots of oven pans. I don't know if this would work because of Tobie. Any one know what I'm talking about and if it's safe.
  12. Sooo glad that Harvey found his voice. I didn't remember that you worried that he wouldn't talk. I used to worry that Tobie wouldn't talk. Silly us!
  13. My dogs also ring the bell to go outside. A little trick that has saved my carpets I'm sure. Tobie however will poop where ever. I would just like him not to poop on me. When he goes for walks I will give him frequent opportunities to sit on a fence or bench to poop and he seems to understand that when I take him off my shoulder he is supposed to poop, but sometimes he just looks at me like "what!!!" and so we move on and he soon poops on my shirt. I have a green and white t-shirt that I use to walk my bird. I use leaves to wipe the poop off and it all blends into the color of the shirt so I can pretend it really didn't happen -- again.
  14. Amazing that the hawks you describe are sitting low and not alarmed by your presence. I've only seen hawks in flight . Tobie watches for them. He is very nervous if he sees one even a long way away. We also have alot of crows. They keep the hawks chased away. Tobie isn't too nervous about the crows, but he watches them. It's amazing how they would know to be wary. The instincts are quite strong.
  15. Wow! He really was planning his day. His vocabulary is huge. What a cutie.
  16. Dayo's vocabulary and enunciation has improved alot since I last saw a video. He has such a wonderful voice. Sounds just like you just like Tobie sounds like my husband.
  17. I owned cockateils for thirty years - always wanted a larger parrot but with three to five cockateils I would resist the urge to get another parrot. When my last two cockateils died within a couple of months of each other I was left with an empty Parrot cage and a strong desire to own as intelligent and verbose a parrot as I could find. ( I always secretly wanted my cockateils to talk and none of them did in a way you could understand) . Even so, I didn't know when I bought Tobie what I was really getting into. Few things in life exceed your expectations. Tobie did exceed my expectations. He is smarter than I expected any parrot to be. He talks and has more sense of humor and meaning in his inflection and speech than I could have ever expected. Aren't they amazing.
  18. Pollys twister perch (reggerio's post) looks like the one I bought for Tobie that ended my need to trim his nails. I put it in front of his wooded chew toy so he leans in and out while playing and gripping with his feet. It is also high in the cage because they are hard to clean if they get poop on them. I had bought a medium size one but that didn't do it . When I added the large one his nails stayed dull.
  19. You have a fantastic voice. I didn't think Dorian was too crazy - just about what goes on at my house every night. Not the singing though, I can't sing two note togeather without bringing on a gag reflex. Love Dorians bell. I'll have to get Tobie one.
  20. Tobie loves sending kisses my way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4rAJUKByiE
  21. I've heard that the pumpkin seeds are very good for them - Phoenix landing inservice.
  22. Puppy is adoreable. Lots of supervision and some training with the puppy on a leash and the the bird nearby to teach the puppy it is off limits.
  23. good luck with this little sweetie
  24. Bird house - I have got to tell you that your picture makes me chuckle every time you make a comment to a post. I actually get tears in my eyes I laugh so hard. The expression on that owls face goes along with whatever comment you make. As far as the question goes - I thought the lenoleum remnant idea was good but Lowes has plastic carpet runners too that I use in front of the cage or on the sides. They also have some mats for under office chairs but I don't know if they are large enough.
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