I just came across this thread so i thought I would update you all!
Aries speant the lst few months after the qauke as a scared little guy, he never wanted out of his cage and was not the same bird he was the day before the qauke. He did grow in the tail feathers nicely and his wing was fine.
This last week he finally decided he was ready to be out in the worl with us again! he is back to being my sweet little boy who follows mom through the house, flying to me and landing on my arm. He even started talking now, wich he has never done before. So it was a long road to recovery but we made it and hes better than ever before! While trying to coax him back out of his shell I received many painful nips but I was persistent and any time he would step out of his cage he was showered with praise and treats..wich he loved. I recently went on a toy shopping spree and he really liked the new stuff I got him, that got him playing again and soon after he was ready to come out to be with me again. He now steps us whenever asked...except bedtime..he still hates bedtime. He takes treats nicely and has finally let me pet him! So yes he was very traumatized by the qauke, but I am happy to say that after a few months he made a full recovery with no evident permanent damage! YAY ARIES!