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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. LOL! It does always make me wonderful about all the thoughts going through a greys mind. They are so analytical!
  2. Cute video of Jellybean going to bed. He seemed very well behaved during the process. Dayo would never go to bed if he had his choice. Our nighttime ritual when we are ready to hit the sack is I turned the TV and sound system off, then get him to step up on to my arm as I gently tell him it is time to go to bed. Once he is on my arm, I bring my other hand around and gently cup his wings in my hand and pull him close to my chest as we walk in to the family room where the cages reside and place him on a perch inside his cage, then close the door. Since he is flighted, I do need to cup the wings obviously. We then both tell him good night and cover his cage.
  3. Same to you, thanks for posting this... well wishes to all.
  4. Dayo reacts more to rock and roll with a good downbeat than other music types. When we watch programs like The Voice, X Factor etc. he will sit on his T Stand eating seeds and dance, beatbox and/or whistle at times too. When a woman singer comes on I suppose he finds appealing, he will wolf whistle and blow a few big kisses.
  5. Yes, every time I go through Michaels or other craft stores, I always look for wood items to use in building new toys. I also use large tins of childrens toy blocks like tinkertoys. IN my opinion they are perfectly safe.
  6. Very sad. It is just like losing a birthed child and the heartache and broken pain just as bad. You have my condolences during this very hard time.
  7. I suspect chico is using the previous owners voice, which probably talked to him in a high pitched voice. I have always talked to my grey in my normal voice and he sounds exactly like me. Fools my wife many times.. Chico will pick up your voice in time. It takes them a while practicing under their breath and calibrating until they have it down exactly.
  8. As Ray stated, it is how you bring them up, socialize and introduce them to new adventures in and out of your home.
  9. Janet gave good advice. Adding another parrot would be because you wanted it. Greys are very aloof and only flock with their species, unlike amazons, conures and macaws that intermingle. Also, parrots many times become very jealous and do not like sharing the time spent with you. We have a conure as well as our grey. They do not get along at all other than breathing the same air together, the conure is only safe about 2 feet from our grey. Get too close and a flying chase seen takes place.
  10. At the breeders when Dayo was about 9 weeks old, after he selected us as his parronts since we had been visiting the clutch from the time they were 6 weeks old 2 or 3 times a week. He would come running to us the minute we walked in the breeders door. It took a lot of control on our part not to take him home before he was weaned..... of course the breeder would not allow it anyway...
  11. Gracie is certainly coming along nicely under you wonderful care and guidance. GreYt Job! Thanks for sharing this and looking forward to more.
  12. Well, this worked out great. We're all still here. House is a big hit in the neighborhood. It looks like a giant hersheys kiss and inside is now the only frozen ice rink in town. birds are doing great and enjoying doing touch and goes across the ice. Big party here, lots of people. Come on over and enjoy the fun.
  13. LOL, I am starting my AC at full blast Thursday evening and placing Ice Blocks through out the house, then wrapping the house in aluminum foil....
  14. Weather Alert for Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Nothing like a Cheeto to break the ice. Congrats!
  16. They do love challenges. I enjoyed watching this. Thanks for sharing it.
  17. Everyone is giving good thoughts and advice. Each parrot species are different in how severe a molt may affect them. Greys for example are one of the highest dander producing species. The combination of dander, molting, dry air from winter heat etc. just exacerbates and compounds the itchiness and discomfort our greys feel. As dave said, keep the humidifiers humming along. more frequent bath and especially drenching with 100 percent aloe juice with a mist sprayer will help sooth them. While I agree if your parrot is already on a well rounded diet increase of one food item may or may not be needed. It is a scientifically proven fact that the protein Keratin makes up the feather. Keratins are proteins that are made inside the body using amino acids as the foundations. Forming the perfect feather without correct nutrients is very difficult. Also replacing those molted out feathers takes a ton of energy believe it or not. Dayo eats more when molting, which would be expected. He already eats a very bountiful and well rounded diet, but I do personally give him more healthy nuts such as walnuts, almonds and pistachios during large molts like right now in winter. He does want scratches more often and longer duration for those very prickly and itchy head and neck pins he cannot get to. But, hit one prickly pin wrong and you will get a quick reaction, which I try to gentle avoid. You can sure tell those scratches feel good by the way he will just close his eyes and turn his head to guide your finger to the spot he wants scratched. Then when he fluffs and shakes, rattles and rolls, the dander just flies. Then head down for more scratches.
  18. danmcq


    This is normal. Many times when a feather comes out, they will hold and chew on the end of it.
  19. Patience, love and understanding your new baby greys uneasiness as you are doing is the best method to build trust with your new grey. Your doing a GreYt job is getting this new relationship off the ground.
  20. Joey is certainly coming along. It is wonderful hearing how he is growing so rapidly now in knowing he can use language our language to get results.
  21. I have never had any issue with my grey or conure going to the tree. We always have real tree's due to loving the smell and look. I think both birds are rather cautious of this tree with lots of various decorations and flashing lights and thus being uncertain, enjoy it from a distance.
  22. Thanks for posting this. Barbara's articles always contain great nuggets of information to ponder and apply in situations such as biting. As she indicates herself, somtimes we do not fully understand why it happened. But, if one truly takes pause and replays the incident, they will glean out of it something to change on their part and how to approach what you did differently the next time. Once you have spent time doing this, you will learn when to just leave them be, offer a treat, talk smoothly and praise them etc. before and as you try to get a step up. It has taken me a long time to learn ways to avoid a bite, but the time spent analyzing and trying a different methods pays off, incident by incident.
  23. Very interesting story. Thanks for sharing it.
  24. What an entertaining video. Loved watching it. Thanks Janet!
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