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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hoping and praying for a quick recovery.
  2. I am replying with a quote. I hope it does not offend any that has you on a blocked list. You are 100 percent correct. We all give examples of our individual greys and flock dynamics based on how things work or don't work in our specific environments. Every bird, dog or critter is an individual and responds to different things and in different ways. Each must be interacted with in manners that they use and appreciate our understanding their individual needs. There are many things in common we all hopefully try to convey in regards body language, eating needs, bating needs etc. of each species. Beyond that, we just need more information from the forum particular member and their greys reactions to various things to give correct suggestions on what to try or change.
  3. danmcq


    I know it's hot and AC will help a little it is a "Closed System" normally and does not pull in fresh air. I would place box type fans pointed outside from window cells and/or doors to get the air evacuated out of the house and replace with fresh clean air. It should not take more than an hour or so of doing this.
  4. Now the rest of my life’s story begins…….4 to 6 months Well this is great! Dad is home all the time, but Mom goes to work. I miss Mom during that time. I heard Dad say he had taken two weeks of vacation to ensure “Dayo” bonded with him. He said I was his idea and was his bird, Ha! I love mom and like dad. He is fun to play with and kick around the house, but mom is the one I love to cuddle with and get scratches. We have these big creatures here called Dobermans. . They are always walking up and sniffing my cage and sometimes get real close to where I am. I almost beaked one of them but Dad said NO and pulled them away from the cage and made them sit. I feel sorry for them, so I throw food out of my cage and watch them eat it. Dad puts the Dobermans somewhere and gets me out of the cage. We play on the floor together with lots of cool stuff. I have these little foot toys and even a talking furry thing the call a Furbie! I learned he talks and if I touch him in certain places, he makes sounds and moves. It was kind of scary at first, but I decided I could knock him over and climb all over him….BIG FUN!!! Then after a while they took Furbie away because I was trying to chew parts of him off, shoot! When I get tired, I walk over and get under dads arm right next to him and lay down to take a nap. I think dad takes one too, but I’m not certain because I’m asleep. He is always a wake and looking at me when I wake up. Then after a while he puts me back in the cage and lets the dogs out and plays with them. I can chirp all I want and he won’t let me out! Doesn’t he know who I am? King of the Jungle and Ruler of the Air! Well I tell you, things are going to change around here. I like to ride around on dad’s shoulder wherever he goes. I sit and watch on the this big box with pictures he calls a computer. I think I saw him writing something and putting pictures of me on it. He put it in a place called greyforums. Sometimes when I get bored I climb down his arm and walk around on the desktop where the computer is. There is lots of neat stuff on it I like to try and play with. Some of my toys are there too, but I want to get a thing called the mouse, keyboard or ink pen. I have been fast enough to pop a key or two off that keyboard. But, then dad took it away and snapped it back on to it. I look forward to when mom comes home after work and call for her the minute I hear the garage door open and the car pull in. The dogs do to because they are running all around by the door and wagging their tails. Mom always says hi and pets them first. Then she comes over to me and says hi and talks sweet to me. After she gets ready, she always makes me some hot formula or what they call baby food that is carrots, yams, green beans or other tasty stuff. She feeds it to me from a spoon. I get kind of messy when I bob my head uncontrollably sometimes and mom wipes my beak. We always have a nice evening sitting together, cuddling with mom, getting scratches and sometimes I fall asleep for a while. Then they start turning off things and lights. Then Mom carries me to my cage and dad follows as she puts me in. They both talk sweet to me and tell me good night and Jake too. Then they cover our cages and the whole room gets dark. But, there is a little light they always leave on that I can see a little through my cage cover. I can’t wait until I hear them in the morning getting coffee before they uncover my cage. I wish I could go where they go instead of my cage. But, they say it is for my own safety. One day, just a few days after I came home. Dad put me in my carrier that he takes me places in. We were in the car for a while. Then when we got out we went into a place I had never been. It had people and other critters of all types in it. He talked to a person then we went and sat down for a while. Some people were coming over and talking to dad and looking at me. I don’t know who they were. But, they seemed nice enough and smiled, so I guess they were ok. Then dad picked me up and we went in a small room. In a few minutes another person came in with a white coat on. She and dad talked for a minute. Then she opened the door of my carrier! Well she seemed nice enough and I stepped up onto her hand when she offered a step up talking sweetly to me. She looked me all over, in my nares, under my wings and at my behind. Then she put me on a scale kind of different from what I am used to, but I was ok with it. Then she scooped up some of my poop from the carrier! Now how weird is this person? She gave me a good treat, gave me back to dad and left the room. She came back after a while and seemed happy and so did dad. I think I kind of like this lady. Maybe I will see her again. Then we left and went back home. Boy was I happy to see my house again. Dad let me out of the carrier and we hung out, ate some food and played with toys until mom got home. This same scenario went on for almost two weeks. Then one day a bunch of people came over and children too. I like people and climbed on some that offered, even the bigger children. The little humans are very fast and jump around. I am not too sure, but I think they are a little scary. I don’t trust them. They all seemed like a happy bunch and were laughing and talking to me and others. It was fun having all these people here and excitement was in the air. We ate good food and yes I got a little bit too. Then they all left and it was just our normal flock here. Then on the next Monday, dad left saying goodbye to me and that he loved me. I don’t know what happened, but I didn’t see him for 4 days and nights. Then he came home and boy was I happy to see him! I was happy having mom all to myself, but dad is one of the flock and it was good to see him back and know he was ok. This keeps happening every week and I am getting used to his schedule and my having to stay in my cage all day with no one is home until mom gets home after work. They do have lots of toys for me to play with in my cage, that I like to chew the wood off of and some foraging ones that have nuts like almonds in them that I have to work at to get one. So it keeps me occupied when I am home without them. This thing they call a phone rings every night when dad is gone. Mom talks and then I hear my dad’s voice coming out of this thing. I can’t see him but I want him so bad. I try beaking the phone, cheeping and panting as I hear him say hi and how he loves me. Then after a while he tells me and mom goodbye. I miss him….
  5. Week 14 and I have continued to enjoy the flights we all get to take when out of that big box they call a cage. We chase each other and sometimes have some crashes. This flight thing is really exciting, but turning and landing on some things is kind of tricky. But, I am learning how to bank, slow down and what NOT to land on. I also learned I can make short hops to get to things quickly before the others. My mom and dad came over today with a small cage and took me outside and placed me in this thing they called a car. As we started moving , I saw and heard very strange things. Then, when they took me out, we were at a different house and they let me out of the carrier. There was only one other bird there, they called Jake and he is a peach front conure. He is a small cute little guy and reminds me a little of the sun conure at the breeders. I saw a huge cage and my parents let me climb up in it and check out some of the new and scary toys I had never seen before. They also played with me on the floor with foot toys and even something they called a Furbie. It surprised me when I touched it and it laughed!! But, then I enjoyed it so much a played with it for quite a while. I met two big dogs called Doberman pinchers. They look scary and my dad held them at a distance. We just checked each other out for a few minutes, and then dad put them in another room. I could hear them barking to be let out. I stayed at this new house for 4 hours and explored, played with mom and dad, slept a little, ate a little and then they put me back in the carrier and took me back to the breeders. I enjoyed it so much! I did not want mom and dad to leave without me. I saw something on mom’s face that looked like a small drop of water as they left. She and dad both seemed sad to leave me at the breeders too. I can’t wait until they come back again! Playing wit a foot toy at Mom and Dads Checking out the new digs, see my travel cage to the left Week 15 - The breeders did something to my wings and I can’t fly all of a sudden! I can only flap down to the floor at about a 45 degree angle. When mom and dad came today and saw that my wings were clipped, I heard them talking to the breeders about having already stated they did not want that done. The breeders said it was their policy not to let any bird go unclipped and would not let mom and dad have me, if they had not done it. Mom and dad seemed sad and didn’t talk to the breeders as much as normal today. They brought the carrier though! I couldn’t get in it fast enough. Then we went in that strange vehicle and next thing I know, I am at their house again. I couldn’t wait to get out and was clawing at the door and contact calling them to make it so in a hurry! This time I went straight to the blanket on the floor which had lots of cool foot toys, some fruit, veggies and that furbie I love so much. They have to carry me around now if we need to go someplace, rather than me flying after them like last time. I am a little scared of moving very fast now when I am climbing up or down. I also just lean in the direction of where I want to go and they place me there so I can investigate whatever it is I am curious about. Oh, exiting news, the DNA test came back and I am a Boy! I could have told them that… Mom and Dad were very excited and started calling me “Dayo” right away. They said it means in an African dialect “Joy has arrived”. It sure did for all of us. We are all so happy when together! After playing for a long time, I fell asleep for a while when I crawled under moms arm and laid down on the floor. That was nice, we all just laid there and napped. At least I think they did too. Then we played some more and it was time to go back to the breeders. I don’t like going back there and don’t understand why I can’t just stay with mom and dad. They have that big cage and we have so much fun. So we got to the breeders and said our good buys. I look for them everyday when I wake up. Every time the doorbell rings and people come in, I look to see if it’s them and it’s not. Week 16 - Things are hopping here at the breeders. It’s different today. When mom and dad got here I was hanging on the cage door contact calling like always and they said hi and then just ignored me. Instead they were in the kitchen with the breeder doing something in a huge pot and talking about it. They were in there for over an hour talking and doing things. Finally they came and got me out of the cage. But, they also got another Grey out too that always hung out with mom and dad. They placed me and her both in the carrier! Now this is weird. But, they left me and her in there and they started carrying out bags of stuff from the kitchen where they had been doing all that stuff. Then they talked with the breeders for a long time again and we left. We got to the house and brought all the stuff in they had brought over from the breeders. They put it up in a big white box that was very cold. It looked like little bags of food we had at the breeders. The Dobermans were coming up and looking then smelling us in the carrier. They put the Dobermans in another room, then they let me and her out of the carrier. I noticed right away my cage was arranged differently. The perches were low and some nice soft towels were in the bottom. There were also a lot more toys hanging in there than last time. I checked it all out. The towels were soft and the toys were fun for the most part. There are couple of that I am not sure if they are evil monsters or not yet. So I am staying away from those! The other Grey (They called Leah) was checking things out and kept running after mom and dad. Of course I did too! One time dad turned around to walk and she was right at his foot and he kicked her a little. Not too hard though. He got real sad and picked her up and cuddled her. I guess from way up there it is hard to see us standing right at their feet and they can’t hear our footsteps. I and she played with mom and dad. We played with our toys, climbed around the cage inside, outside and also each played with each other. We always liked each other and also mom and dad. Mom and dad started calling her Leah. We all went in a big room with a huge thing that showed pictures and made lots of sounds for a few hours. I and Leah hung out on the top of the couch, preened and beaked each other. Me and Leah More me and Leah at Mom and Dads Then it started becoming dinner time and they made us formula nice and warm like we had at this time of day. I ate a lot, but Leah didn’t eat very much. She also had not been eating much of the food they had out for us all day. This is weird, it’s getting dark and we are still here. Usually they take me back to the breeders before now. We spent a few more hours playing and hanging out with mom and dad. Then they picked us up, very gently held and snuggled us and put us both in the big cage and covered us. They said good night to us and then it got real dark and quite. We are spending the night!! I have always wanted to stay here and now my wish has come true. We slept real good and didn’t wake up once during the night. Before it was light, I heard dad up and doing something in the kitchen. That big box came on and started making noise and I smelled a strong odor and I could see through the cover a blurry image of him lifting a cup to his mouth. Leah woke up too and pretty soon we couldn’t stand it any longer. We started our little baby cheeps and panting. Dad came over and uncovered us. Then he talked to us a while in a gentle voice, rubbed our beaks and gave us some scratches, then went back to watching that noisy box. After a while mom came in and we excitedly cheeped at her too and she came over and got us both out of the cage. We were both so excited we started climbing all over her. Dad came over and got Leah then we all had some snuggle time. I stayed with mom and did not like Leah getting her attention. Then dad got a thing out he put each of us on, one at a time. I heard him call it a digital scale. It had a nice perch for us to stand on. Then he wrote something down on paper. He seemed anxious after he weighed Leah and him and mom talked about it. They fixed us a lot of good stuff to eat like veggies, some fruit and some of that wonderful 15 bean, oats, barley, nuts, seed and flax mixture they brought from the breeders all nice and warm. I ate a lot, Leah did not. They called the breeder and talked to them for a while. I heard dad saying something about Leah’s weight going down rapidly and her not wanting to eat. Then they put her in the carrier and left. When they came back, Leah was not with them. I never saw her again. I did hear them say she was fine, just not completely weaned yet. They decided that I was going to be enough to handle and declined to bring her back a week later. Oh well, I am now the only one who will get attention from mom and dad. Except for Jake the conure, who doesn’t like sitting on them and hanging out like I do. He just likes to get treats from them and hangs out on his cage or perch. He does keep trying to come and get close to me, but I don’t like that and chase him away.
  6. danmcq


    Oh Jesus, what a 911! You did everything right. Getting them outside to fresh open air is the best medicine. Just watch them and if you observe any labored breathing, take them to the vet asap. Other than that, they will be fine.
  7. It's good to hear you are sticking around. Hell, I get annoyed with family sometimes, but get over it due to the benefits of having them. One important thing you mentioned was opinions. Everyone has them on particular topics and even scientific experts conducting studies disagree with each other. Thus, many time I read and study each and come to my own opinion and use in dealing with my critters. There is more unknowns, than knowns about greys for example in the wild.
  8. #1 - Get over it!!!!!! #2 - Who knows who is on your ignore list? Get over it!!!!!!!!!! #3 - I coined the word GreYt 4 or 5 years ago and will use it anytime I please. This is the Grey forum, and well greys are GreYt!!!!! So, you know...... Get over it!!!!! #4 - Yup, well...... get over it!!!! #5 - Read the post!!!!! Buuuuaaahhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... Get over it. #6 - I'll have as many pet peeves as I want and have have several for years the ones I do have so far I have named Alfred, Molly, Popeye, Rat Fink, Speedy Gonzales and Lumpy. Now you have given me a new one I am naming Don Rickles...... Making all his statements about how others bug him in error of not realizing he is stating his pet peeves and probably things that bug him about himself as well..... #7 - Drink more Tequila and you'll slowly get over 1- 6 and just not care anymore.
  9. I purchase a lot from here: http://www.windycityparrot.com/
  10. Your patience and love is paying off. Timber could not have landed in a better home.
  11. Don't be so shy Ana Grey, we want to know everything and see photos!!! Love it so far!
  12. There is also an 8 week old sun conure that is normally out with us running around too. He’s a quick little bugger that gets to stuff before us sometimes, but he’s a cute little guy. We put up with him, but chase him off if he gets in our way. There are also 5 Cherry headed conures about 6 weeks old in a cage we watch and peep at. Then there is a monster of a bird, it’s a Greenwing Macaw named Barney that sits on a stand and watches over us. His age is around 30. He sometimes rattles the walls with one of his squawks’ or loud Hello’s. Two of us were drawn to these people called mommy and daddy I like chewing on Dads shoes Me and Mom at 8 Weeks The pesky conure.... We are being raised by Humans, in a Human world and rely upon them for everything. Even though we have the instincts of an African Grey Parrot, we are naturally drawn to Humans and learning how to get along in the only world we know. The Breeders knew this was crucial for our placement, happiness and thriving with our future Human owners. They have been very careful to ensure we are learning all the basics like a Cage is our home, primary food area and place of safety, to step-up, know what a towel is and play with it. They also keep giving us different food items and toys with different textures and colors. But, as with all us African Grey’s, there are some things that we just look at from a distance for a while, before we even think about going near it. I like the Breeders and the way they love us and take care of us. But, something was different about these humans that kept coming over. I don’t know why, but I seemed drawn to them, especially the one now known as “Mommy” the other is called “Daddy”. He’s ok, I like him too, but not as much. I am getting more attached to them each time they visit. I’m going to fast forward to 12 weeks now. Since weeks 8 through 11 continued on as they were, except we are getting fed formula less often, eating pellets, mashes, vegetables, fruit etc., and we continued to grow very fast. I heard them call it abundance weaning. I don’t care what they call it, I call it Good! I am now flapping my wings a lot; due to some uncontrollable urge that I’ve had for the past week to hang on to something and just flap away! Boy do they create a lot of wind and I can feel my feet pulling against the bar or finger as I do so. I let go once and took off. Boy was that scary; I landed well very soon and walked around thinking about what just happen. The breeder seemed very happy and was talking to me in a very high and happy voice. All the others in the two clutches are doing the same. The Breeder said something about not needing a thing called a fan to keep them cool. They also turn all the ceiling fans off before any of us or other Parrots are let out. My Dad and Mom, always check the metal thing around my leg when they come over and I walk up to them. I heard them say, yep its number 001. There’s another Grey from the other clutch starting to hang around them too and getting picked up. They check its band too and say, yep its number 006. This is starting to get me jealous, I always go back and forth between dad and Mom when 006 is with one of them. I usually try to get Mom to just pick me up and 006 can have Dad. While my Mom and Dad was over visiting. We were hanging out on the floor playing and a very small dog came running in and spooked us. We all quickly flew up to the sofa, chairs or other item about 3 or 4 feet off the floor. Then we saw it was just the little dog we are used to seeing him run around the house while in our cage and quickly returned to the floor to play. I guess it was just instinct to fly when we feel threatened by a quick unexpected movement. It felt pretty good to fly and my Mom and Dad carried on like I had done something amazing. One odd thing happened that alarmed me while sitting on my Dad’s chest. He was sitting on the floor with his arms supporting his upper body. All of a sudden, the biggest Grey from the other clutch flew across the room and landed with his beak biting into my Dad’s hand making a hole and drawing blood. The Breeder asked my Dad if the Grey just attacked him. My Dad said yes, but didn’t know why. After that, my Dad always called that bird “the Grey from Hell”. This Grey would from then on, growl at the Breeder and my Dad even when they would just approach the cage to get us all out. I heard my dad say, that if the Grey’s attitude didn’t change, it would make a good breeder possibly. The Breeder laughed. I don’t know why! But, that larger Grey was always a loaner, hanging out in the back of the cage and the others from its clutch would sometimes huddle around it. The Breeder sent samples in from all of us today for DNA testing, to see what sex we are. My Mom and Dad have been talking about something called a “Name”. They have been researching appropriate African Dialects to find just the right one for me. They are going to wait until the DNA test comes back. I wish that other Grey would just stay with the rest of its clutch! When Mom and dad left today, the breeder had to hold me because I kept peeping and trying to fly after them. I miss them now every time they leave. The Breeder told my parents I keep looking and peeping for at least 10 minutes after they’re gone. Week 13 and we’re flying every chance we get when let out of the cage. It’s rather scary, not knowing what’s around that big opening or flapping too hard and seeing the top of the sky as we rapidly approach the 8 foot ceiling. Most times I will turn back to where I came from and land, then fly a circle again. It tried landing on places other than my cage and found some of them just fall over, like lamp stands, standing picture frames etc. For the most part, once I have flown a little, I like to be on the floor playing, eating new things, tearing up toys and having fun with the breeders and especially my mom and dad when they come over. Sometimes when there is a toy or a food item I like, I’ll go pick it up and all of a sudden others come around me and want it. I run away and they chase me and try to get it. Most the time I just run and turn until they stop trying to get it. Sometimes though, one of them will get it and then I chase after them. It’s fun, but I don’t like having something taken away from me and the others don’t either. They talk and laugh with the breeders a long time when they are here. They have become very good friends and enjoy each other’s company. I hear them talking about what I and the others have been doing each day and also the others Parrots here that are growing up. They have many cages and enclosed flights they built outside with many types of Conures, Macaws and Greys. We sometimes play with the other babies when they are out when we are and it changes the dynamics of what we do and how we play. Some of them are BIG and I try to go buddy up with them and get some preening. Some will and some won’t and run me off. So I go chase the ones smaller than me off, because they bug me. I wonder if that’s what the big macaws think about me? But, my mom and dad played with them, especially the macaws. I really got jealous when a blue and gold macaw laid on my mom’s chest and then placed its head on her shoulder like a human child does. My mom liked it and cuddled it for a long time! Here's the evidence ...and the B&G showing off starting to Fledge... Enough said for this entry!!! Gotta go cool off a bit!!!
  13. Welcome Tims and Kikki! He looks great for 30 years old. Thanks for sharing these photo's. It appears he is enjoying the time out of the cage and interaction with you.
  14. I have no doubt you do. Rearing/weaning all those various species are/were a rare privilege most people will never experience. You were blessed to be able to do so.
  15. Surprisingly, many greys when comfortable and nuzzling with their favored person will just lay on their back with no coaxing at all. Dayo has rolled himself over since less than a year old on my wife when hanging out with her. It is not something you really need to teach in other words for them to do it in time with the right person. You can see Dayo laying on his back and pulling the blanket up with his talons in this photo.. no coaxing whatsoever:
  16. Oh sorry! Jesus they are really clamping down for music in the background!
  17. Oh in reference that thread, what was meant by "Head Bobbing" is not like when they are dancing. It is actually more of an up/down head/neck pumping action as they are preparing to regurge. It looks completely different, but I can see why you questioned this now.
  18. I do not know who ever said head bobbing is sexual behavior, it is not. If a bird is getting sexual, they will drop their wings, pant a little/make little almost painful sounds, regurge etc.
  19. Because he enjoys it. Many parrots bob their head, it is a natural thing they do..... He loves to whistle, sing and beat-box and bobs his head, dances and moves his wings up and down and gets totally into to it. BIG FUN and enjoyment!!!
  20. Dayo loves to dance to rock of any kind with a good back beat....
  21. I understood your post as the loving and caring parront as I KNOW you are Jay. My post was just a generalization of how they are. If I don't want Dayo to toss something, I take it off the counter, bolt it on/in, otherwise resistance is futile in regards him having fun.
  22. This was somehow lost and can no longer be found, so I will slowly add it back to the forum in progressive posts. When we get older and can no longer take care of Dayo, I want information to be passed on to the new owner we select. I have no doubt he will out live us and worry about him being in a happy loving home we move over the rainbow bridge. So here is the first post: Dayo - My life in a Human world, as a Congo African Grey Parrot My name is Dayo. I Hatched into this world on April 28th 2007. I wanted to share my life to this point. The reason for this, is my Human Parents both will pass on before I will. My future home will need to know my background to understand me and interact with me properly. My Mom and Dad spent years teaching, loving and caring for me. I am a sentient being, intelligent, talkative, comedian, demanding and most importantly fully flighted. I enjoy my freedom most of all. Now, on to my story. I am a Parrot species called “Congo African Grey” (CAG) that originates in the Congo Rain Forests area of Africa. We are known to have life spans up to 50 or 60 years in the wild. However, the average in the dangerous and tough life of the wild is around 30 years. It is thought the average is 35 to 40 years in captivity. However with a healthy diet of other than just seeds and nuts enhanced with Pellets, Vegetables, Fruit and plenty of exercising like flight and playing, we are expected to live close to our wild maximum life span in captivity. At some point in time of the distant past, my Parents were captured and shipped to the United States. A Parrot Breeder purchased them legally over 25 years ago. I do know this was made illegal by the U.S. Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992. The Breederplaced my parents in a small 3 x 3 x 4 cage with a small nest box in it. They lived out the rest of their miserable lives (compared to the wild) in captivity. I do not claim that all Breeders provide this type of living condition, but most do. Also, there are many hundreds if not thousands of breeding pairs that were born in captivity and never knew what it was like to be in the wild; therefore being in the company of Humans and their environment is natural to them. I was hatched on the 28th of April 2007. The first memories I have, is of feeling the warmth of my mother and father keeping me and the rest of my Clutch toasty warm and safe under them as they would sit and droop their wings down to keep the area enclosed and warm. They also fed us great warm food regurgitated made especially just for us. Then one day when we were about a week or two old, while my parents were out, I felt a strange warm “Something” pick me up and it also picked up the rest of my clutch!!! The unfortunate part is, our eyes were not yet open when we were taken from the nest, so we do not know what our parents looked like. I guess I and my clutch were lucky; some babies are taken from their parents before they even hatch. However, some Breeders leave the chicks with the parents until 3 weeks of age. We were then placed in a plastic container with material on the bottom and placed in a warm box with added humidity, it was called a Brooder. It was really a rather small place, but so is a nest of a wild African Grey Pair, which normally sets up home in the hole of a tree. I never felt the nice warm underbelly of my parents again and miss the gentle nuzzles, feeding and pampering by my parents. But, the things handling me and the clutch are gentle, but their hands are a little cold compared to the warm bodies of our parents. African Grey Tree Hole in the Wild Breeding Cage and Nestbox attached 1 week old Chicks Hey, there’s another clutch of Grey’s in another Brooder right next to us and about the same age!! How cool is that? They put something on one of my legs that crimped around it. I heard them call it a Leg Band that will identify me and who the breeder was. It feels rather strange and I don’t like it much. It was also strange being held like that and was actually rather scary. But, while we were all out of the brooder, but remained in the container, they fed us each some pretty good tasting formula and it was warm too! I could hear them talking in high and happy voices to me. They also held me for a while and gently stroked me. It was comforting and made me feel safe and secure. Both clutches in Brooder When we were getting fed, I kept having to push against the others to get mine too! I later learned I didn’t need to worry, the loving Breeders made sure we each got fed every time. They feed us 4 or 5 times over a 24 hour period. Of course, we’re only 5 weeks old and now have eyes open and can see these blurry huge humans feeding us. They are very gentle and talk to us in very exciting voices. But, we can’t stay out long, we have no feathers and it gets really cold after a while compared to our brooder. I am 6 weeks old now. I and the clutch are still getting fed 4 times in a 24 hours period. The Breeders let us out of the plastic box and place us on the floor to play , and we also run around and check out these strange looking items they call toys. There is some food items there too like different vegetables and fruit. We love the long time out of the brooder! We are changing and instead of bare skin, we have downy feathers and other full feathers growing. Everything is white and shades of gray. Even our eyes are black! I also have this little bright red line of dots (feathers) coming in across my butt!! What’s up with that? My Red Dotted Butt Some other Humans came over today I have never seen and they sat and played with us all for a few hours. I and one or two others checked them both out and I let them pick me up, once I had walked over to them. My clutch mates, except one, all just seemed to stay away from them and run around on the floor and explore some and eat the fruit and veggies, but I liked them for some reason. They are really nice people and are very gentle with me. I really liked chewing on a shoe lace or two and also on their shirts. They pointed something at me and also at my clutch that made a real bright flash several times while they were here. These Humans are huge towering like trees. I have to look straight up and focus my eyes really hard to see all the way up to their face and eyes. Just their feet are larger than me! When they reach out to get me, it looks like large tree branches bending out towards me. I wonder how big I am going to get and if that’s what my Parents actually looked like? Oh well, I’m too young to worry about this stuff. It’s play time! We’re 8 weeks old now and the same people keep coming back every week. I run over to them when I see them. I really look forward to these visits. We were all transferred to the big cage at 7 weeks. So both clutches totaling 7 Greys are sharing it. It’s interesting living in a big enclosure. We can climb all over the place and all the way to the top. It has a few perches at the bottom we can get on and sit. It also has some nice towels and blankets on the bottom. They feel soft when I fall. I am clumsy sometimes and just lose my grip. Here we are at 8 Weeks It’s interesting getting to know and socializing with the other clutch. Sometimes, we beak each other too hard! One of us had a blood feather bitten and the Breeder moved him to another enclosure for a while so he could heal. I guess we are still learning how to use our powerful beaks properly. He is ok now though and back with us. For the most part we each tend to stay close to our own clutch in the cage and sleep next to each other. When I see those people that come over and they walk in the Room. I always run to the front and climb up the cage door and peep and whistle at them. Some the other Grey’s would call too and want their attention, but I was always hanging on the front of the cage door so they would get me first. One or the other of these humans would pick up other Grey’s as well that wanted attention. The breeders also played with us everyday and we had lots of interaction. My Feathers are now becoming very full and those Red Dots on my butt have turned into pretty red growing tail feathers. I like them!! The people coming over I play with liked all my feathers they carried on over my red tail. 8 Weeks – Notice how the other clutch stays isolated sometimes
  23. They certainly do amuse themselves tossing things and listening to the clanging and banging whether you respond to it or not and many tmes will swoop down and throw it around some more. Tossing food is something you will never stop a bird from doing.
  24. danmcq

    Few Words

    Intelligent Sentient Being Intuitive Empathic Loving Spiteful Jealous Possessive Vocal in many ways A flighted wonder One of God's most wonderful gifts Loved as if a birthed child
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