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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Atlas, What a wonderful story of your life and times with your Parrots and free flying. Those beautiful and happy memories will always be with you. No wonder your remaining Grey is so devastated. :-( I hope you are successful in your endeavor to find another buddy and family member to bring the joy back you once had. That sounds like a very tall order to fill though. How long did you work with them in-house, training them to fly to you on command etc? You have a wealth of experience and knowledge. I appreciate your sharing it. Please keep doing so and if you have any photos of your Parrots, especially outside in free-flight, I would love to see them. :-)
  2. Tari - You Wrote : "Wild birds don't bite each other they make lots of noise get tall and try to scare the other off to a different tree." I have watched "Wild Birds" attack both by biting and with Talons fiercly damaging another Bird, sometimes even killing them. I am not talking about Hawks either, I have seen Blue Jay's, Crow's, Mocking Birds etc. do this.
  3. Oh My God, someone help me get up off the floor!!! MrSpock, you have surpassed even yourself. :-)
  4. Hi Jackie, What an interesting story you have to tell. I am sure you could share tons of information on Wild captured Grey's versus domesticated. Having actually been members of a wild flock. One would think they would more readily accept new ones into their Flock, such as babies, once they have matured and left the sides of their Parents. I have never read of a general guideline on how long on average it would take two parrots to accept each other, if they ever do. You must had one wild ride in trying to overcome the abusive baggage those poor wild caught Greys suffered at the hands of those previous owners. Please share more as you have time. :-)
  5. danmcq


    The Death of Alex is a great loss. I have a feeling he will continue to become ever more immortalized, through his death. The Media will publish it on TV, Newspapers etc. to the worlds 90 percent that had never heard of Alex or Dr. Pepperberg. This could be a new beginning, rather than an ending.... A remembrance of Alex Clip: "Wonderful stories about Alex came not only from his intelligence but also from his charm and humor. One episode that sticks with me involves a press conference where Dr. Pepperberg was trying to get Alex to identify the shape and color of an object she was hold in front of him. He gave her the cold shoulder by not saying a word, and the press conference was falling flat. Pepperberg decided to leave the stage to get another African Grey, hoping it would help Alex lighten up and respond as hoped. No sooner had she left then Alex looked at the gathered press and said very quietly, into the microphone, to the delight of his audience, “Triangle. Purple.” " Fly on Alex, Fly on, High High above...........
  6. Welcome Jackie! It's nice to have you on this Forum. :-) It seems you were very fortunate that Gaia accepted Shyla and they enjoy each others Company. A 3 Month old Baby is a completely different story. It's not natural for a Baby to be exposed to strange Adult Greys, only their Parents (or Owners) are the Norm. They all stay together in your Home Office, with no Cages? I probably misunderstand your post. Youve had your Original since 1986. How old was he when you got him? You have 2 decades of experience with Greys, so I am sure you could give many here good advice based on that experience. :-) We look forward to hearing more from you and maybe see some Photos. :-) Also, why don't you post an introduction of yourself in the welcome room. That way the other members will know you are new. :-)
  7. Parrot -vs- Leopard A wealthy old lady decides to go on a photo safari in Africa, taking her parrot along for company. One day the parrot starts chasing butterflies and before long, discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a hungry-looking leopard heading rapidly in his direction. The parrot thinks, "Oh, oh!" Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the leopard is about to leap, the parrot exclaims loudly, "Boy, that was one delicious leopard! I wonder if there are any more around here?" Hearing this, the leopard halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees. "Whew!", says the leopard, "That was close! That parrot nearly had me!" Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the leopard. So off he goes, but the parrot sees him heading after the leopard with great speed, and figures that something must be up. The monkey soon catches up with the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the leopard. The leopard is furious at being made a fool of and says, "Here, monkey, hop on my back so you can watch me chew that parrot to bits!" Now, the parrot sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back and thinks, "What am I going to do now?", but instead of running, the parrot sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet, and waits until they get just close enough to hear. "Where's that damn monkey?" the parrot says, "I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another leopard!"
  8. Hi Ubecrew, Perhaps in performing the exercise a few more times, she will start flapping. She is a smart Grey to have learned she can open and close her door by flapping! :-) Thats actually a cool mental image and an entertainer. :-) Special - LOL, it could also be that never learning to fly, has a lot to do with her not realizing yet, that she can control her descent by doing so, since it seems she may have never fledged. You may need to become the Mommy Grey and by doing the exercises MrSpock gave, over and over, she will start flapping and feeling the lift from those power wings. Perhaps there are others here that has a Grey in the past that never fledged and had to be taught that they are a Bird and those wings are made for flying, not just balance. B)
  9. Ok, "Rambo" was a good assassin ;-)
  10. Buuuuuaaaaaahhhhhhhahahahahahahahahaha {Feel-good-0002006E} your killing me............
  11. Atlas, Having the many years of experience you do with multiple Parrots of different varieties, gives you an expert level of knowledge on this Topic. The way you housed all of them with such freedom and I'm sure joyful interaction is envious. You could be teaching us quite a bit. :-) It is sad to hear of how he sits staring in the Bathroom Mirror for fellow Parrot company, even though he has you two, which he dearly loves. You have all the right ideas and knowledge. Only you can select and bring home a new Parrot that you feel would fit the culture and personalty of your Home and your Grey. We would all love to hear all the stories you have to share and also Photos. :-) I would bet you have MANY fascinating stories to tell and knowledge to share.
  12. Hahahah - Electronic demands via email with-in the same home....I Love It!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  13. She is a beautiful Girl and is obviously kept in a very nice aviary. :-) I believe this is at a Breeder a long way from you correct? Will you be able to visit at all?
  14. Hi Atlas and welcome!! :-) It's too bad he has lost his play buddies. How long has it been since they have been gone? Has he seemed to wanted to spend more time with you know? You have many years of experience with your Grey and are the only that would know if his personalty would be conducive in receiving a baby grey newcomer. Tari gave great advice, as always. :-)
  15. Cactus Fruit Jam and Palm Nuts mmmmmmm mmmmm that sounds good ;-) Still waiting on a reply from the other breeder on the Palm Nuts. Cactus flower Jam is on my "To Do" list :-) Ha!! Your a bunch of Nut's...... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/07 02:12
  16. Hahahahahahahah, good one!! :lol:
  17. WOW, what beautiful, logical and well founded reasoning Dave (MrSpock). I would like to see this Posted in the Health and Wellness section as a permanent article. {Characters-00020078}
  18. Wow, that is GOOD pricing Joe!
  19. Very nice photos Tari! :-) What a layout. It looks like a fantastic breeding facility. The must have years and years of experience at doing this. The Military looks very similar to a Mitred. Is it bigger?
  20. Wow Joe - You do VERY NICE work!! :-) I can't wait to get the hanging playgym. Also, I pick up one of these stands for Dayo to. What's the build time on them and what do you charge? You can PM me if you want to give extra special low pricing ;-)
  21. LOL David - I am not trying to Trap you. Everyone here knows I am not of that nature. I know you don't though :-) My Comments, even if it's an answer to a question, are open for comment too. This is a very touchy subject, I know. In fact, I have yet to make my mind up on Clipping one way or another, for my situation. I feel VERY strongly, that, if at all possible, all birds should remain unclipped. In fact, I wanted Dayo to come home from the Breeders unclipped, but they refused, based on their bias. The good news is, the clip was very slight and Dayo flies fairly well. :-) I would love to fly Dayo on an Aviator Harness with plenty of line, once he is well trained. So, lower your guard, I just like to tease and joke with people, not battle. :-) Thanks for all your great posts and information.
  22. Great information on physical flying Therapy Dave!! Ubecrew - Did the person you adopted your Grey from have any info on the history and/or possibly obtained a Vet checkup while in their care? If not, it may be wise, as others indicated to have a Vet give him the "A Ok" for Flight School. :-)
  23. Hi Devanz, Your absolutely right. If something looks like a good chew toy, he's going to chew. :-) I must watch Dayo every second he's on my Computer desk. Even though I have hidden the cables as best I can, he knows they are there and once he finds them, the chewing begins. You have to take the good with the bad. ;-) It's really good to hear that he has made progress in your efforts to deter him from actions you do have influence over!! :-)
  24. A previous broken wing is possible, but it sounds more as if the wing clip is not equal on both sides and too much was clipped. She should be able to atleast generate enough lift to fly away from the Cage downwards at a 45 degree angle.
  25. LOL - That would have been a great Photo with your Grey in the Toilet. :-) But, I'm sure you were more worried at the moment about getting him out. :ohmy: Did he even try to flutter on his way down? It would seem odd, if he didn't. It seems to be a natural reaction for any bird when falling to flap furiously.
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