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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Hannah!! Thanks for joining our Forum and the nice introduction. It's great to hear that your long awaited dream is about to come true. :-) With proper socialization with several people, your Grey will probably do just fine in the Classroom. This is premised of course, upon your very close supervision of the interaction level you allow your class of preschoolers to have. Which I would imagine would be appreciation from a distance. :-) We look forward to hearing more from you. There are many topics here on this forum ready for searching and of course we are always more than eager to help if you post any questions. Again, Welcome!!!
  2. How come you and your dad don't look alike Joe ;-) Talk about spitting images :-) Very cool picture B)
  3. Thanks for starting this Joe!! We will never forgot.............Please take a moment of silence for all those fallen.
  4. The ABCD...I was done by dblhelix (Mark) VERY funny!! Yeah, listening to Construction worker talk is replusive, at best. Not entertaining at all.....
  5. Wish granted, but n ow to pay for it, you work 7 days a week , 14 hours a day in the new shop. I wish I had a hanging Playstand ;-)
  6. LOL!! Aren't these all MUCH better than just gutter cussing? To get back on topic ;-)
  7. LOL - That would be Cooooool B) FREEZE, or I'll shoot!
  8. Dayo helped me eat a Burrito with cheese melted over it and plenty of hot salsa.....He REALLY liked it. :-) He started acting like I was his parent feeding him, panting, jackhammering and of course chopping on that Burritos end I hadn't touched. :-) I figure it was the Salsa that he really loved.
  9. hahahaha, I love that! Army wise, how about "SALUTE!!" or "Ten Hut!!" ? :-) Karma + for you!!
  10. LOL - I have Einstein on my favorites too. :-) I would love to get Dayo trained like that, but first I am waiting for the first word(s) utterance.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/11 15:37
  11. It is, isn't it!!! They are learning our words, actions and body language, while at the same time we are learning theirs. :-)
  12. But, the sandwhich has gone stale, but hey you can eat it still......at your own risk. I wish I was in maui.
  13. It is could to hear that the Clicker Training is working and that your Boyfriend can get him to step up without biting. It just sounds like the Grey prefers you, but also understands your Boyfriend is his primary care giver, just not the one your Grey wants to "Neck" with. ;-) So, patience and time will build trust and closeness between your Boyfriend and Grey. But, just do as Beccy suggested and avoid cuddles for now. Time and Patience are the key with Greys :-)
  14. It could be that your Grey is in his Terrible Two's and starting to exercise his\her independence. Be patient and don't push your will on him. Give him some space to see you respect his wishes. But, when he is trying to bite, do not flinch and or pull your hand back. If you do, you will be training him to bite everytime. The are other members here that have gone through the terrible twos and will be able to share much more with you on this. I just noticed....this original thread started in 2005. I guess the original poster never followed up....
  15. Sky sounds like a wonderful Sun Beccy. I know there would not be a better owner than you for Sky. :-) Keep us posted on your visit with Sky and how things went. It almost sounds like your timing was spot on, to help this little guy find a loving, caring and permanent home!
  16. MrSpock wrote: Shhhhhh Dave - We can't let them know we Men are secretly recruiting more forces and plotting our strategies. ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/11 04:28
  17. Yes, a Sun would be a Fun addition. They are characters!! :-)
  18. OooOooOoohHHhhhhH Judy, thats it, I've really had it this time........I'm coming after you......
  19. Im gonna do the Six step outta here......
  20. Gawd you do nice work Joe!! Thanks for sharing this and being our own Playstand builder here on GreyForums!!! Is this becoming a true thriving community or what? :-)
  21. Awww too sad Dave. :-( Now you will need to find another source of income and companionship. ;-) LOL, thanks for the laugh!!!
  22. Wow Joe!!!! What a great Family Photo. :-) Now you are making the rest of us sweat bullets trying to find one as good. :woohoo:
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