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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome! In the photos it appears he is plucking that area. His feathers over his entire body look to be a little tattered as well. Since you say he came from a good home, did the owners mention anything abot the bald area and condtition of the feathers? How often does he get bathed/showered and what was his diet? You will find a ton of information on this site to assistyou as well as all our memebers are more than welcoming to any and all questions you may have.
  2. Happy New Year Dave and all!
  3. Why don't you introduce yourself here. Do you have a grey parrot? Why are you so adamant about us checking out this website? I did a whois look up on the site you are referring to and it is in china. I did not click on any of these links because they could have hidden malware, trojans, active x scripting etc. in them. The bottom line is, I don't know anyone that would think they can order an egg online and actually believe they would receive it fertilized and still actively growing by he time they received it.......most offers for eggs online are scams for money... If you do not reply appropriately, i will delete this thread as spam.
  4. Thats funny Penny. I guess due to every grey being different, dayo is just different. His and Jakes cages are both in our family room. It has a huge sliding glass door over looking our backyard and pool and it is open from sun up to sun down. They both love looking outside and watching whats going on. In the summer time the door is open all day long with just the screen door. Dayo loves to sit and observe. He will talk about crows when they fly by, the pretty flowers, comment on my cleaning the pool because it's "dirty" and kim watering the flowers etc. He and jake both love seeing outside from every room in our home. From our living room, dayo watches and comments on the cars he sees going by, whistles at people and blows them kisses etc. Of course, we roll both their cages outside everyday on our patio in the summer time and they spend four to five hours enjoying it. They both will ask to go outside and eagerly await it. Dayo basks in the sun light directly, versus jake thinks it is evil and sits in the shade portion of his cage and will only venture in to direct sunlight after a shower and he is drenched. Once dry, it's shaded portion only again.
  5. Congrats on the first word!
  6. LOL Jeff! Poor Gracie, she is doing her best and I guarantee you she will have your voice down perfectly after some more calibrating. I guess that voice could be a good thing though if a burglar came in during the dark of night and Gracie greeted him with a Hello...
  7. Great informative post by Dee. Greys are meticulous and have memorized EVERYTHING in their home. I mean down to you placed a throw rug back a half inch off. The smallest change sometimes makes them very uncomfortable sometimes. Evidently I assume that drape has never been open with her in that room? If so, that is a huge change for her or she may see something in the field of view that scares her, which could be anything she is not used to seeing. This makes me think of this weekend, we went out and purchased a new throw rug for our kitchen to replace one that had become a little worn. When Dayo first noticed that once we got home, placed the rug down and let the birds out he took off flying into the living room and perched on his tree stand in there. The rug is exactly the same size as before, but the print is different with apples and birds on it. Anyway, this is what I am using as a parallel to your experience . A small change affects Greys differently than other parrot species. Our conure didn't give a hoot.
  8. Hey, you have a baby now, the parties are all over.
  9. Thanks for the very informative post Dave! It's wonderful seeing you back again.
  10. I enjoyed the videos, very cute. I can imagine your horror when seeing the blood. It's funny how we can become numb when we are involved in saving a loved one from a bad situation, but thank god we are or we would not accomplish the goal of saving them. Welcome to the Parrot Bite Me Club.
  11. Awwww, what a cutie he is. Thanks for sharing these photos.
  12. They are so in tune with us and desire nothing to be with us or at least in sight of us at almost all times. As Jeff said, they are very empathic. Jellybean was just being a grey that was frustrated and trying to figure out what changed and trying to get interaction with you by trying to nudge (call, bite, nibble) you along. I know this does not make you feel better, but hopefully gives you some insight as to how they think and behave when things are not "Normal".
  13. Your breeder is a very good one, that sets the standard for what all breeders should be like. The breeder we got our grey from was exactly as yours. We started visiting our grey when he was just 6 weeks old two to three times a week. All the greys were socialized from the time they were taken from the nest box with the breeders entire family and of course persons visiting and interested in obtaining one. Socialization is just one of the very important facets of how well rounded a baby grey will be when you eventually take them home. The more socialization, introduction to many new items like toys with different textures and colors along with a variety of fruits, veggies, nuts, pellets, seeds etc. is vital to this. I do not know how close you live to this breeder, but when or grey was 14 weeks old, we started bring him home for 2 to 4 hours at a time a few days a week. His cage etc. was already setup and we had our families over along with young children during some of these at home visits and dayo was very social and interactive with them from the get go. The younger children and family members had to be instructed on ow to properly interact with him and if a young child started get too excited and doing stupid actions and motions as they do would be put in their place immediately and ask kindly never to do that type of thing around dayo to avoid any possible bad incidents between the two. This worked out well for us and made dayo in to the very well socialized interactive, outgoing and inquisitive grey he is today. I am so happy for you and look forward to hearing more as you visit your grey.
  14. Tags and Cags can both growl...... Some pet store helpers are totally full of it many times..... Leaving her in the cage is bad advice. It is perfectly and preferred for her to be out and about so she can interact with you when she chooses. Feeding only by hand is also another ridiculous comment by this person. I wonder what this person did (if anything) for national geographic....Janitor maybe? The only things that develop a relationship between us and our greys is time, patience, trust, not constantly pushing in to their boundaries, unconditional love and more patience. The only way a relationship builds is OUTSIDE the cage. Ask questions on this forum and ignore bad advise from pet shop people is what I would suggest.
  15. It can take up to 2 years for all the flights to molt and grow back in. However, as they do start coming in more lift and flight abilities will start before that long.
  16. Thats wonderful, I am so happy for you and Gracie!
  17. Thats GreYt news, congrats on the first up close and personal interaction.
  18. Thats wonderful news. I'll bet Rosie enjoy that aerial survey of her new kingdom.
  19. These types of horrific events always leaving everyone asking "WHY?. You and all those living in Webster have my deepest sympathy.
  20. LOL Chris - Yeppers, thats a Grey. She sounds like things are going GreYt in the wonderful and loving home she was so fortunate to land in.
  21. Many greys are camera shy especially if we are holding and pointing it at them. Thus when I record dayo, I place the camera on the counter and zoom in on him, then hit the record button and walk away. I keep having to remind myself to see if day would like one of those toys. I look forward to seeing a photo or link to it.
  22. danmcq


    It's funny, but most times they have certain colors they will or will not eat. In general, all parrots are fairly wasteful eaters regardless of the food. They take a bite then toss or just toss somethings for the sake of tossing them.
  23. Merry Xmas to you and all Steve!
  24. Sounds like a normal grey starting to feel at home and having "Grey Fun" to me. You just need to learn to see it coming, duck, weave and let him know your wise to his various games.
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