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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thats wonderful. You have done a great job in working with Alfie.
  2. danmcq

    RIP Lilly

    Very sad news. You have my deepest sympathies. It is good to hear you have already gotten Lilly 2 and are moving forward.
  3. Steve Hartman is a wonderful resource for all parrots. He is the inventor of the aviator harness. He is a member of this forum and an article was placed on this forum a few years ago by him when he first started this imping procedure for parrots. If a parrot is clipped, especially when young and before they have properly fledged and learned the critical flight skills while those neural synapses are built for flight during the formative years. It is the time to have those primaries restored so they can learn to fly at that young age. An older grey that did not learn flight when they should have fledged, will never become the expert flyer they would have become if they learned early. But, it is still a wonderful thing to do for your bird if you have the money and would rather have your bird flighted sooner rather than later.
  4. No, but looking at it, there is no doubt it is a scam. Some of the images they show, are actually pirated from sites showing caged greys that were rescued from poachers in Africa....
  5. Welcome Greg and congratulations on your new young grey. I look forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chance.
  6. Welcome the forum. Your Grey is an infant still. It could be he is not weaned. Is he eating foods such as sees, nuts, pellets or veggies and fruit? If so, I suspect those baby cheeps you are hearing is for want of formula and to be fed a nice hot meal with a spoon. I would suggest contacting the breeder you purchase him from and see what formula they used. You can just prepare a small amount and feed using a teaspoon. You could also just make oatmeal and feed it to pacify the babies needs for a warm meal. Some greys will like a formula or hot cereal their entire lives, most don't though. So, try feeding your baby a warm meal.
  7. They do lose larger feathers as you describe in flight. This is normal. Plucking reveals itself in a completely different manner such as a small bald spot on the chest when they begin.
  8. Welcome Mickeys Mom! I am looking forward to hearing more and seeing any photos or videos you may have as well.
  9. These phrases are entertaining. She is certainly on her way of becoming a well accomplished talker!
  10. Oh Janet, well you can work on that and add it. Thats one thing about posts, they are limited to xxxx number of letters and characters.
  11. Welcome to the forum. They look to be in very good condition. When greys are so open in accepting new people and hoes, that means they were very well socialized and have had a very good and happy life up to the point they came to your loving home. Congratulations on rehoming these greys. I look forward to hearing more from you.
  12. Nice post Nancy. I laughed reading your brother-in-law's questions about farting and coughing. It is wonderful that he was so inquisitive about your bird. Your sister may now be having to talk you brother-in-law out of getting a parrot!
  13. The others have given good thoughts on this in regards them feeling your stress. Greys will call out if your not in sight, which may be one reason he is doing this. I don't know Jellybeans personality and I believe you are still learning his. But one thought based on how my grey reacts to projects going on in the house and just people coming over. He wants to be in the middle of it, see who's here and what we or they are doing. If he is in his cage because we do not want him out for example during this visit or project. He will call and climb all over his cage doing his best to get us to let him out and be a part of it. If he is out, he will fly to wherever the action and people are or want us to take him on our shoulder to where it is so he can see. If we do not take him, he will do fly-by's and get quick snapshots in his mind of whats causing the noise or where and what is taking place. He just wants to be a part of whats going on. From the description of jellybeans actions, he does not sound as much stressed to me, as he wants to know where you are and whats going on. Normally if a grey is stressed, they will be shaking, sometimes with feathers fluffed and will flap or bolt away from the source causing them anxiety.
  14. Gracie is very clear when speaking. I enjoyed watching this video. I got the feeling you had left the room and she was calling to you using "Wheres the Monkey"? Your right about one thing. They will repeat phrases over and over at times.
  15. Thats wonderful news! She looks very well balanced. Just please make certain there is plenty of padding everywhere in case she does accidentally take a fall.
  16. Very cute photos and congrats! Jealousy may build and as you already indicated, caution when the two of them are close is very wise. Your grey can deliver a blood letting bite in the blink of an eye.
  17. As others have said, whistle and sound reproduction is what they do before picking up human speech. It is the only way they can communicate. They have the wolf whistle for example as a seeming instinctual whistle along with their various cheeps, chirping and panting. Dayo learned very quickly for example, when the phone rang, we went and got it immediately. Guess what he used to indicate he wanted us to come and get him? The Phone ring perfectly calibrated. I whistled to Dayo from the beginning, like andy griffith tune and many others. However, I also talked to him in simple terms describing every food item I gave him, what I was doing etc. from day one. As others have said, they will start using words to tell you exactly what they want. Like want apple (dayo's first food item request), then came want carrot, cheese etc. The flood gates of communication open and then they never seem to stop as they continue building their vocabulary. Now I will say, they also come to know, that when you are out of the room they are in, we do not hear them using using words. So guess what they can do at ear piercing unbelievable decibel levels? Whistles and Sounds!! Now the down side to this, is if you ever live in an apartment, it will probably drive your neighbors crazy and start complaining. Thus the cautions here on this forum that has been posted in various threads on teaching whistles. That is the only draw back to adding more whistles to your greys arsenal. Dayo is so loud, that when he hears my car pull in the driveway and I get out, I hear him whistling away with contact calls. They can be heard well past the sidewalk 30 feet in front of my house. Now that is many decibels to achieve and if you were standing in the same room when he did it, I guarantee you it would make your ears ring.
  18. Congrats Sassy. Thats wonderful!! Jeff - They do just sit and repeat words and phrases when just chilling. The Monkey is hilarious!!! Wulfgiest - Jasper is coming along great.
  19. As I said in the other post, your cag is right on the borderline of small/medium. A medium is normally the correct size for a CAG due to the size of their body compared to a TAG which is small in body size.
  20. You can also just take actions on your part when you know this is a behavior now expected. You can just duck when you hear the flapping of him coming or you can throw your arms up to protect you face and head. Your grey will then fly on past. This will eventually stop those attacks. Clipping even lightly should be the last option in my opinion.
  21. A medium sized harness would be correct normally for a CAG. Your greys weight is right on the upper limit of a small and the bottom end of the medium.
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