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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    That sounds like a great time for you and your hubby. Miami and surrounding areas offer a ton of things to do and see. Not knowing what you enjoy doing, such as the Space Center, Disney Land, Epcot ( I love epcots multi-cultural villages and fireworks!!), drive down to the Key's...too much to mention. I have traveled to Florida many times on business trips and of course visited many places of interest each time. There are forum members, like NevJoe that live there and would be able to suggest even more. But, it all boils down to your and hubbies interests. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/01 15:18
  2. Wow LMG (lovemygreys) that is a very good bargain and it looks like new since you gave it the sanitizing and detailing!!! Good Find, I will start watching ebay for deals such as this. :-)
  3. Oh my God, what a deplorable living condition you rescued that poor guy from!! I would have probably taken all the Parrots out of horror and sadness for them and turned the owners in to the local humane society for animal abuse. It sounds like that poor guy has a ton of baggage from 6 years of who knows what living environment. You have made significant progress it sounds like. One thing to consider, you have decades to build a loving and fun relationship with him :-) Some Greys, even when living with their same owner from weaning time, do not like any changes in their cage, toys or even in your house. So it may be that he will always be that way. One thing that may help, is to give him as much time out of the cage as possible, so he is exposed to a world of adventure and socialization with other people to explore he has never been given the chance to, after being kept in his cage full-time by previous owners. You have done a great humanitarian deed and I know that little guy loves you for it. :-) Thanks for posting this, now on to Part 2!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/01 14:49
  4. Thats so Cool Monique! B) That would have been a Kodak moment to see the look on your Face when you heard that first word. :-)
  5. I have one rope toy in Dayo's cage. It is a 1/4 in diameter cotton rope, about 18 inches long with a Plastic ball with bell inside he bat's around.......It's coming out. Thanks for the input all have contributed to this thread. :-)
  6. LOL you two!! We had my Granddaughters 14th Birthday party over here last night. It is was fun until.......someone bought Her panties from Victoria's secret :ohmy: ....I pitty the fool little Boy that starts coming around her, I will be like Robert De Niro in "Meet the Fockers", RV, Electronic Surveillance, Back ground checks etc. :angry: I will be his worst nightmare ... Anyway, back on topic before the (ahem) On Topic Police notice....Yes, any size box will be BIG FUN for most Greys. :-)
  7. Hi Makena, It's interesting that Makena reacted to the harness like that, after all the other adventures and play you have described in your many posts since He came home. But, as the DVD points out, it could be a process of time with him getting used to it being close, then slowly handling it around him and touching him with it until he is no longer fearful. That sounds like a Bite that would make the best of us wince :pinch: and I am sure a shock at the same time since he has never demonstrated behaviour like that. But, one thing for certain, is it was meant for the Harness, not you :-) you just happened to be part of it at the time. I like your style.....get your fiance to take over the Harness familiarization process ;-) Ah, the joys of being "The Man" when it fits the soon to be brides purpose of getting something done they don't want to do :woohoo: That is a perfect picture of Makena "Someones going to get hurt" :-)
  8. Welcome TinyTimneh!! We look forward to hearing from you too. :-) Since you have had your re-homed TAG for 2 years and had to overcome issues (Baggage) with him. It will be interesting and helpful to hear what you had to deal with and how you overcame it. You will find we are more of a family here, than just some members of a forum that post every so often. We look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your Timneh. Again, Welcome. :-)
  9. :ohmy: Sorry Judy, we must have both been replying to lovemygreys at the same time, but you hit [submit] before I did. To make up for it.... Judy is a wonderful Woman of many talents, wits, intelligence, humor and most importantly Love for all.
  10. Thanks Joe!! We knew we could count on you for a definative answer :-) We'll look forward to hear what the answer is.
  11. Ok, now I have two of you ribbing me :pinch: ...... I like it :silly: But, yes I am sometimes over precise, but hey, the best I could get from you two were shoebox sizes
  12. Lovemygreys is a very knowledgeable, intelligent and beautiful Woman that has contributed greatly since joining this Forum and Family.
  13. Talon - I didn't start this thread about food, blame Number6 :laugh: Duck and weave, Duck and weave.... You Lovely Women are training me Well!!!
  14. What a great wealth of knowledge we have on this Forum! Thank You MrSpock for the very informative post. :-) Razza45, it's good to hear you are so attentive to your Grey. :cheer: Also, I am very happy to hear all is normal.
  15. Yes I do, feel obligated to give you a daily laugh. :-) But, you fell into my fishing for your shoe size!!! Must keep this on Topic, Dayo's box is 12x10x7 inches high.
  16. Hi Razza45, Is your TAG eating, playing and acting as it normally would? If not, you should take your TAG to a Veterinarian. Tail Feather and Flight feather discoloration and deformities can indicate illness.
  17. Ok, Miss smarty pants Judy. Shoe boxes are relative to the size shoe you wear, so is your Grey a size 5 Womens or a size 13 Mens? :whistle:
  18. Loviechick, Your Friends Grey is just getting his Pad ready for the lady he met down the street. :whistle: Back on topic....who knows what He's thinking besides just making it his home. :cheer:
  19. mmmmm mmmmm, you have really made me hungry now :-) I like my Fillet Mignon with Whiskey Pepper Sauce....I think I need to take Kim out to dinner ;-)
  20. Yes, there is no doubt a Playgym Tree stand or hanging is a definite must for any Parrot. The main thrust of the website is about the superiority of Bottlebrush. That is what I am uncertain of and really doubt. There are many Grey owners with Manzanita Tree Stands and hanging playgyms that are perfectly satisfied and so are their Greys. :-)
  21. Actually, Dayo is well balanced on the shoulder. I walk around all day long with him shouldered, no problem. I believe I need to teach my grandson what he can and can not do with Dayo on his shoulder.....like no running, jumping etc. There's no telling what he did that resulted in Dayo having to hang on.
  22. That is a very interesting website concerning Bottlebrush playgyms with his claims and opinions. I like the designs of both the stands and hanging gyms. But, I will need to do a lot more research before before coming to any type of judgement on which wood is best for a Grey or any other Parrot. I am not certain, that wood a type really makes much difference at all to the Parrot. However, each type does have characteristics peculiar to it in terms of hardness, size and shape. I will also need to lean on our resident Playgym Builder "Nevada Joes" expert opinion on this too. Since several of us are on a waiting list to procure one from him. :-)
  23. Joe - It's actually good it happened while she is still there under 24/7 care. That means they got on it right away, which may not have happened if she had already been discharged. I know this is a set back for you both. Please know all our thoughts and prayers are for a speedy recovery.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/31 19:26
  24. Awwww :blush: Come on Folks. I learned everything I know from this Forum and it's great members!! :-)
  25. Yes, when clipping the Nails is the normal time to get the DNA sample to send off. What's nice about the online services, is once you send it off, you can watch online for the results. Instead of having to wait for snail mail to deliver it. :-)
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