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Everything posted by MommaFawkes

  1. Aww look at them, gosh they grew up fast!
  2. YW I know you will love him, I have a sun conure from Tina and hes amazing.
  3. Congrats! Ps Your breeder ROCKS...just sayin Shes awesome!
  4. She landed on a persons shoulder, that person gave her to another person...they then saw the ad in the newspaper and called her momma Shes off the wall excited right now!
  5. ERLEEN IS HOME!!!!!!! She was just returned a few minutes ago!
  6. Erleen is stil missing, her mom is getting really scared.
  7. Thanks guys for the support...Im hoping our Arizona members see this post and may be able to help a bit. There is also a reward for her
  8. Congo african grey, very young so still looks like a baby. Her name is Erleen and she has a leg band. Her owner is very worried about her, she is her baby. If anyone hears anything please PM me and Ill give you her contact info. I will update this as we know more.<br><br>Post edited by: MommaFawkes, at: 2009/03/20 17:13
  9. Cute! I have a chi puppy too..she is just about 2 pounds. Please be aware of Hypoglycemia! I lost my first little Chi to that at the age of 2..She never hit 2 pounds! She was 1.6 pounds full grown. Just make sure to do your research on hypoglcemia as it could save your dogs life..I knew all about it and how to treat it and still lost roxy to an attack while I was sleeping..
  10. LOL thanks Dan for posting that! Good thing I checked first because i was just going to go get the info and post it Im so glad they got him home!
  11. AJax is home safe and sound! What a relief! Thanks for the tips all!
  12. Still No ajax... They have been calling for him at dawn and dusk..as well as throughout the day. The worst part is they are moving and almost done! He got out while they where taking some furniture out.. Ill keep you posted
  13. Im posting this for a person on another forum.. Missing Grey in Richmond,BC...His name is Ajax The owner is doing all she can to find him, hes been gone 2 full days almost. Ill keep you posted!
  14. WOW! I also believe it was fate that you got Sammy! Congrats! You know im willing to bet Sammy is more like a year old..My B&G tuki is 9 months old and her beak is in rougher shape than Sammy's already! lol!
  15. Oh I agree..No more monkey! My conures would fly to attack and kill only when they were really bothered by something..like my landlord:blink: So I would say that he does in fact hate that little monkey! lol
  16. Thanks for all the great replies everyone! It was a long road, I was so sad for him becuase for a while it was really looking like he was going to choose to be a cagebound bird forever! Casper, im so sorry about Charlie! But he could still get better. Greys can be so sensitive...im glad Fawkes wasnt greatly affected by the qauke becuase im sure she would of handled it much like Charlie has. Since the qauke Aries does drop his tail feathers easy..he has since lost them all again when my landlord went in my house when we were not home (we had no notice or I would have been home), but againt hey are coming in nicely. So I do think hes a bit more jumpy now than before, but I see this easing up more everyday too. Good luck with Charlie i hope in time he makes a full recovery like Aries has!
  17. I just came across this thread so i thought I would update you all! Aries speant the lst few months after the qauke as a scared little guy, he never wanted out of his cage and was not the same bird he was the day before the qauke. He did grow in the tail feathers nicely and his wing was fine. This last week he finally decided he was ready to be out in the worl with us again! he is back to being my sweet little boy who follows mom through the house, flying to me and landing on my arm. He even started talking now, wich he has never done before. So it was a long road to recovery but we made it and hes better than ever before! While trying to coax him back out of his shell I received many painful nips but I was persistent and any time he would step out of his cage he was showered with praise and treats..wich he loved. I recently went on a toy shopping spree and he really liked the new stuff I got him, that got him playing again and soon after he was ready to come out to be with me again. He now steps us whenever asked...except bedtime..he still hates bedtime. He takes treats nicely and has finally let me pet him! So yes he was very traumatized by the qauke, but I am happy to say that after a few months he made a full recovery with no evident permanent damage! YAY ARIES!
  18. Great post Dan! I am a breeder AND I do Rescues...and I am DANG proud of both!
  19. Thank you, yes thats a waterfall. We are at the park near us and the river runs through the park. Down below us is Glen loch, its really beautiful down there. Next time I take her out Ill go down below a little closer to glen Loch.
  20. Hey Judy did you ever have any luck? A few friends and I are ordering 50 pounds and splitting the cost. Hopefully in the next few days we will have enough people lined up to do it! yay! LMG, have you tried them with Millie yet?
  21. OMG! I would of freaked out watching someone cut that cage! But you did great! I would love to get tuki into a cage that big...shes getting her big girl cage soon but it looks tiny compared to that! LOL
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