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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. I just read your posts regarding Issac's big adventure. I am so relieved and happy for you that he is back home safe and sound. I know your heart was torn apart and now it can heal again and the rest of us can breathe a big sigh of relief!
  2. Thanks for sharing your adventures with bird sitting with us. The pictures of the little one bring back so many memories for me of mine at that age. They are such precious individuals and each one is really a treasure.
  3. Welcome to the grey forum, you will have lots of fun here and learn a lot too.
  4. What a beautiful girl you have there- and as always your photos are delightful. Thanks for sharing Rikki with us.
  5. Welcome here. Seems like you've really given Pippa a wonderful enriched life. I think you two are lucky to have found each other. She's a really beautiful grey even with the challenges that life has given her. I hope you'll keep us informed on how she's doing.
  6. How exciting for you all! I bet you can't wait to hear what Yoshi learns next.
  7. I read it too, some time ago. I really enjoyed learning more about owls and the relationship between the author and her owl Wesley.
  8. Great information here! It's good for a new bird owner as well as a good reminder for those of us who have had an avian companion for a while. I have found that a quick time-out in the cage does a pretty good job teaching my fids when they have done something that is unacceptable. Plus, it gives me a chance to take a few deep breaths, relax and clear my mind. You should never attempt to deal with a bird when you are upset or mad. They do learn quickly how to read our human body language and emotions too. I know a look and a "AH AH AH!" can sometimes stop my birds from doing what they are doing and make them reconsider their actions.
  9. My greys have these too, please let us know what you find out about them.
  10. Thanks for sharing your story with us. The pictures of Kiwi are beautiful and I'm glad she had a happy ending. Sometimes it takes an experience like this to teach us a lesson. At least you learned something and took the experience on with you through life.
  11. So glad you got a happy ending! Emma looks very content being back home and Sachi looks happy about it too. They are both very beautiful.
  12. Welcome here! Your baby TAG is simply adorable. Enjoy this time because they grow up so fast.
  13. Beautiful pictures, your birds are so pretty and it is wonderful that they get along so well. I hope you'll keep us updated on what is going on with them.
  14. What great pics, I just love your horses. Seems like everyone had a good time and it was a success. Thanks for sharing your weekend adventure with us.
  15. Thanks for the suggestions. Both of those travel cages look very nice and the price is better than what I was looking at. Judy, do you have the small or larger version? Malikah, I think that one looks good too and seems like the size would be perfect for a travel cage.
  16. How cute! Biscotti looks like he was really enjoying it- and it does actually look like something good for a bird to eat.
  17. Hello! I was wondering if any of you had the Paradise Perch and Go travel cage. Here's a link: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=5059+6322+19260&pcatid=19260 I need to get my act together and get prepared in case we ever have an emergency situation like a tornado. I have one pet carrier that works well for Lyric- it is like a small dog carrier that I have a manzanita branch inside for perching. I have trouble getting Sadie Grey inside it though and couldn't put them both in it together. I was looking at this carrier and thought it may be easier to get Sadie inside it. It looks light weight and well made to me and the picture shows a timneh inside so I know it will work as far as the size goes. Just wondered if any of you had one and could tell me how you like it. I would hate to have an emergency and only be prepared to save one of them!! Thanks in advance!
  18. Wonderful update Caroline, I'd been wondering how you were doing with Tully and the gang. I'm so glad to hear that Tully is thriving under your care. I hope Jasper always remains your cuddly lovey boy- it's great to have that special connection with one of your feathered children!
  19. I joined this forum because I love greys. I love talking about them, reading about them and sharing experiences and knowledge about them with other like minded people. None of my friends or family are really bird lovers and this forum helps fill that gap in my life. This is really the best bird forum I've come across. Even though I don't stop in every day, whenever I get the free time and opportunity I love to stop in and see what's going on with my grey forum family.
  20. Everyone has given you great advice. If you have a chance, let the bird pick you. If you have a preference for some reason, go with that breed. I only have timnehs but each one is an individual- I have a couple that are quite nervous birds and scare easily and others that are more laid back. I believe to some extent it may be an inherited trait, my two that are more nervous are father and son (or daughter, this bird hasn't been DNA sexed). Just my opinion anyway. Best of luck to you in your decision!
  21. Thank you all! I love my feathered angels so much.
  22. My front porch is enclosed with screen and I just love it. The birds like to sit out there and enjoy the scenery and listen to wild birds chirping. Since I'm in the midwest we don't get to use it all year round as it gets too cold in the wintertime, but it's nice in the spring through fall and it also has the added benefit of protecting us all from mosquitoes. I don't leave them on it unattended because they tend to get spooked easily and I don't want them flying around in there and hurting themselves. I say go for it, I don't think you'll regret it.
  23. Here's Sadie- <br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2010/04/05 22:22
  24. Here are new pictures of Lyric and Sadie. Sadie is the one eating the almond. My good boy Lyric- Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2010/04/05 22:20<br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2010/04/05 22:23
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