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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Hang in there and know that most the rest of us grey parronts have gone through a similar trying time with our greys. My timneh Lyric is now three and I can say that we had times in the past when I wondered what I was doing with a parrot. Now he's much calmer and easier to deal with, more easygoing and doesn't drive me crazy (as often, anyway!). I'm getting ready to go through the same wild ride with my Sadie Grey who turns 1 this weekend. I think if you try to have patience with your girl and give her some time things will improve.
  2. Hi Spence, I'm wondering, how old is your grey? They tend to go through a period called the "terrible twos" which can be a stressful time for both the bird and it's owner. During this time the parrot can be more easily scared by things, it can begin to exhibit more undesirable behaviors such as biting and screaming. I am just wondering if perhaps your grey is going through a phase that might get better with time and patience? Also, how are you reacting to the screaming when you leave the room? Forgive me for questioning you about these things, I'm just trying to think of something you may not have considered...If rehoming seems to be the only option for you and your grey I wish you the best in finding her a great and loving new home.
  3. Welcome to you and your new baby grey. I look forward to hearing more about both of you.
  4. Yes, I can just see your guest's faces when they discover the quiche is actually....parrot pie! That is too funny, Harvey is some character and I guess he must be hearing this quite frequently to be making it part of his ramblings!
  5. Lyric says thank you to you all for your kind words and wishes. Of course he quite enjoyed himself and now it's my turn, my birthday is tomorrow! B)
  6. When you say "Taffy will only eat or drink if it is directly from my mouth." I hope you don't mean literally from your mouth...it is bad to feed birds anything that has been in your mouth- our mouths are full of bacteria that can make a bird very sick. You can share food with her but break off a piece that hasn't been in contact with your mouth before you give it to her. She hasn't been with you very long and has been through a lot of changes in a short period of time. Give her time to settle in and adjust. If she has food and water in her cage she will eventually eat it if she gets hungry. Are you feeding her the same kind of food that she ate at the rescue? If not, you may try to find out what they were feeding her and perhaps getting the same kind of food will help. Good luck, take things slowly and check out the "food" room on this site for ideas of things to try giving her.
  7. Congratulations on the news! Would you have changed Jasper's name if he were a she? Just wondering...
  8. I hope you get this issue resolved- how irritating! Thanks for spreading the word about this company.
  9. Hey everyone, it's Lyric's third hatchday! I just can't believe how fast the time goes...Lyric is enjoying the day with me at work today. Here's a little pic of him showing off those pretty wings.
  10. I think you really went to town there...looks like lots of fun for Ecko once he overcomes his fears. I'm sure it won't take too long for him to decide they aren't that scary. Baby timnehs...ahhh, so hard to resist...that one looks like a little doll. Thanks for sharing with us!
  11. Of course you all were right... everyone survived just fine and I had a fabulous weekend. Thanks for the encouragement. It was so nice to have a break. The birds were thrilled to see me when I got home. The only real problem seems to be with my doxie pup- he had a major step-back in potty training and gave my boyfriend quite a few messes to clean up while I was gone. All-in-all, I'm glad I finally flew the nest...it was about time! Pat, you deserve a break too! If your daughter would gladly watch your flock for you, I say go for it! Caitlin, yes, Lyric has picked feathers a couple of times before- never very badly. His father is a nervous bird as well and also feather plucks, so I feel like he is more likely to do so himself.
  12. You should start off with some perches down low, and you can put a towel on the bottom of the cage if it makes you feel better. I think some babies are clumsier than others. Watch him the first couple of days and see how he does. He should be just starting to fly or getting close to it...they are pretty resilient though so try not to worry too much. You may want to cover the towel with a layer of newspaper that you can change so it doesn't get too messy in the cage. Shouldn't take too long for him to get the hang of things. Most of all enjoy your bird while it is a baby.
  13. Harvey is just adorable! He probably thought it was a little game of hide and seek. Since he found it the treat stick was fair game.
  14. Ok well I'm a bit of a overprotective worrisome mother to my greys...their happiness is a big concern to me and I spend most of my time at home caring for birds and dogs. I haven't taken a vacation, not even a one night trip away from home, since my Lyric hatched 3 years ago. I couldn't stand the thought of leaving him and wondered if he could possibly survive without me around to cater to his every whim! After some persuasion from my best friend and thinking how nice it would be to have a little break...I'm going away for the weekend. Mind you, I'm starting off slowly...I will be leaving tomorrow at noon and back on Sunday. But, I feel it's a step in the right direction and will be good for all of us. I'm leaving my boyfriend at home to mind the flock and even though he isn't that thrilled about them, they are comfortable with him and he'll be able to make sure everyone has food and water while I'm away. My biggest worry about the whole situation is that Lyric will feel like I've abandoned him and pick his feathers from frustration while I'm gone. I guess I realize now though that it will be a wonderful thing to have 2 whole nights to myself to do what I want and have a little fun. So...as I prepare to stretch my wings and fly off for a little adventure....wish me luck that all goes well and I don't return to a naked timneh!
  15. Very cute! Thanks for sharing
  16. This is a great post Dan, very informative. I wish I had something to add...Well, okay, I guess I do. Lyric 3 year old TAG, says his approximation of "Cup" and that is it. If you show him a cup and ask him what it is he says it. If you show him just about anything and ask him what it is he says cup too. He likes to say it back and forth with Sadie. Sadie Grey, 9 month old TAG, said Pretty Birdie at just a few weeks old. She still says it but only very occasionally. Otherwise she says "cup" just like Lyric...and that is it. I talk to these birds all the time, using words in context and everything. I think there's still hope for Sadie to begin to talk more but I think Lyric may just be saying CUP for the rest of his life!
  17. Here's wishing Ana Grey the happiest hatch day ever!
  18. He's beautiful! What a sweet looking baby.
  19. Wow, congratulations Pat, he's a real beauty. Harley is lucky to have you come along and offer him a second chance at a good life. I know you spend all your free time with your birds giving them love and attention- I know you'll do your very best with Harley too and he'll thrive under your care just like Jeepers has. I hope the 'too is able to find a good home too.
  20. Good to see you on here with an update on Congo. Congo looks so happy and healthy, you must be a great dad!
  21. Adorable! Brings back memories of my little ones at that age. They grow up so fast. Thanks for sharing your photos.
  22. Lyric

    Spock Rules....

    Wow! Great photos Spock, you are so photogenic. I'm as amazed as everyone else that the sun conure is allowed to ride around on your back. Looks like lots of fun at your house, that's for sure!
  23. Congratulations on the new baby, and good luck with the introduction. Hopefully Echo will be excited to be a big sister. Even if they don't seem to get along or don't like each other out of cage they still will give each other company when you are gone.
  24. That's sad! I hope you are able to find a good place to board them. Do you have any relatives that might be able to help? I'm in the US so unfortunately I'm no help...maybe one of the other members in your area could offer some assistance. Keep us updated on your situation.
  25. I hope everything works out and Riley is happily reunited with his former owner. Do you think you will try again with a different bird?
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