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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Judygram - If Dayo doesn't eat them, I will, before I through them out :-) . The person I spoke with, said they are actually very tasty and sweet. One other thing he said, was they chew on the fibrous flesh for about 20 minutes per palm nut. So it sounds like besides being good for them nutrition wise, it's also a great time consuming toy :-) Trina - Rub it in, Rub it in ;-) Let us know how yours likes the Palm Nuts!! Number 6 - I am not certain where you like, but they might become a little vinegary in a hot transport situation after they have been in transit for 5 days getting to me. We would need to think about how to perhaps Package, Freeze and ship them to you.
  2. Thanks for the update Pompous. It sounds like you are doing all the right things and just letting him get familiar with his new home and family. :laugh:
  3. Lol, thanks for the morning smile Spookyhurst :-). That is a mental picture that brings a smile. Thanks for sharing this story of Nikko....GoT mY WaaAaAaAy...GoooOoooOoOOoT myyYYyYyYy Waaaaaay :side:
  4. Hi Joe, That is good news and it's nice to hear you have a smile on your face and your Daughter is on the mend now. :-) You , your Daughter and Hemingway should be back to your normal routines soon, which I'm sure is a big relief. Take care and keep us posted when you have time.
  5. Zooky, Though the situation is very difficult, know that Mende has been given a chance to know love, through You. There is nothing in this World more valuable than that. One thing that may give you some peace of mind, is that Mende does not know, her life and condition is abnormal and from your description of how she scrambles about and interacts with you and her environment, she is happy!! So, keep up the great work, know that you have done more than 99% of any animal or bird owner would have done and try and see the Joy you are bringing mende by being the Love of her life, Mother, Friend and care giver. I salute you for your valiance and compassion in all that you do and I know you will continue to do!!!
  6. danmcq

    My Grey

    I feel Ya Toni, I hated the waiting game too! The good news is, you have a very responsible care giver looking after him that wants your new Baby and you, to have the best and safest experience together possible. :-)
  7. Welocme Jasmine!! That was a great intro and it seems you have a few fellow Islanders that are also members of this Forum. We look forward to hearing more from you about your new baby Grey when you bring him/her home. :-)
  8. Well, You all antagonized us men...............but..... I refuse to have a battle of wits, with someone that is unarmed. :woohoo: Ok, lets Dance!!! {Characters-00020059}
  9. Ok Lovely Ladies..... Need I comment further
  10. danmcq

    fruit pot!

    Lovemygrey - mmmmmmm mmmmmmm , Ive had that Jam and it is GooooooD!!
  11. danmcq

    fruit pot!

    Thanks LovemyGreys, when you come over to research this, I will provide you plenty of Water for your desert trek in search of the cactus Fruit. ;-)
  12. But thats impossible because it is constantly moving due to an incurable disease called "Hoof and Mouth" ;-) I wish I wouldn't have said that.
  13. Razza - I love the punchline " frank then asks with a grave undertone..."by the way, what did the chicken do??" Hahahahahahahahahahahahah - VERY FUNNY!!!!!!
  14. Welcome Laurie!!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: That was a great introduction and were all glad to have you here. We can't wait to hear more and see some photo's of your new Grey. :woohoo:
  15. Great new ideas and illustrations.....LETS SEE MORE :woohoo:
  16. lovemyGreys wrote: That is one crazy looking should perch :-) I think I'll pass on that one ;-) nothing like claw holes and poop on your shoulders......:silly:
  17. LOL - All Boxes, Newspaper and Pinatas must be destroyed!! :woohoo: :side: :lol: It sounds like Nikko is doing fine and getting her way. :-) Thanks for the update!
  18. Hmmm, interesting Talon.....This may help guide you to setting the correct preferences on the Lock. You can post using quick reply, but "Full Reply Page" will state it has been locked...... Hope this helps! :-)
  19. danmcq


    Thats a good price Razza and your right, it is a great investment towards monitoring your Grey's health and well being. :-) It's good to hear that Roxy is liking the new setup and doing better. Keep us posted and send photos. :-)
  20. Good morning Joe! :-) Today's is the Day...keep us posted on your Daughter and just know she is in our thoughts this morning wishing her a speedy recovery and you peace of mind!
  21. Hello Jasmine and Welcome to this Forum!! :-) You asked: "My question to everybody is what is the best and quickest way to get rid off them and what exactly can rodent do to the birds? " The most popular ways to get rid of rodents are to put traps out or use rodent poison. Depending on children or pets you have in your home will determine what would be the safest to use in your circumstances. It is unlikely a rodent would harm your new baby grey. He` has a powerful beak, quick reflexes and a GROWL that would send most people thinking twice about going any closer. :-) I hope this helps answer your question. When you get a chance, please go to the Welcome room and introduce yourself there, where most members view to see who's new. :-) Again, Welcome!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/29 11:15
  22. Laurie wrote: Hi Laurie and Welcome. :-) To answer your first question, I cover my Grey. I do so for 2 reasons. 1. He seems to like it. 2. I keep odd hours and am one of those people that can only sleep 5 - 6 hours. That means, many times, I am up at 3am or 4am. I do not want Dayo's sleep interrupted due to me quietly walking around the house, logged on the PC to do some work and also hit this Forum. Your second question, I think is the key. If your Grey is uncomfortable with his cage covered, then by all means leave it uncovered. This something you will need to experiment with and then go with the consistent preference of your Grey. Isn't it wonderful how each have their own personality and preferences, just like us humans? :-) It's great to have you as a member of this Forum!
  23. danmcq

    fruit pot!

    Judy, well.......It's Cactus Fruit....Fruit of the Cactus.....Fruit from the Cactus......hmmmmmmm, those are all the ways I can think of explaining it. :-) Ok, I am talking of one type which grows here in the deserts of the southwest USA. It is called Saugaro cactus fruit. Maybe a Picture: <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/29 10:22
  24. I have not ordered any yet. I am trying to get enough local people willing to take 5 to 10 pounds each, since it is a 50 lb minimum order. When we visited our Breeders Saturday night, I brought the topic up. They are interested in some and are talking to another breeder in a city only 15 miles away that has 6 pairs of African Greys. I should know by this Saturday if it's a green light to order. :-) I sure want some badly......if someone doesn't commit soon, I will just order 50 lb, stuff what I can in my freezer and throw the rest away once they turn vinegary. :woohoo:
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