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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I would use the wrist/arm with fist clenched (Iron Fist) since you state she is clumsy. If the perch feels unstable at all, they will not fully commit. Go ahead and gently bump a little and perhaps offer her favorite treat with the other hand to entice her to move forward with the second talon to get it. Since you have he patience of Job, I believe this will be your best methodology of showing her you are kind, trustworthy and a secure place to perch on. Only god knows what Rosie has been through.
  2. Wow, you have the patience of Job. Just what is needed for many rehabs. Month by Month your patience will pay off. Kudo's to you for that.
  3. Thanks for this article and link. It was interesting watching pepper maneuver it around. Now dayo is bugging me for a scaled down jet with joy stick.
  4. Hello Stover and welcome. What type of parrots do you have? How old are they? I would love to hear about them and stories you may have to share about them.
  5. Congrats Dee, you have owned this room for a long time in my mind and I have always enjoyed your contributions and devotion.
  6. Happy B-Day Corky! Wow almost a teenager. Next year you will know more than your parronts. Teens, such a joy when that happens.
  7. A Parrot Christmas Poem T'was the night before Christmas, when all through the tree, the birdies and parrots were all filled with glee, The clutches were snuggled in their down feathered nests, while vision of flight, sent them all soaring west. Fresh millet sprays had been hung with great care, with hopes that "Old Scarlet" (Parrot St. Nick) soon would be there. The Conures and Amazons had all settled down, but those crazy cockatoos were still hopping around. When high in the tree tops, a ruckus arose, I thought I should check, just to see what goes. Peeking through branches, leaves lit by the moon, I thought I was dreaming it looked just like noon! When what to my wondering eyes should there be, but a flock of eight Grey's with Red Tails shining landing in the next tree. Gliding behind, holding reins in his beak, I spied the red bird, with a blush on his cheek. He whistled and squawked, calling each one by name, buoyed by a breeze, as closer they came. Now Talon, now Josey, now Dayo and Ana Grey, on Corky, on Alfie, on Marcus and Roscoe. To the top of the palms, to the top of trees tall, now fly away, fly away, fly away all! I watched as they circled the green jungle maze, and thought for a second I'd lost sight, I was in such a daze! But, soon they appeared, drawing a basket behind, which was filled with new toys of the bright, shiny kind. Back to my branch I climbed mighty quick, I'd heard of Old Scarlet, surely this was no trick! He carefully perched by an old snoring grey, while I fretted and wondered if he'd get scared away. He wasn't even distracted when the parakeet sneezed. He hung the new whirlygigs, sighed and looked pleased. Standing proud and quite stately, he filled me with trust; but I felt ashamed, his feathers were covered with cockatoo dust. He paused, just a moment, fluffed and preened in a stoop, turned around slowly, saying "At least it's not poop." Then he laughed out loud--like a real human being. I blinked my eyes twice, at what I was seeing. He picked up a peanut and tossed it my way. "Here's a small Christmas treat. Don't get spoiled, okay?" He strutted back to the basket, put a strap round each wing, chirped at his flock, who started to sing. Their tones were so perfect, they were magically dear. I was sure it was Memorex or a choir quite near. The melody lingered, for a moment or two, but I caught one last glimpse, before they flew. His eyes were so merry, twinkling with impish delight. His charming ways had brightened this long Christmas night. As upward they soared, toward the golden round moon, I heard every word, he joyfully crooned. "Merry Christmas to all, peace, joy and cheer. Be good little birdies. I'll see you next year!" Author Unknown (edit a little by danmcq)
  8. Jeff, gracie is starting to experiment with her knowledge of language, rules, games etc. She developing her own personality and also testing all things she knows for limits, good, bad and fun reactions. This is not unusual at all at 16 months old. She is having fun and developing a fun and funny personality in my opinion. Just view ta as a human child going crazy with the nee found ability of realizing they actually can control to some extent their own world. The problem is, they do not know what the limits are yet. Thats where it becomes both a joy and a major pain in the butt. I actually laughed through this. It is such a normal thing to happen and you nor gracie are really doing anything wrong. Just stay calm is the most important thing I can say to do. I learned the hard way by freaking ot at first and believe me, that just magnified the behavior 10 fold. Once I calmed down and gave a mild mannered response or no response things slowly were understood over a loooong time with patience.
  9. Wonderful news, Dee is the perfect fit.
  10. GreYt photos, thanks for sharing them.
  11. Thats wonderful news, Clarice could not have found a better home!
  12. Nice photos and the perches look great.
  13. It is wonderful that he has settled in so well. I hope to hear updates on this new life long relationship as it grows week by week.
  14. My grey has always tried to get shoes and feet. He has always been flighted, but does like going to the floor at times to just forage around, explore and at some point runs over and tries to nibble on shoes or feet. The shoes or feet are always a no-no so it is at that point he is made to step up and placed on our lap. a counter or a perch. he may of course fly straight back to floor and start chasing feet again as they do become obsessed at times with what they are trying to accomplish at that moment in time. This where when you must get a foot toy or something else that will get their attention and they lose focus on the feet. Since this behavior seems to have become a daily ritual almost, I like the others comments on just caging him during the time you are down the hallway. Then just letting him out once you are done. Another thing you could do, is put some type of goofy slippers on like those with bunny rabbit or other odd designs that would probably scare him and keep him away from your feet. I know this probably will make you laugh, but things like this work for keeping greys away from things that are off limits. You would only wear them of course when in the area that this behavior occurs. My Grey loves to try and chew on our house alarms sensors in various rooms up high on the walls. They each have a stuffed toy above them that scares dayo enough that he no longer goes there for example.
  15. I do the same thing as talon and chezron. Small cardboard boxes, a coffee can with foot toys, plastic utensils etc. as well that he will rummage through and play with various it items. When dayo does happen to get obsessed with something that is a no-no, I just start playing with his stuff, it drives him nuts and he comes over and bullies me away from them and then starts playing with those items.
  16. Your patience and love for Chico is certainly paying off. He actually sounds like a very well behaved grey, especially in allowing you to step him up from your head or shoulder with out even a little beak pressure. Congrats!
  17. Charlie is coming along nicely. I would love to here more of him as you get the time.
  18. Gus is beautiful. I am so glad your sharing of dave's post resulted in Gus finding a home that will love him and give the time, attention and love he surely desires. Cockatoo's are a velcro bird and want noting more than to be with you. I am looking forward to updates on this.
  19. I am so sorry to hear this. If I may ask, has the vet taken any xrays to see if there is a metal piece internally trapped? After this amount of time and eating oatmeal, it should have passed. I pray for the best for your baby and you to get through this with a good outcome.
  20. When you do get the new cage, I would not place any toys etc. in it. Just leave it bare bones with the food and water cups to ensure there is nothing in it that would possibly frighten him. After such a traumatic life and final occurrence of having a cat probably capture and tear his mate to pieces, there is no doubt he has learned to be very fearful of our human world and environment. As you stated that you are ready for the long haul, that indicates to me you fully understand this is going to take a lot of time and patience for him to become familiarized with the new home, furnishings, people, sounds etc. Just be in the area where he is as much as possible and stay at whatever distance his comfort zone is and read, watch tv, talk to him etc. Over time you can move in closer and closer just by watching his reaction day to day as you do so. Of course we all know there are times everyday you will need to encroach his zone and cage to keep him with food, water and a clean cage. He will just have to put up with that of course. My hat is off to you for being willing to take him in knowing the long road you have to walk down of just providing time and patience, along with knowing that you have no idea or guarantee of just how close this relationship will become over the months and years. The good news is, it can only get better and there is no limit to just how close that relationship may become. I have known several rescued basket cases that have turned in to a kind and loving grey that you would never know had ever experienced the atrocities mankind has put them through. So good luck and use us and or members as your support and sounding board. Thanks for coming to this forum.
  21. I can certainly see a very faint blue tint on a few feathers. Nothing to worry about. I will say, I have seen faint orange, yellow, blue etc colors on Dayo on a few feathers after dayo has had a shower then played with colored wood block toys and a slight bit of coloring transferred from the blocks. But, next shower it was gone. This may or may not be your case, but just a thought.
  22. danmcq


    As Dave so well pointed out, some birds are great on the shoulder, some are not. There are many people suffering some horrendous face, ear and neck injuries from not realizing this until it was too late. I will say, there is a big difference between a beaking or nibble compared to a bird that actually bites your ear or cheek. Only you can know the difference by what you feel. My grey or conure will nibble lovingly, but never bite those areas. If they did, they would never be allowed on the shoulder again.
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